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I have to go back to work next week...

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Yay Spring!

Member since 5/05

5133 total posts


I have to go back to work next week...

The closer it gets, the sadder I get. I really thought we might be able to make it just on DH's paycheck, but we're not even close. We worked up a budget today and it's much more than either of us thought. And we don't even have a car payment! I just don't know how it adds up to so much. I really wish I could be a SAHM but it's just not possible. How does everyone do it???

Posted 10/1/05 2:35 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: I have to go back to work next week...

I wish I knew how everyone else does it. We both have really good jobs (benefits, pensions, union, etc) with pretty decent salaries (well over $100k combined) and can't afford for me to stay home. It's ridiculous. Yes, we both have car payments, but we've worked the numbers. Even if we got rid of those, it still wouldn't work.

I will be going back the week after next and I am also very sad about it. Not that I want stay home forever, I just wish I could stay at least until he is 6 - 8 months old. The worst part about it is that with my job I can take up to a year child care leave - unpaid. It's the unpaid part that we just can't swing. To top it off, we have to go with my 3rd choice of child care because we also can't afford my first choice (in home nanny).

Posted 10/1/05 4:10 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

4189 total posts


Re: I have to go back to work next week...

You have to leave NY...

Posted 10/1/05 5:58 PM

Back in LI!

Member since 5/05

1525 total posts


Re: I have to go back to work next week...

Posted by ddunne2

You have to leave NY...

Exactly what I was gonna that we are in Florida I can stay home..

Posted 10/1/05 7:00 PM

Yay Spring!

Member since 5/05

5133 total posts


Re: I have to go back to work next week...

It is just unbelievable how much $$$ everything is. I never knew how expensive our monthly bills were until we actually wrote them out. We could probably cut out a few things, but not enough for me to stay home. We also make decent $$$ and have good benefits, but one salary is not enough. We could make it if I worked part time, but unfortunately my job does not offer that. We can't move out of the area either. I keep trying to think of alternatives but come up with nothing.

Posted 10/1/05 7:29 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: I have to go back to work next week...

I really wish there was a way, but I know for my husband and I it won't be an option either. My mom stayed home for all of us, and we were pretty broke growing up, so I really don't know how my parents did it. I wish my husband and I were able to also.

Posted 10/1/05 8:06 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: I have to go back to work next week...

Posted by ddunne2

You have to leave NY...

enough said...and even so, I work for the extra money

Posted 10/1/05 8:24 PM

My Everything

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20541 total posts


Re: I have to go back to work next week...

Posted by ddunne2

You have to leave NY...

Agreed. I won't be a SAHM forever because with my job (pharmacist) it's easy for me to go back to work 1 or 2 days a week but there is no pressure for me to go back in any hurry because living in CO we can afford to live on my DH's salary. My income will be extra.

That said I really have no idea how people who live in NY stay home unless there husbands pull in 6 figures by themselves. I've been gone from NY almost 7 years but I know that I was strapped the entired time I lived there.

Posted 10/1/05 8:43 PM

boy mamma

Member since 5/05

2975 total posts


Re: I have to go back to work next week...

Im sure that you've probably thought about this and I dont know what your child care situation is but in my case we simply could not afford full time day care and there was no relative that can watch the baby. so at this point we are trying to make things work with me staying home- we had some money saved and I am doing real estate from home- we are even looking into refinancing- we have alot of equity in our co-op that we can use. If worse comes to worse I may have to waitress or some other night job. I have to do what it takes to make things work. If I had a job that paid well to begin with I may have gone back to work. If we cant make it work on long island we may look into moving elsewhere to affford me to stay home more comfortably.

Posted 10/1/05 10:15 PM

so outrageous

Member since 7/05

3853 total posts


Re: I have to go back to work next week...

we can not afford daycare its crazy...i would be working to pay that! FH works 3 jobs Chat Icon we never see eachother....we are looking to relocate

Posted 10/2/05 10:23 AM

Yay Spring!

Member since 5/05

5133 total posts


Re: I have to go back to work next week...

Luckily, my mom will watch Jesse while we're at work so the cost of day care is not an issue for me at this point in time. We could make it on me working P/T, but my job doesn't offer that. We worked the numbers and with what DH makes, which is decent, we just can't do it. I'm hoping when he gets some raises (he's due two in the next four months) we will work the numbers again and it might be enough. I just know when I look at that little face and he's so sad to see me leave, I will be thinking of him all day. I wish there was a work from home option...

Posted 10/2/05 7:58 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

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Re: I have to go back to work next week...

i wish i could tell you that its easy to do..but its not. going back to work just plain s&*Ks i was lucky enough to stay home with anthony for the first year but then we just couldnt do it any longer and i went back to work FT. it does get easier and you will adjust but its hard. hopefully someday we will all get to be stay at home moms! your baby will be fine just hang in there!Chat Icon

Posted 10/2/05 9:44 PM

3 babies for me :)

Member since 5/05

6683 total posts


Re: I have to go back to work next week...

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon I can imagine how you feel. I am lucky enough to stay home because DH bought our house 8 years ago before the market went crazy. When we first moved home from Ireland, he was insisting that I had to go back to work and I was devasted by the thought of it. For us it worked out that I could stay home, although we don't live the lifestyle that we did before and I really have to watch what I spend. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/2/05 10:10 PM

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