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men can be sooo useless! I need some serious gift advice please!LONG..SORRY

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My Love

Member since 5/05

31600 total posts


men can be sooo useless! I need some serious gift advice please!LONG..SORRY

Hi Girls : - )

First off I wanted to thank everyone who suggested getting my bf's dad wine for his bday cause he loved it, dinner with my bf's family was a huge success and I was verry happy about that.. My bf's brother and sil are going away for the holidays so we wont see them until NYE... so cut to the end of the nite--and to my shock his brother and sil give my bf his gift and give ME a hanukkah gift.. i was shocked and thought it was soooo thoughful of them!!!!! So I get home and am able to open the gifts... and to my delite it was 2 books.. Memoirs of a Geisha and IN her Shoes.. It was especially a Thoughtful gift to me cause the first time I ever met the Brother and SIL.. we had a long discussion about these books, and how I love train reading material on my way to work and was really wanting to buy those books, just that they rememebered was sooooo sweet!!!

So of course I am going to buy something for my bf's brother and SIL and give it to them on NYE--- so i ask my bf..oh do u wanna buy them gifts together or seperate and he says why r u getting them anything, and i said cause they got me something how can I not recipricate ESPECIALLY when they were sooo thoughtful..and he said he isnt getting them i told him thats kinda messed up and hes like I havent gotten them anything for the last 4 years why would i do it
#1 I think thats HORRIBLE HE DOESNT GET THEM ANYTHING AT im totally disgusted but just like 'whatever'

I AM STILL GETTING THEM on TO the u have any ideas on what i can get them??? I am totally stumped.. i saw a gorgeous sweater in ann taylor or an awesome bag for her---but what to get the brother..

::SIGH:: my bf is being soooo useLESS!!!!

Message edited 12/18/2005 10:28:00 PM.

Posted 12/18/05 10:25 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: men can be sooo useless! I need some serious gift advice please!LONG..SORRY

How about a joint gift??

Maybe a gift card... to there fav restaurant??

My sil and her BF are really into wine...So I got them wine glasses and had someone hand paint a design on them...a wine rack, and wine markers...

If thats something your interested in... I can give you the girls number...

Otherwise... I would just find out things they are interested in...and go from there

Posted 12/18/05 10:29 PM


Member since 5/05

30390 total posts


Re: men can be sooo useless! I need some serious gift advice please!LONG..SORRY

I think your ideas for the SIL are dead for the BIL- What're his hobbies?

Poker? Does he like to read? Tools? DVDs (a certain TV show on DVD?) iPod accessories? A leather PDA case? about a subscription to S.I.?

hmmm...I'll keep thinking. Chat Icon

Posted 12/18/05 10:34 PM

Earned My Bragging Rights!

Member since 5/05

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Re: men can be sooo useless! I need some serious gift advice please!LONG..SORRY

Gift Card to a Restaurant sounds wonderful to me!
I think if you stick around long enough your Bf will like the idea of gift giving to his familyChat Icon
Men really are Clueless when it comes to this stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/18/05 10:40 PM

My Love

Member since 5/05

31600 total posts


Re: men can be sooo useless! I need some serious gift advice please!LONG..SORRY

thanks girls, i def need to come up with something cute, i just dont get how he can be so nonchalant about accepting there gifts and getting them nothing lolChat Icon

Message edited 12/18/2005 10:42:54 PM.

Posted 12/18/05 10:42 PM


Member since 6/05

15758 total posts


Re: men can be sooo useless! I need some serious gift advice please!LONG..SORRY

your ideas r good. is there a reason my your bf doesn't buy them gifts. i'm sure whatever u get them, they'll love

Posted 12/19/05 8:48 AM

Happy New Year

Member since 5/05

17334 total posts


Re: men can be sooo useless! I need some serious gift advice please!LONG..SORRY

I think the joint gift idea is great. A gc to a restaurant is a great idea, or maybe even tickets to a broadway show.

Posted 12/19/05 8:51 AM


Member since 5/05

4898 total posts


Re: men can be sooo useless! I need some serious gift advice please!LONG..SORRY

If they haven't gotten a gift from him in 4 years, I'm sure they'll be thrilled with whatever you get them Chat Icon

I wouldn't go too expensive so while the sweater/bag thing sounds nice, to do that and something for the brother when they got you two books (thoughtful, yes; but not over the top expensive), it might seem too much. I agree with the GC to a restaurant. Did you guys mention food in any of your conversations? Maybe something like that that may have come up so it's equally as thoughtful?

Posted 12/19/05 8:53 AM

You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05

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Re: men can be sooo useless! I need some serious gift advice please!LONG..SORRY

Posted by BabyAvocado

I think the joint gift idea is great. A gc to a restaurant is a great idea, or maybe even tickets to a broadway show.

I agree! Good idea!

Posted 12/19/05 8:53 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

681 total posts

This is it

Re: men can be sooo useless! I need some serious gift advice please!LONG..SORRY

Posted by BabyAvocado

or maybe even tickets to a broadway show.

I don't think spending that much money is necessary!!!

Posted 12/19/05 8:59 AM

I'm getting old

Member since 5/05

8688 total posts


Re: men can be sooo useless! I need some serious gift advice please!LONG..SORRY

I dont have any idea what to get them but I just wanted to let you know that before I came into the picture DH didnt buy anything for anyone for the holidays! Moron!

Posted 12/19/05 9:29 AM

My Love

Member since 5/05

31600 total posts


Re: men can be sooo useless! I need some serious gift advice please!LONG..SORRY

Posted by KPtoys

I dont have any idea what to get them but I just wanted to let you know that before I came into the picture DH didnt buy anything for anyone for the holidays! Moron!

thank you! at least I dont feel alone, its one thing if no1 exhanged gifts but how do u get and not recipricate! LOL boys r weird! :)

Posted 12/19/05 9:31 AM

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