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so newborn moms - how did everyone do last night?

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My love.

Member since 5/05

6247 total posts


so newborn moms - how did everyone do last night?

Talia slept from
10:45 - 1:30 (I am surprised she didn't sleep longer - she ate almost 6 oz. before she went to sleep!)

Then from 3-6

She just fell asleep 10 minutes ago (at 7:45) so I may go back to sleep while I can...

How was your night?

Posted 10/21/05 7:55 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: so newborn moms - how did everyone do last night?

Actually - quite good! Sllep @ 10:30 then not up until 2:30 and then again at 6:30!!Chat Icon

Posted 10/21/05 8:36 AM


Member since 5/05

4457 total posts


Re: so newborn moms - how did everyone do last night?

well, my boy is 9 weeks old and he slept from 10pm-6am!! then back to sleep until 8:30, this should give a ray of ligjht to those of you who are suffering right now, it all gets easier!!!

Posted 10/21/05 9:08 AM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: so newborn moms - how did everyone do last night?

Not too bad.
She was down from 8:30-11:30 then about 12:30-3, then about 4-6:30.

Wow Jen 6oz? The most I can get Miranda to take is 3oz but usually it's 2. I keep wishing I could get her to eat more before bed and maybe sleep a little bit longer stretch.

Posted 10/21/05 10:04 AM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

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Re: so newborn moms - how did everyone do last night?

Emily had 3 oz at 11:45 and slept until 4am!

Then she had another 3.5 ounces and slept until 10 am this morning!!!

She was up for about an hour and a half at 4 but not cranky. I actually was dead tired and put her in the car seat and placed it beside the bed so I could doze a bit. I was afraid that if I held her I'd drop her or something!

I was actuallyw orried about her going 6 hours without feeding. Should I have woken her up? It was just nice being able to sleep for a few hours straight!

Posted 10/21/05 10:48 AM

My boys

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Re: so newborn moms - how did everyone do last night?

Not too bad.....11-4am....4:40-7:15...Can't wait to get rid of that 4am feeding!

Posted 10/21/05 10:59 AM

My love.

Member since 5/05

6247 total posts


Re: so newborn moms - how did everyone do last night?

Posted by monkeybride

Wow Jen 6oz? The most I can get Miranda to take is 3oz but usually it's 2. I keep wishing I could get her to eat more before bed and maybe sleep a little bit longer stretch.

Yup! She usually takes between 4-4.5 oz...but I had a suspicion she was really hungry - she had slept through a feeding earlier in the day so I filled up her bottle more than normal and she took it all. Didn't make her sleep any longer though Chat Icon

Posted 10/21/05 10:59 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/05

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Re: so newborn moms - how did everyone do last night?

Wow...I can't wait until she sleeps more than 4 hours at a time at night!!
Last night wasn't too was the morning that killed me. She was up around 5:30 am today and has been sleeping for 20 minutes at a time then waking up screaming. She's in her swing now with the hiccups (which actually prevents her from screaming!) so we'll see what happens for the rest of the afternoon...Chat Icon

Posted 10/21/05 11:35 AM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: so newborn moms - how did everyone do last night?

Posted by NK926

Wow...I can't wait until she sleeps more than 4 hours at a time at night!!
Last night wasn't too was the morning that killed me. She was up around 5:30 am today and has been sleeping for 20 minutes at a time then waking up screaming. She's in her swing now with the hiccups (which actually prevents her from screaming!) so we'll see what happens for the rest of the afternoon...Chat Icon

I hope your day gets better. I know what that nap/scream cycle is like and its not fun.

Posted 10/21/05 1:52 PM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: so newborn moms - how did everyone do last night?

We had an awesome night!!! (and SO deserved it after the last few days). She ate close to 5 ounces at 11:15... we put her down at 11:45pm and she didn't wake up until 5am! Put her back down at 6am and she woke up at 8:30am... WOOHOO! Chat Icon

Posted 10/21/05 1:52 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: so newborn moms - how did everyone do last night?

Posted by Bxgell2

We had an awesome night!!! (and SO deserved it after the last few days). She ate close to 5 ounces at 11:15... we put her down at 11:45pm and she didn't wake up until 5am! Put her back down at 6am and she woke up at 8:30am... WOOHOO! Chat Icon

I can't wait until I can post something like that. Miranda will take 3 ounces at the most and that's rare. She likes to eat less more often.

Posted 10/21/05 1:57 PM

My Ray of sunshine

Member since 5/05

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Re: so newborn moms - how did everyone do last night?

Kaylee was on such a great schedule until last night. She went to bed at 11:30 and was up at 1:30 and then again at 4:30 and then again at 5:45 and 8. Before last night she would go bed at 12 and sleep till 4:30 or 5 o'clock. I can not wait until she is on some sort of schedule. Hopefully tonight will be a better night.

Posted 10/21/05 3:03 PM

Family of 5!

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Re: so newborn moms - how did everyone do last night?

Ryan went to bed around 11:30 woke up around 2 then up again 530, and lastly up again @ 730....This is Def better than its been, but Id love to have some nights like ou girls!!!

Posted 10/21/05 3:20 PM


Member since 5/05

4317 total posts


Re: so newborn moms - how did everyone do last night?

Hayley was better last night be she slept in her swing and I slept on the couch. She ate at 9:30 and she was awake so I put her in the swing. We both fell asleep and she woke up at 1:00. She ate and I put her back in her swing. She went from 1:30 to 5am. She ate and I tried to put her in the crib but as soon as I put her down, she was awake and crying so back into her swing she went and she slept until 9am.

Now if I can just get her to sleep in her crib......

Posted 10/21/05 5:36 PM


Member since 5/05

2730 total posts


Re: so newborn moms - how did everyone do last night?

Posted by MrsR

Talia slept from
10:45 - 1:30 (I am surprised she didn't sleep longer - she ate almost 6 oz. before she went to sleep!)

Then from 3-6

She just fell asleep 10 minutes ago (at 7:45) so I may go back to sleep while I can...

How was your night? that 60z of breast milk or formula?

Posted 10/21/05 5:39 PM


Member since 5/05

15167 total posts


Re: so newborn moms - how did everyone do last night?

I am so tired!! My girls are on 2 different schedules. The smallest one sleeps longer & I leave her alone. So when one is done & ready to sleep I attempt to go back & just as I do WHAMMO the other one will wake up. It takes close to 2 hours to feed, burp & change them. Usually happens around 3:00am

Posted 10/21/05 6:36 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: so newborn moms - how did everyone do last night?

Posted by IrishTracy

I am so tired!! My girls are on 2 different schedules. The smallest one sleeps longer & I leave her alone. So when one is done & ready to sleep I attempt to go back & just as I do WHAMMO the other one will wake up. It takes close to 2 hours to feed, burp & change them. Usually happens around 3:00am

I couldn't imagine doing it with two. You are a saint in my book!

Posted 10/21/05 6:37 PM

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