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For those who are PETRIFIED of blood tests...come in!

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My princess!

Member since 5/05

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For those who are PETRIFIED of blood tests...come in!

Ok...I have ALWAYS been petrified of needles. But since going to the re, I have kind of gotten used to the blood tests, as long as they dont take a lot of vials of blood out. Well today I went to the doctor and I dont know if it is because the person doing it wasnt wonderful or it was me again, but I almost passed out. Its the worst feeling in the world. I got all clammy, lost all color, felt like I was going to throw up and pass out at the same time. She called for a nurse and everyone was looking. It was just AWFUL! This used to happen to me EVERY TIME I had a blood test but I thought it had gotten better...guess not. Now I am freaking out because I am pregnant and I know there is a lot more where that came from. How will I handle them??? I cant almost pass out every time! What am I going to do?????

Posted 1/13/06 6:19 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Secret Agent

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Re: For those who are PETRIFIED of blood tests...come in!

they took about 10-12 vials of blood from me last time.. within 5 minutes i was ready to pass out, hanging over the chairs and really dizzy.

in the past, i was terrified of needles also, i would get light-headed all the time, even before they stick the needle in me.

don't feel bad, it *****, but you're not alone. Chat Icon

Posted 1/13/06 6:30 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

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Re: For those who are PETRIFIED of blood tests...come in!

I was TERRIFIED to go for my first blood test, but you have to remember that it's not about YOU. It's about doing the right thing for your baby. Once I went and got it over with, I felt so much better. If you think about all the other things you will have to endure during pregnancy and childbirth, it's not so bad in comparison. Hang in there, you'll get through it and feel good about it after!

Posted 1/13/06 6:34 PM

My princess!

Member since 5/05

6548 total posts


Re: For those who are PETRIFIED of blood tests...come in!

I went for the 15 vials before I got pregnant for the RE. I almost literally died. I will NEVER do it again. I tell the doctor from now on to split the tests up so I dont have them all taken out at once. I know it sounds silly since there are so many other things to go through but this to me is the worst. I cant handle that passing out feeling. Its awful!

Posted 1/13/06 6:40 PM

My Girls

Member since 10/05

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Re: For those who are PETRIFIED of blood tests...come in!

The first time I had 12 vials taken and I almost fainted, they called dh in, But it got easier the next times I had to get blood drawn...

Posted 1/13/06 7:41 PM

Life is good!

Member since 5/05

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Re: For those who are PETRIFIED of blood tests...come in!

I am a fainter too. Always ask to lie down when they take your blood. It helps!

Posted 1/14/06 1:05 AM

Disney cruise bound!

Member since 5/05

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Re: For those who are PETRIFIED of blood tests...come in!

Also if you don't have to fast make sure to have something to eat beforehand and have some water ready too. Chat Icon

Posted 1/14/06 9:18 AM

Bella Bambini

Member since 5/05

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Re: For those who are PETRIFIED of blood tests...come in!

they take that many vials from you at your 1st visit??????

Posted 1/14/06 10:19 AM

Growing up soo fast..

Member since 1/06

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Re: For those who are PETRIFIED of blood tests...come in!

I had 8 vials done at my first appt. and it was horrible. I am not normally afraid of needles or have a problem giving blood but I guess this was just too many at one time. I think I would request them to split up the tests if they have to do that many again. That clammy, dizzy feeling of not knowing if your going to pass out or throw up first is the worstChat Icon

Posted 1/15/06 1:46 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: For those who are PETRIFIED of blood tests...come in!

Posted by rosaria

they take that many vials from you at your 1st visit??????

That's what I was thinking. I'm pretty sure they took like 5 from me, and that was the entire blood test, not split up.

Posted 1/15/06 1:50 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: For those who are PETRIFIED of blood tests...come in!

Posted by rosaria

they take that many vials from you at your 1st visit??????

she said at her first RE visit , not PG visit.

And as you know I was there with you on Friday and that girl was an idiot. I have a HUGE bruise from her taking my blood. I have had my blood done there about 30 times now and it never hurt and I never bruised till Friday, so I think she was having a bad day and you could sense it. Im NOT afraid of anything like that and for her to hurt me, means a lot. Its gonna get easier TRUST me...

And if it helps any, Like I said, I was there and I didnt even see them call a nurse or anything for you, I didnt even notice, so not everyone saw, dont be embarassed! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/15/06 3:04 PM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: For those who are PETRIFIED of blood tests...come in!

Ohhh I'm the queen of needle fear. It used to get soooooooooo bad that I'd work myself into such a frenzy that I'd pass out and then start convulsing a little because my blood sugar would go so low from the stress! My doctor at one point refused to take blood anymore and sent me to the hospital to have it drawn after one of my episodes in his office! My parents even sent me to a biofeedback specialist so I could get a handle on it...

There were times during the pregnancy that I would freak out, but overall, as you get closer to delivery, speaking as someone who was DEATHLY afraid of blood and needles, you should find that you'll become sooooooooo focused on your little one and the pregnancy that slowly, slowly, slowly your fears will start to decrease. I remember that the last time I had an IV inserted I passed out and had a major episode. I was soooooooooo proud of myself this time when I got to the hospital and didn't pass out when they put in the IV. Was I freaked out and disgusted? HELL YEAH. But I made it through it and to be honest, the contractions are a whole hell of a lot worse than any fear of needles you might have, let me tell you! They take your mind off it all VERY quickly Chat Icon

In the meantime, this is what I suggest - ANYTIME I get blood taken I tell the nurse that I need a private room and I need to lay down otherwise I'll pass out. They're usually VERY understanding about it, and after a few months of this, they would just smile when I came to the office and take me back without me having to say anything. It also helps to have them talk to you while they're doing it to distract you. I always ask the nurse to keep talking to me while she's drawing the blood.

Good luck, and I PROMISE, if I could make it through a pregnancy and delivery (c-section and all!) you can definitely do it too...

Edited to add, drink some OJ or something with sugar before you have blood drawn - it should help prevent your blood sugar from dropping quickly, which wll prevent you from passing out.

Message edited 1/15/2006 3:46:41 PM.

Posted 1/15/06 3:44 PM

This is how I play basketball!

Member since 6/05

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Re: For those who are PETRIFIED of blood tests...come in!

I totally agree with Bxgll- I used to have anxiety attacks as well- fainting, the whole deal, but it seems that I have gotten over it! It's truly a miracle! I always ask for a private room & tell them I have to lay down. If it's not a lot of vials, I ask for a pediatric needle- if it's like ten vials, then a pediatric needle just takes too long. There really aren't that many blood tests when you are pregnant- I was expecting a lot more!

Posted 1/15/06 5:44 PM

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