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I really need some advice re: pediatrician (long post)

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Member since 5/05

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I really need some advice re: pediatrician (long post)

ok. most of you know about hannah's problems (milk allergies, reflux, no sleep etc). i really do love my ped, but i am not satisfied with the way things are being handled, or perhaps i refuse to believe that there is no solution to her problems.

the ped said that she is colicky, however, she is not inconsolable and the crying that she does have is really due to the reflux. now, she is on meds (axid 4x a day). and they are helping, but not enough. she is still only getting 3 hours in a row of sleep a night, and wakes up due to either severe gas, or severe reflux. her feedings are horrible. weve tried changing bottles, nipples, amount etc and she still fusses and cries. the ped said time will heal all of this, but isnt there something out there that can help her get some sleep and relief?????

now my problem: i would like to consult with a specialist to get a second opinion, but i do not want to jeopardize my relationship with the ped (backstory: when she was born, another ped looked at hannah as a favor to my dh's boss, and he was a bit upset at that!) should i call him and tell him we are going to a specialist? should i just wait 2 more weeks until her 3 month visit and then talk to him about this? or should i just go to the specialist and see what happens?

we are thinking about seeing dr. moy, if anyone has any feedback on her, fm me :)

Posted 8/18/06 9:49 PM
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Re: I really need some advice re: pediatrician (long post)

Do you need a referral from your pediatrician to see a specialist? You shouldn't wait another 3 months. If you feel something isn't right, trust your gut.

As for your pediatrician being upset that another dr checked out his patient, I could see that. Here you were just assigned to a baby & another doctor comes to check her out. Your pediatrician should not have any issue with you going to a specialist or for a second opinion. It's standard practice.

Posted 8/18/06 9:53 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

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Re: I really need some advice re: pediatrician (long post)

I think if you want to see a specialist then you should see a specialist! There can be a lot of risks involved with AR -- I have heard of it damaging vocal cords -- and you should have every right to see a specialist. Your dr should understand this, especially if you explain that you just want to see if there is anything more you can do. That you trust him, but still feel like you can do more.

My sister's friend sees a great pediatric gastro in Stony Brook so if you want the info FM me and I'll get it from my sister.

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Posted 8/18/06 9:55 PM

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Re: I really need some advice re: pediatrician (long post)

Im sorry I have no rec'd's for you...

But IMO- you shouldnt be concerned with offending your ped.
You are the mother, and those motherly instincts are there for a reason... if you feel you need another opinion... than you do it...

Let the ped. be offended, mad, or whatever...
Dont let that effect what you feel is necessary for your child...

You might need a referral for INS. purposes to see a speciallist- if thats the case then you obviously gotta tell the ped. whats going on...

If you dont need one... than go to the specialist- if something is wrong, and there is a solution, then the Dr. has no leg to stand on... if the specilaist gives you the same answers than you dont have to share anything with the ped. at all...

And of course- if you are still not satisfied- than you go on to the next Dr.

Posted 8/18/06 9:56 PM

I love the summer

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Re: I really need some advice re: pediatrician (long post)

I would definitely see the specialist. I dont see why you have to even tell your ped unless you need a referral. Maybe the specialist will have some solutions. Your baby's health and comfort are most important.

Message edited 8/18/2006 9:57:58 PM.

Posted 8/18/06 9:57 PM


Member since 5/05

2423 total posts


Re: I really need some advice re: pediatrician (long post)

no referral is needed, thank goodness.

i know i shouldnt worry about what the ped thinks. it stinks being so sleep deprived and anxious all of the time.

Posted 8/18/06 10:02 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: I really need some advice re: pediatrician (long post)

I would be honest and say that with the ped. Say that you appreciate everything that he/she has done for you but you feel like she needs to see a specialist and ask who they recommend and ask if they could help you get an appointment.

Say that you will call the ped after your appointment and let them know how it all went.

Posted 8/19/06 8:46 AM

LIF Zygote

Member since 8/06

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Re: I really need some advice re: pediatrician (long post)

My grandfather was a doctor, and used to say that if your own doctor objected to you getting a second opinion, then they don't trust their own holding up.

One doctor should never object to the opinion of another, if for no other reason than some academic discussion/learning more.

Posted 8/19/06 9:08 AM

Where it all began....

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Re: I really need some advice re: pediatrician (long post)

I always tell the parents at my job:

Dr's are human beings and human beings make mistakes. If feel that something is wrong go somewhere else.

Don't think twice about seeing a specialistChat Icon

Posted 8/19/06 9:27 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 7/06

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Re: I really need some advice re: pediatrician (long post)

When you talk about Hannah, I could swear that you are actually describing my son, Max, as a baby. He had ALL the same issues that you describe! We actually switched peds. because we felt that more could be done for him. I went to the second ped., handed Max to the nurse, and cried and cried. I hadn't had any sleep in weeks and my baby was clearly unhappy and uncomfortable. My new ped. was ready to put him in the hospital for further testing, just because I was so upset and SOMETHING was obviously going on. We changed some meds at the time, but he did end up in the hospital for a few days at 12 weeks. We found out that in addition to AR, etc., he had something called laryngo malasia. She recommended I see a gastro, and he had more recommendations for me. Switching peds and seeing a gastro were the BEST things we did. If nothing else, a new doctor has a fresh perspective and might see something your current one is missing. Also, we switched to a practice that has several doctors, many of whom are moms with young children. I find that they are MUCH more in tune with my concerns!
FM if you'd like.
Sorry so long!

Posted 8/19/06 9:56 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: I really need some advice re: pediatrician (long post)

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thank you everyone for all of the advice.

Posted 8/19/06 10:04 AM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

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Re: I really need some advice re: pediatrician (long post)

If there's one thing I've learned through all this sruff w/ Ava is GET A SECOND OPINION! I say do it. Your dr. should encourage you to if he's confident in his diagnosis. And wouldn't he want you to have another perspective that may help your baby? I'll tell ya, these dr.s can kiss my behind w/ their attitudesChat Icon

Posted 8/19/06 10:51 AM

My Little Yankee Fans

Member since 1/06

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Re: I really need some advice re: pediatrician (long post)

GO SEE DR MOY!!!!!!!

That was who we used and we loved her!!!!!!

She was great very knowledgeable and really helped us with all of Joey's issues.

If your ped gets annoyed at you seeing a specialist then I would dump him and get someone else.

Good Luck!!!

Posted 8/19/06 2:01 PM

where's winter?

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Re: I really need some advice re: pediatrician (long post)

Message edited 2/8/2007 1:50:27 PM.

Posted 8/19/06 3:30 PM

April already?

Member since 3/06

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Re: I really need some advice re: pediatrician (long post)

Sydney has reflux and our ped wanted us to see a gastro doctor. I am surprised your doctor wouldnt want you too.

Posted 8/19/06 4:39 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: I really need some advice re: pediatrician (long post)

I say on top of finding a second opinion, to leave the practice. No Dr should discourage you from seeing someone else to the point of making you feel guilty. Is your Dr coming over in the middle of the night when you are not sleeping? Is he paying for all the copays and the extras for the prescript/formula?

I'd leave and not look back. Although Dr's are good and well trained in many areas, some are just better at certain issues. Find someone who can help or at least support you better. You are paying them via copays and insurance to do this.Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/19/06 5:13 PM

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