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One more Bottle question with BF baby

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Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


One more Bottle question with BF baby

My DD absolutely refuses her bottle, I use advent, let alone what's in it.

I am trying to get her used to bottles, and possibly formula. I go back to work in Sept, and I am not sure whether or not I plan on pumping or weaning yet.

I only want her to take 1 bottle a day, just 1! that's all i ask for!!

She used to take the advents no problem when she was a couple weeks old, now she fights me soo bad and screams. Yesterday she fought me so much wore herself out and fell asleep. She will fight her dad, and anyone else who triesChat Icon Chat Icon

Any advice?

Posted 6/30/06 2:08 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: One more Bottle question with BF baby

I'd try another brand - did you try the playtex nursers? They're supposed to be designed more like a real nipple - worked for us. Also, when DH tries to feed her with the bottle, are you in the room? If so, make sure you are NOWHERE in sight!! She'll likely refuse the bottle if she sees or smells mommy anywhere close. Last, when we had problems getting Alex to take the bottle, and would have to fake her out. I would sit down in the recliner, put her on the boppy like I usually do, pull up my shirt, etc, go through all the motions that I would do when BFing her, but just at the very moment when she's about to latch, I'd stick a bottle in her. Worked like a charm everytime! Chat Icon

Posted 6/30/06 2:18 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/06

1162 total posts


Re: One more Bottle question with BF baby

I'd try a different bottle or maybe try giving her the bottle before she is hungry? that way she isn't upset to begin with?

Posted 6/30/06 2:22 PM

Barb-Never removing this pic!

Member since 11/05

3932 total posts


Re: One more Bottle question with BF baby

Try a different brand and keep trying . It took my son a while. I used Dr. Browns (the skinny ones)

Posted 6/30/06 2:32 PM

Grace is growing up too fast!

Member since 10/05

11561 total posts


Re: One more Bottle question with BF baby

Try the Dr. Brown's bottles, they are great. I BF and occasionally Gracie will take the bottle when DH feeds her.

Posted 6/30/06 3:30 PM

Secret Agent

Member since 8/06

1087 total posts


Re: One more Bottle question with BF baby

Posted 6/30/06 4:02 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1535 total posts


Re: One more Bottle question with BF baby

I know it sounds funny but try a sippy cup instead. My mom is a nanny and for the little girl she babysat she wouldn't take the bottle so they went to the sippy cup instead.. She was 5-6 months old...

Posted 6/30/06 11:40 PM

Blessed x 3

Member since 6/05

2460 total posts


Re: One more Bottle question with BF baby

I started her at 6 weeks on Gerber premie nipples. FLow was much slower. Only my mother and DH could feed her. I used the powdered formula because it was thinner and she would choke on the premade.

Posted 7/1/06 6:00 AM

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