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I hope someone reads this before morning! I need advice!

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My princess!

Member since 5/05

6548 total posts


I hope someone reads this before morning! I need advice!

I really hope someone can answer me tonight.

I have an appointment at rsofny tomorrow morning for more bloodwork and I think they want to do another sonogram. They said they wanted to treat me for 4 weeks. Which I agreed to but then realized, that our insurance doesnt cover sonos done by them..only by our obgyn. I tried to tell them that but I was just told in the return that it was only 225.00. Ok..225.00 is for one..not for more than one. I dont want to pay unnecessary bills when its covered by my doctor.

I am on progesterone suppositories but can't all my information be sent to my regular doctor now? We got pregnant naturally (except for the met that they put me on but that isnt really a fertility drug)...but in all honesty, why do I have to keep going to them? I am thinking of cancelling tomorrow morning and requesting that they now send all my records to my regular doctor. What do you ladies think??

Posted 1/8/06 10:42 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Delay is not denial

Member since 5/05

2220 total posts


Re: I hope someone reads this before morning! I need advice!

It's completely up to you. The sonogram machine that RS has, may be more advanced than the one an ob/gyn may have.

An ob/gyn may send you out to get a u/s.

However, it's your decision. If your insurance doesn't cover it and you are comfortable with seeing your ob/gyn...then why would even consider seeing them ?

All you have to do is give them a consent form, for your medical records to be released and have them mailed to your home. You can hand them to any doctor you want.

Posted 1/8/06 11:22 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 12/05

128 total posts


Re: I hope someone reads this before morning! I need advice!

I would just make sure that my obgyn follows me with progesterone checks to see if the levels are okay. And like redstar said, you may have to go out for the ultrasounds, but that wouldn't be so bad...I have done that. Actually, I don't know how much can be done to prevent anything bad from happening if it is going to happen (as sad as that sounds), but I would want to be doing the ultrasounds weekly so that you know exactly what is going on. When I was pg after my son, I was 11 weeks and did not know that the fetus had died at 8 weeks. It killed me to know that I had been walking around and not knowing that, so in all my subsequent pregnancies I always did beta hcgs, progesterone checks and sonograms so I knew. I don't want to scare you, just tell you so that you know. And don't continue to go to RSNY if insurance doesn't cover it! Of course they would want the money. I hope you don't have to go back again and you have a healthy 9 months! Good luck! Chat Icon

Posted 1/8/06 11:37 PM

Best Friends

Member since 6/05

10228 total posts


Re: I hope someone reads this before morning! I need advice!

This is a spontaneous pregnancy. And most spontaneous pregnancies are not followed weekly. I would cancel the appointment for tomorrow but speak with your OB and make sure that they will be able to pick up where the RE left off.

Posted 1/9/06 12:09 AM

Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

14021 total posts


Re: I hope someone reads this before morning! I need advice!

Double check with your insurance company. My understanding is that they will cover the pregnancy monitoring with a RE until a heartbeat is detected. Good luck!

Posted 1/9/06 8:42 AM

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