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I know, it's a dumb question...

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LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

906 total posts


I know, it's a dumb question...

I know, people are going to hate me for this, but....
if you kow your child has been exposed to a virus and there is nothing you can do, why go to the Dr ( of course, considering nothing major is going on?) Is it thought of that any virus is spread of at the office, easily?
Seriously, don't mean to sound mean or BTDT.

Posted 8/15/06 11:37 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: I know, it's a dumb question...

My theory is you NEVER know... even if you know that your child has been exposed to a virus and get sick shortly thereafter, who knows? It could be entirely unrelated and could be something much more serious than you believe... in my book, I'd rather be safe than sorry. Just a few weeks ago Alex was unbelievably cranky. It was obvious she was teething, and everyone kept telling me it was because we had just moved to a new house. I took her to the doc, just in case, and it turned out she had a double ear infection... anytime she has a high fever or isn't acting herself, I'd rather take her to the pediatrician and rule out anything more serious, because, from what I understand, when they do get sick, and if it is more serious, it can progress quite rapidly...

Posted 8/16/06 7:42 AM

My Little Yankee Fans

Member since 1/06

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Re: I know, it's a dumb question...

I bring them when I think something might be wrong, because when I didn't bring my son and thought it was gas, it wound up he had a blocked colon and needed surgery, so now I would rather be safe then sorry.

Posted 8/16/06 10:02 AM

I hate hypocrites!!!!!

Member since 5/05

6905 total posts


Re: I know, it's a dumb question...

Nancy I actually agree with you. I had no intention of bringing my daughter to the ped yesterday. But she woke up from her nap and was screaming for over an hour. I couldn't calm her at all. I was fearing that she had an ear infection or strep. I called the office and let them know about the coxsakie exposure. I was asked to come in the back door so that I didn't sit in the waiting room with her and expose the other kids. In the morning when I first called them, I asked what to look for and to make sure I had everything I needed to treat her at home. They asked me if I wanted to come and I said no, it's viral and I don't want to expose anyone else. But when she woke up like she did I got VERY nervous that it was something else. We are not ones to normally run to the doctor for every sniffle. They were actually suprised I came in yesterday.

Posted 8/16/06 10:18 AM

Chase is one!

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Re: I know, it's a dumb question...

I see what you're saying, but if the option is available for you to take your child to the ped. when they're sick, why wouldn't you? Maybe they can offer you advice on how to keep them more comfortable, what signs to look for if it is getting more serious, etc. Even if I knew what my daughter had, I would still take her to the doctor. Why would I even chance something more being wrong with her? Better safe than sorry, right?

Posted 8/16/06 10:22 AM

I am a lucky Momma!

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Re: I know, it's a dumb question...

I also had no intentions of bringing her to the doctor -- but when I spoke with the pediatrician last night when her fever was high, she said to please bring her in in the AM to make sure nothing else was going on. So I brought her, they sent me right to the room, the nurse didn't even come in to see her, just the doctor, so I hope we kept exposure to a minimum. The doctor also said it looks like she's starting to get ear infections and she will need antibiotics for that if it develops so I'm glad that I took her to get a heads up on that. Now I know that I have to look for those signs as well.

Posted 8/16/06 10:34 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: I know, it's a dumb question...

I bring them because while it may be a virus, it may also be one that results in dehyrdration or worse.

When Maddie was 2 weeks old, she was exposed to coxsackie from Joseph. While the pediactrician was 98% sure it was the coxsackie, he said it could be menegitis. You dont' know for sure if something is viral until your kid has been tested.

I dont' take my kids to the doctor when they're sick with minor things. But, I'd rather be the paranoid parent at the pediatrician than the parent with my heart ripped out because I was wrong. Better safe than sorry.

Posted 8/16/06 10:56 AM

my princess

Member since 10/05

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Re: I know, it's a dumb question...

My ped has me bring him in for everything. Even if I call for a question they tell me to bring him in.

They have a very big waiting room. Once when he was sick with a fever (viral) they had me bring him in for 3 days consecutively to make sure it did not turn into something more serious. They told me when they are very young things move quickly.

Posted 8/16/06 10:58 AM


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: I know, it's a dumb question...

Good question Nancy. I always feel bad because I am the type to not bring my children to the doctor unless its their well check up. I've been to the doctor once in over 2 years with Andrew for a sick visit. Could I have brought him in more? Sure, but I guess I am truly lucky my kids have never had more than a runny nose.

I can see what others are saying, and I agree with better safe than sorry. However, I guess I am one of those super relaxed mommies (and that's not saying its good or bad) and I probably wouldn't call or bring my kids in unless I had a bad feeling about it. All mommies work with their gut instincts.

Message edited 8/16/2006 12:02:21 PM.

Posted 8/16/06 12:00 PM

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