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breastfeeding questions

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My love.

Member since 5/05

6247 total posts


breastfeeding questions

I have a few random questions....

Does it ever get to the point where your breasts aren't super engourged when it is time to feed - or close to feeding time? I feel a little trapped by my boobs - I feel every 2.5 - 3 hours my whole body changes - it scares me to go out for this reason.

Also - if you pump - how often do you do it and for how long?

For ladies that never put the baby on your breast - but bottle feed breastmilk - how often to you pump and for how long?

Posted 9/28/05 8:20 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Infant

Member since 7/05

268 total posts


Re: breastfeeding questions

For me (I know I'm the minority) I prefer pumping bm and then bottle feeding my son. Every now and then I put him to the breast (he has never had a problem going between the two--I actually did this this morning and then an hour later I pumped), but every since he was born (August 10th), I've been pumping away. In the beginning I would pump every 2 hours, but for the past 4 weeks or so I pump every 4 hours for 15 minutes at a time and produce anywhere between 5-8 oz per pumping (he drinks about 5 0z per feeding). I have plenty of bm in the freezer already and feed him from the breastmilk that I have in the fridge (I always have 5 bottles in there--they never go more that 48 hours without being consumed). For me this works really well.

BTW--He has 1 bottle of formula a day (his feedig before "bedtime" and this helps me stockpile extra milk.

Posted 9/28/05 10:27 AM

I'm getting old

Member since 5/05

8688 total posts


Re: breastfeeding questions

Jeremy is 8 months old and I still leak if I dont feed him often enough. You can wear breastpads to protect against leakage showing when you go out.

I cant answer the pumping questions cause I hate milking myselfChat Icon

Posted 9/28/05 11:38 AM

My girls

Member since 7/05

4303 total posts


Re: breastfeeding questions

Yes (note: for some people)! At this point I only feel super engorged first thing in the morning. I haven't leaked during the day for months. (Baby is six months old now)

I also can't help with the pumping questions. I absolutely hated pumping, so I don't do it regularly.

Posted 9/28/05 12:59 PM

Yay Spring!

Member since 5/05

5133 total posts


Re: breastfeeding questions

The key is to keep to a schedule. Whether pumping or feeding, try to feed the same time everyday. Your body adjusts with a supply and demand, so the more regular you are with pumping and feeding, the easier it will be on your body.

I am going back to work next week so I've been pumping to stockpile. I pumped one time per day extra (midway between two feedings - the same two feedings - every day). I also pumped at night before bed as a replacement pumping (my DH would feed Jesse with BM in a bottle for that feeding to get him used to a bottle). I usually pump for 20 minutes each session.

Posted 9/28/05 2:51 PM

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