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Some breastfeeding questions

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Member since 6/05

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Some breastfeeding questions

This is probably going to sound silly but, I notice when I breastfeed Luka doesnt want to burp. When I pump or give him formula he burps but it is very difficult to get him to do so. So my question is should I be concerned if he doesnt burp from my breast?
My next question, today he ate at 7:30am, 10:45am, 2pm (I have been waking him up for the feedings per ped. instructions) and then he was up from 3:45 until 5:45 and he just wanted to cluster feed. Finally DH gave him formula because he looked like he was getting tired and kept looking for food so I knew the formula was hold him over. So is it possible for him to cluster feed at a certain time of day or am I doing something wrong.
I was also reading that its better to have him empty one breast and then offer the other because the hind milk is what will satifisy him and if I time it and then switch breasts he might not get hind milk. Has anyone tired this? Also when I pumped yesterday and today I was able to get 7oz each day. Is that good and when and how long should I be pumping?
Sorry it's so long but this is all new to me and I really dont want to give up. Thanks for your help

Posted 4/18/06 11:42 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: Some breastfeeding questions

I only have an answer to your burping question. He is probably not taking in as much air when he nurses, so that is why it is harder to get him to burp. If he is not in pain after eating and showing signs of gas, then I wouldn't worry if he doesn't burp.
I always felt that if she doesn't burp, it is because she doesn't have to.

Posted 4/19/06 12:03 AM

My girls

Member since 7/05

4303 total posts


Re: Some breastfeeding questions

I agree that breastfed babies burp less. They don't take in as much air while eating as bottlefed babies do.

Yes, it is possible for babies to clusterfeed, and the early evening is a very common time for that to happen.

If you want to exclusively breastfeed, giving formula during cluster feed times is problematic. The baby cluster feeds in order to tell your body to make more milk at that time on future days. If you give formula, your body won't make more milk the next day and you'll face the same problem again.

Yes, I did believe in trying to empty one side before switching. The general belief is that it takes 20 minutes for a newborn to drain one side. How long are you doing each side for?

What is your goal with pumping? How much you pump depends on what you are trying to achieve...

Posted 4/19/06 9:22 AM


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: Some breastfeeding questions

Posted by Seles81

I was also reading that its better to have him empty one breast and then offer the other because the hind milk is what will satifisy him and if I time it and then switch breasts he might not get hind milk. Has anyone tired this? Also when I pumped yesterday and today I was able to get 7oz each day. Is that good and when and how long should I be pumping?
Sorry it's so long but this is all new to me and I really dont want to give up. Thanks for your help

I had asked that same question to a lactation consultant. She told me that you should treat each breast for the baby like dinner and dessert. If the baby empties one and wants the other, do it, if not just make sure you start on that breast next that the baby didn't nurse from much. She said not to force the switch, the baby will tell you if they are still hungry.

BF babies don't need to be burped as much as bottlefed cause they don't take in much air if they are latched on properly.
I am not sure about the pumping question, but hang in there!

Posted 4/19/06 9:22 AM


Member since 6/05

15144 total posts


Re: Some breastfeeding questions

I am so that DH can give him some bottles aswell and he is supergive him excited when it is feeding time so it takes a good 10-15 min. to get him to relax were he will stay latched so if I see if he is getting frustrated durning the night I would give him pumped milk if I have it or formula. I dont give him formula durning the day and the cluster feeding does seem to happen in the late afternoon. He will nurse on one side for 30-40 minutes activly suc.king and
seem to still want more. Then their are times he is dead asleep and I have to wake him for the feeding. I want to EBF for a min of 6 months. Is it also possible for him to be hungry every hour and half, he will be a week old tommorrow?

Posted 4/19/06 11:29 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3372 total posts


Re: Some breastfeeding questions

One of the best parts of my BFing class was teaching the fathers that feeding the baby needs to be the moms job for the while BUT that there are sooo many things a dad can do to help and bond with the baby. He can change the baby, burp the baby, bath the baby. He can cuddle and sing to the baby.
Honestly, for now I would skip the bottles and concentrate on bfing. This isn't a forever thing..just a few weeks until you and the baby get everything down pat.
Right now the baby is helping your milk supply. Cluster feeding is VERY normal. Nurse him whenver he wants.
I was taught to keep a chart for the first few weeks with these colums
How long/ left side
How long right/side
ended on which side

that way you can really keep track on which breast to start with next time.

If you really feel it is important to continue with the bottle make sure that you are pumping for 20-30 minutes with a hospital grade rental pump (at this stage_ every time the baby is fed a bottle. If you skip, then your body thinks you need less milk. SO you need to mimick the baby's feeding schedule when you are pumping.

Message edited 4/19/2006 12:36:07 PM.

Posted 4/19/06 12:34 PM

My girls

Member since 7/05

4303 total posts


Re: Some breastfeeding questions

Yes, it is possible (And even likely!) for him to be hungry every hour and a half. They have very, very small bellies and whole lot of growing to do!!!

If you want to EBF for six months, stop giving formula. The only reason to give formula when EBF is you goal is if the doctor has diagnosed a low supply issue and your child is losing weight.

I switched sides after no more than a half hour in the early weeks. If she was still going after the second side, I'd then go back to the first again. I ended up using a pacifier too when she was just comfort sucking and not eating.

Posted 4/19/06 1:53 PM

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