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Question for MOMs - water breaking??

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LIF Infant

Member since 11/05

289 total posts


Question for MOMs - water breaking??

I am two weeks from my due date and felt something leak into my underwear. However, I've been dilated since week 28 so I've been getting lots of mucous, etc. on and off since it regenerates itself.

however, it's not mucous - it was just a trickle of wetness - but it stopped - just a trickle

PLUS - I had an internal yesterday evening and am having a tinge of blood in the mucous discharge - but that could be from the internal - so confusing!!!

do you think this could be my water? anyone else have a similar situation?

Message edited 4/25/2006 10:39:43 AM.

Posted 4/25/06 10:19 AM
Long Island Weddings
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My 3 Miracles!

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Re: Question for MOMs - water breaking??

It could be urine. I know not what you wanted to hear I'm sure, but that happened to me with my son and I thought I was "leaking" and went to L&D and it turned out to be urine. Embarrassing, but it does happen a lot!

Posted 4/25/06 10:22 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/06

645 total posts


Re: Question for MOMs - water breaking??

when your water breaks its usually a continuous flow...being so far along, it could def be urine...i know a few people that has happened to...but if your worried call your DR

Posted 4/25/06 10:23 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 11/05

289 total posts


Re: Question for MOMs - water breaking??

that's what I was thinking -maybe urine - at this point I have no control of my body! Chat Icon

Posted 4/25/06 10:24 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/05

1480 total posts


Re: Question for MOMs - water breaking??

I would call your dr.

I thought I had slipped and peed myself too but my curiousity got to me and I decided to call my dr. and I went in feeling foolish for going there but it was a good thing I did because I was in fact in labor! Only a portion of my water sak had been ruptured which explains why it was like a small little trickle as opposed to the gush you hear most women speak of.

Not all women's water sacs break the same. call them up and go in for a PH test. that will determine whether or not your water has officially broken or not.

Good luck!!

Posted 4/25/06 10:27 AM

Mom of Three

Member since 9/05

7900 total posts


Re: Question for MOMs - water breaking??

Im going to say that its probably not your water breaking. When my water broke with my son it was a trickle type. Even though it wasnt that gush of water, it didnt stop and kept trickling. LMAO though, I can relate to the lack of control, I cant even cough anymore without something going on. Even after 2 previous experiences with my being preggo, my DH gives me strange looks.

Posted 4/25/06 10:29 AM

my girls!

Member since 2/06

1491 total posts


Re: Question for MOMs - water breaking??

when my water broke I had just woken up and was still in bed.....I knew right away what it was since it was a lot.....totally clear too.

I didn't know it at the time but there are actually more than 1 sacs of water....only one of mine at burst and it wasn't a TON, but still definitely more than if you were to just pee! Chat Icon

Posted 4/25/06 10:30 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: Question for MOMs - water breaking??

I would definitely call your doctor. Mucous followed by water discharge sounds like water breaking to me.

Mine was not continuous.

Good luck!Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/25/06 10:32 AM


Member since 5/05

4457 total posts


Re: Question for MOMs - water breaking??

Posted by nrthshgrl

I would definitely call your doctor. Mucous followed by water discharge sounds like water breaking to me.

Mine was not continuous.

Good luck!Chat Icon Chat Icon

I agree, even a little trickle could be your water broke and it is just a tear in the sac and will continue to trickle through out the next few days. Call your doc, did you have your beta strep yet? If it was positive it is very important that you get to the hospital for antibiotics. If you didn't have the beta strep yet it is even more important to call your doc since your status is uncertain with your strep b

Posted 4/25/06 10:42 AM


Member since 5/05

5025 total posts


Re: Question for MOMs - water breaking??

Posted by emilain

Posted by nrthshgrl

I would definitely call your doctor. Mucous followed by water discharge sounds like water breaking to me.

Mine was not continuous.

Good luck!Chat Icon Chat Icon

I agree, even a little trickle could be your water broke and it is just a tear in the sac and will continue to trickle through out the next few days. Call your doc, did you have your beta strep yet? If it was positive it is very important that you get to the hospital for antibiotics. If you didn't have the beta strep yet it is even more important to call your doc since your status is uncertain with your strep b

I agree too - When my water broke it was 2 little trickles (DH tried to convince me I peed myself) but then I kept getting bigger and bigger gushes until I finally went to the doctor that morning and he did an internal - That's when my water REALLY broke - All over my doctors shoes. Chat Icon

ETA - I was 11 days shy of my due date.

Message edited 4/25/2006 11:04:52 AM.

Posted 4/25/06 11:03 AM

Mom of 2 Boys

Member since 5/05

4381 total posts


Re: Question for MOMs - water breaking??

I would call. Whne my water broke it was a little trickle - like I wet myself but slightly different - much different than the mucous discharge. About 5 minutes later it happened again. I was so confused (I was 3 weeks earlier and a few days before 0 dilated).

About 10 minutes after that I had a slightly larger gush - luckily I was sitting at the toilet then. But even then it was a huge thing - maybe a cup full. When I got to the hospital I had the biggest gush and soaked my bed...Chat Icon Chat Icon

GOOD LUCK TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Message edited 4/25/2006 11:09:32 AM.

Posted 4/25/06 11:09 AM

LIF Zygote

Member since 4/06

3 total posts


Re: Question for MOMs - water breaking??

Posted by Michelle913

when your water breaks its usually a continuous flow...being so far along, it could def be urine...i know a few people that has happened to...but if your worried call your DR

I agree. if it were your water believe me you'll know b/c it will be a constant flow

Posted 4/25/06 2:17 PM


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: Question for MOMs - water breaking??

My water broke in a huge gush like someone had turned on the garden hose. But my baby was breech and there was nothing plugging the flow.

This time my baby is head down, so I am always wondering if and when I will know if my water breaks.

Posted 4/25/06 5:11 PM

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