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Breastfeeding Vent/Question

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

805 total posts


Breastfeeding Vent/Question

I am still exclusively breast feeding but I don't know how much more I can take. It's making me very stressed and it seems like all i'm doing all day long is pumping.
My question is this: I plan on bf for 6 months. Does this mean I will have to pump every 3-4 hours for the next 6 months? I was hoping to get myself on a schedule espc. since I am going back to work in NOv. and I would really like to be able to pump 3x a day. HOw do I go about doing that?

Posted 9/30/06 3:42 PM
Long Island Weddings
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I love the summer

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Re: Breastfeeding Vent/Question

It will get easier. Currently, i pump once a day at work for 15 minutes and i get abou 10 ounces, which is enough for DS to eat while I'm at work. When I am with him, I nurse him at 7am, 5pm, 7:30pm and if he gets up in the middle of the night. They only need about 24 ouces a day.

Posted 9/30/06 5:53 PM

I'm getting old

Member since 5/05

8688 total posts


Re: Breastfeeding Vent/Question

Why are you pumping all the time? Does the baby latch? Why not feed every 3-4 hours so your supply will regulate itself? Im confused.

Posted 9/30/06 5:55 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

805 total posts


Re: Breastfeeding Vent/Question

I'm pumping instead of her latching on because it was too painful for me.

Posted 9/30/06 6:29 PM

Holiday 2011 photo

Member since 8/05

8088 total posts


Re: Breastfeeding Vent/Question

not to discourage you but if you're pumping instead of nursing you may have to pump quite frequently in order to get enough milk for DC. Depends on what your output is. How much are you getting right now with each pumping session? That will really determine what you can get away with. How old is DC? If you want to get help for the latch I can recommend an LC. You will have to increase pumping with each growth spurt that DC goes through in order to keep up as well.

ETA you're lucky if you can get away with every 3-4 hours. Nursing every 3-4 hours destroyed my supply and I had to pump every 2 hours to try to get it back Chat Icon

Message edited 9/30/2006 6:40:55 PM.

Posted 9/30/06 6:39 PM

I'm getting old

Member since 5/05

8688 total posts


Re: Breastfeeding Vent/Question

I agree. If you are having pain while nursing I would get a LC to get her to latch correctly. It is easier (for me anyway) on the nipples than pumping.

Posted 9/30/06 6:44 PM

My girls

Member since 5/05

7027 total posts


Re: Breastfeeding Vent/Question

I think it hurts everyone in the beginning but then gets so much better.

Posted 9/30/06 7:17 PM

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