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BF & Bottle Questions...

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Member since 5/05

6856 total posts


BF & Bottle Questions...

I am in the process of registering & I get so overwhelmed w/ all the BF choices. Some of my friends preferred manual pumping, some did not, etc...
Some recommend Avent bottles, some Dr. Brown's, etc...

Pretty much, I'm just looking for feedback & advice on what items seem to be the most liked.Chat Icon
I'd appreciate any help the mommies can give me!!!
TIAChat Icon

Posted 9/7/05 2:01 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

525 total posts


Re: BF & Bottle Questions...

If you are going to pump, in my opinion, you need to buy one of the more expensive pumps. I had the medela pump in style, which really extracted a lot of milk.
As far as bottles, I started with the avent, but quickly switched over to the dr. browns b/c of how gassy the baby was. I haven't had a problem since.

Posted 9/7/05 2:13 PM

Happy New Year

Member since 5/05

17334 total posts


Re: BF & Bottle Questions...

Depending on much you plan to pump and whether or not you plan to pump at work you can get by with a less expensive pump too if you want. I waited until after the baby was born to get a pump for 2 reasons:
1 - I didn't know if I was going to BF or for how long
2 - I felt it was kind of a personal item that I didn't want to put on my registry (JMO)

Anyway, I ended up getting the Medela Single Electric. It was fine for my needs.

As for bottles, I swear by the Dr. Brown's.

Posted 9/7/05 2:29 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

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Re: BF & Bottle Questions...

I haven't used anything yet but I got the Medala Single Electric Pump. All my friends used it and loved it. The mostly breast fed and didn't have to pump that often which is my plan as well.

As far as bottles they all liked the Playtex Ventaire so I have a few of those and also some Dr. Brown's. I figure I am not going to stock up on bottles until I know for sure what the baby can use.

Posted 9/7/05 3:27 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: BF & Bottle Questions...

Message edited 8/31/2011 4:01:40 PM.

Posted 9/7/05 4:03 PM


Member since 5/05

6856 total posts


Re: BF & Bottle Questions...

Thanks everybody!Chat Icon

Posted 9/7/05 5:08 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: BF & Bottle Questions...

my best friend BF and pumped....she rented from the hospital.

She also used the Playtex nursers with the collapsable, disposable drop ins. I plan on the same since it's a great way to eliminate air in the bottle.

Posted 9/7/05 7:17 PM

My girls

Member since 7/05

4303 total posts


Re: BF & Bottle Questions...

There is also the possibility that your health insurance company would pay for the pump.

Posted 9/7/05 8:30 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 7/05

272 total posts


Re: BF & Bottle Questions...

if you plan on going back to work - the medela pump in style is definitely worth it - in the long run, it will be cheaper than formula for all those is quiet and quick and portable and works great. I used Dr. Brown's bottles and Angela never had one episode of gas or colic. An IMPORTANT FYI if you are nursing and using 3-4 months when you would typically switch to level 2 nipples....DON"T. When you switch there is a high possibility that your baby will wean himself off the breast because the level 2 nipples are so much easier to get milk out of.

Posted 9/7/05 11:14 PM

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