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This may be a stupid work

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LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

498 total posts


This may be a stupid work

Can you receive novacain (sp?) while TTC and being PG? AND, what about receiving dental x-rays with the protective lead covering??

We want to start TTC next month but I'm anticipating major dental work in January as a follow-up to the surgery I had last month. I'm hoping to be PG by January (God willing) but at the very least we'll be actively TTC.


Posted 9/28/05 10:16 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05

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Re: This may be a stupid work

I would get the dental work done now. My dentist is holding off on mine. He does NOT want to give me novacaine, since Im in my first tri-mester.
I would ask both your doctors what they say.

Posted 9/28/05 10:18 AM


Member since 5/05

19403 total posts


Re: This may be a stupid work

If you can wait, I would. My dentist wouldn't do any work on me in the 1st or 3rd trimester. The first was b/c the baby is growing so much then, and the 3rd b/c it might bring on early labor.

Posted 9/28/05 10:42 AM

1 year already!!

Member since 5/05

3360 total posts


Re: This may be a stupid work

Def. get the work done now if possible

And to all the TTC ladies, if you are going to the dentist for any kind of work now mention that you are TTC - I was in the 2WW so he covered me with extra aprons when they took my x-rays.

Posted 9/28/05 11:18 AM


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: This may be a stupid work

At the very least, you should have your teeth cleaned, even while pregnant.

I had a dental implant and a bridge replaced while I was PG. I also had a wisdom tooth removed. My OB saw no reason to halt the dental work, as long as it was done in the second trimester.

The ONLY thing my OB advised was for the dentist to administer the novocaine with out the epinephrine. The epi is a stimulant that prolongs the effects of the novocaine and can cross the placenta. My extraction was no different when I had it done without the epi.
I am glad I had it all done then, because once Andrew came, getting to the dentist was tough!

Posted 9/28/05 1:07 PM

just the girls

Member since 5/05

9461 total posts


Re: This may be a stupid work

Yes def do it NOW BEFORE you get PG. and DEF you want to maintain your dental cleanings during your pregnancy to prevent gingivitis from going to a perio status that could effect the baby. As far as dental xrays go, yes you can have them taken but you must have 2 lead aprons on you. Also if you have a tooth ache and it interferes with you eating and getting nutrients to the baby THEN dental tx is a MUST! No novacaine with EPI, and like Trish said after the baby you will have no time or desire to go to the dentist. and if you are breastfeeding you MUST get your dental cleaning to prevent the bacteria in your mouth from getting in your bloodstream as well. Dentistry has come along way with caution and has become relatively safe during pregnancy. Baby Dust!!!!!

Posted 9/28/05 3:08 PM

My Loves!

Member since 5/05

46292 total posts


Re: This may be a stupid work

Chat Icon OMG TY so much for posting this!!! I have a "cleaning" appt. tomorrow. I have been TTC and if I have concieved (Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon ) its very, very, early but I guess I should mention it..Yes?

Posted 9/28/05 5:03 PM

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