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so you know how you have those friends you really don't talk to much anymore - and just email or send cards would you tell them...

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wow, pic is already 1 yr old!!

Member since 1/06

6689 total posts


so you know how you have those friends you really don't talk to much anymore - and just email or send cards would you tell them...

that you're expecting?? my dh and i are trying to figure it out - we obviously don't want to do it in like a "hi! now you can buy us a baby gift kidn of way.." but more like a "hey! we wanted to share the great news.." way...

how did you do it??

tia! Chat Icon

Posted 2/25/06 1:18 PM
Long Island Weddings
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It goes fast. Pay attention.

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Re: so you know how you have those friends you really don't talk to much anymore - and just email or send cards would you tell them...

We told our longer distance friends but signing cards with "and ? Chat Icon "

Posted 2/25/06 1:59 PM

Growing up soo fast..

Member since 1/06

14917 total posts


Re: so you know how you have those friends you really don't talk to much anymore - and just email or send cards would you tell them...

we sent cards or emails signed Dawn John and baby on the way"!

Posted 2/25/06 2:28 PM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: so you know how you have those friends you really don't talk to much anymore - and just email or send cards would you tell them...

I sent an email to our friends like that. Just a little email saying we were expecting. I dont think anyone thought we wanted gifts.

When we found out the baby's gender, I sent another email with my sono pic that I have in my avatar.

When we have the baby I'll mail an announcement to those same people. I dont think anyone will think we're looking for gift. I would just think it was a baby announcement, sharing good news.

Posted 2/25/06 3:58 PM


Member since 1/06

4593 total posts


Re: so you know how you have those friends you really don't talk to much anymore - and just email or send cards would you tell them...

I mentioned in an email that I may have some pregnancy and parenting questions for them. They obviously figured it out Chat Icon

Posted 2/25/06 5:01 PM

Mom of 2 + 1

Member since 10/05

7395 total posts


Re: so you know how you have those friends you really don't talk to much anymore - and just email or send cards would you tell them...

I sent an e-mail with a sono pic attached and just said "Look who will be joining us in April". They were all excited for us, and nobody thought it was a ploy for a gift.

Posted 2/25/06 11:14 PM


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: so you know how you have those friends you really don't talk to much anymore - and just email or send cards would you tell them...

For our first, we announced it in our Christmas cards. We signed it from Trish, Dan and baby to be.

This time around, we sent an email update and showed a picture of Andrew wearing a shirt that said "I'm a big brother" It took a while for some people to catch on Chat Icon

Posted 2/26/06 12:53 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3372 total posts


Re: so you know how you have those friends you really don't talk to much anymore - and just email or send cards would you tell them...

If we are not close to friends I would not go out of my way to tell them. THey would most likely end up hearing it by word of mouth from other people.

My close friends I called.

Posted 2/26/06 1:57 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: so you know how you have those friends you really don't talk to much anymore - and just email or send cards would you tell them...

People that I do not keep in touch with regularly, I did not contact to tell them. I just waited until the next time I spoke to them, and when the "what's new?" question came up, I told them. I always feel weird telling people I don't talk to all the time because I feel like assuming they'd care is presumptuous.

Posted 2/26/06 8:35 PM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

14624 total posts


Re: so you know how you have those friends you really don't talk to much anymore - and just email or send cards would you tell them...

I sent an e-mail after 20 weeks.

Altough there are few people I don't even e-mail who don't know... and I'm 8 months Chat Icon

Posted 2/27/06 9:48 AM

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