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What healthcare items do I need for baby???

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Member since 5/05

2730 total posts


What healthcare items do I need for baby???

I want to start stocking up on some things......What else besides Diapers, wipes, desitin, and bodywash?

Posted 7/24/05 4:24 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 5/05

2536 total posts


Re: What healthcare items do I need for baby???

mylicon drops, baby qtips, cotton balls, rubbing alcohol, and vaseline if it's a boy with a circ.

Posted 7/24/05 4:46 PM


Member since 5/05

11726 total posts


Re: What healthcare items do I need for baby???

nasal apirator, nail clippers, Themometer, Tylenol for infants, bottle of pedialyte.

Posted 7/24/05 5:04 PM

Mom of 2 Boys

Member since 5/05

4381 total posts


Re: What healthcare items do I need for baby???

I had a similar list posted not too long ago - I found on some website some where. It was what should be in your medicine cabinet...I sorted it based on my experience:

Things I had and used:
·Digital thermometer
·Rubbing alcohol
·Petroleum jelly
·Diaper cream
·Saline Drops
·Nasal aspirator
·Sterilized cotton balls
·Cotton-tipped swabs
·Mild liquid soap
·Baby shampoo
·Baby moisturizing cream
·Baby Wipes
·Nail Clipper

Things I had but haven't used yet:
·Infants' non-aspirin liquid pain reliever (acetaminophen or ibuprofen)
·Antibacterial ointment
·A pair of sharp scissors
·A pair of safety manicure scissors
·An assortment of adhesive bandage strips in various sizes and shapes.
·Gauze rolls (1/2 to 2 inches wide), Gauze pads (2x2 and 4x4 inches)
·Adhesive tape
·A medicine dropper, oral syringe, or calibrated cup or spoon)

Things on the list but I didn't get or have:
·A package of tongue depressors to check sore throats
·A heating pad
·A hot-water bottle and ice pack
·A small flashlight to check ears, nose, throat, and eye
·First-Aid manual. The American Red Cross's Standard First Aid & Personal Safety gives detailed advice for handling both minor and major emergencies Chat Icon

Posted 7/25/05 11:44 AM

My children are a blessing!

Member since 5/05

2598 total posts


Re: What healthcare items do I need for baby???

In the Medicine Cabinet:

Rectal Thermometer
The most reliable method for measuring baby’s temperature

Rubbing Alcohol and Cotton Balls
To help keep the navel from becoming infected

Fever Reducer
Infants’ TYLENOL® Drops to reduce fever and relieve pain. Use only as directed.

Infant Gas Reliever
Infants’ MYLICON® Drops to gently break down painful gas bubbles in minutes

Rehydration Solution
A rehydrating solution such as Pedialyte® to replace fluids and nutrients lost due to vomiting and diarrhea

Nasal Aspirator and Saline Nose Drops
To help relieve baby’s stuffy nose

Petroleum Jelly
For easier thermometer insertion

Diaper Cream
Johnson’s® Diaper Rash Ointment with zinc oxide to heal and prevent diaper rash

Baby Nail Clippers or Scissors

Posted 7/26/05 10:36 AM

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