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Member since 5/05 16353 total posts
Name: Lauren
If you knew then what you know now what would you have done differently?
Before TTC or as you've been TTC...what changes would you make if you could go back in the past?
Posted 10/25/05 12:08 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05 16353 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: If you knew then what you know now what would you have done differently?
Guess I should answer my own question:
I would have convinced DH to start trying a little earlier and I would have gone to the doctor a lot sooner.
And I also think I would have never gone on the pill to begin with.
Posted 10/25/05 12:08 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/05 733 total posts
Re: If you knew then what you know now what would you have done differently?
I would have tried earlier.
But I think I just got a late start in life...I didn't get married until I was 29 and then we had to start saving for a house that we thought we would have had already. (not that I feel I am too old...but I think it's a factor).
The only REAL thing I could have done was meet my DH younger and instead of waiting 1 year to TTC gotten busy on our HM...
Posted 10/25/05 12:16 PM |
LIF Toddler

Member since 7/05 474 total posts
Re: If you knew then what you know now what would you have done differently?
It's only been a few months for me but I wish I looked into charting, opks, etc more before I started trying. PS - never been on the pill and it's not necessarily happening immediately as I wished it would so who knows... And a good friend of mine went off the pill and get pg the first mth of trying. God works in mysterious ways...
Posted 10/25/05 12:18 PM |
Delay is not denial

Member since 5/05 2220 total posts
Name: Michelle
Re: If you knew then what you know now what would you have done differently?
Started charting and learning more about my body earlier ....I think this so crucial !
Also, not sure why dh and I waited so many years to get married :) However, I have faith it was for a good reason ....
Posted 10/25/05 12:21 PM |
Mommy to 3 Boys :)

Member since 5/05 19978 total posts
Name: Jen - counting my blessings...
Re: If you knew then what you know now what would you have done differently?
charting and never went on the pill
Posted 10/25/05 2:44 PM |

Member since 5/05 11165 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: If you knew then what you know now what would you have done differently?
I would have NEVER gone on the PILL ever!
Posted 10/25/05 4:03 PM |
Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05 17076 total posts
Name: Kara®
Re: If you knew then what you know now what would you have done differently?
Hmmm..... not much because I am glad I didn't have a baby with my ex. Perhaps I would have started charting sooner, although the only time I did get pg was before I started charting's hard to say.....
I too believe that everything happens for a reason. I have no IDEA what reason that may be right now, though!!!!!!!!
Posted 10/25/05 4:07 PM |
God Bless America

Member since 5/05 3572 total posts
Name: A.K.
Re: If you knew then what you know now what would you have done differently?
I am curious, why would so many of you not have gone on the pill? Is it so you could have gotten pregnant as soon as possible/before you were married? Or because you feel the pill somehow prevents you from getting pregnant now?
Personally, if I could change things, I would have gotten married younger and had my kids younger so that I wasn't in such a "rush" now!
Posted 10/25/05 8:17 PM |
Mommy of 2

Member since 5/05 6787 total posts
Name: Christy
Re: If you knew then what you know now what would you have done differently?
Can I ask why so many of you would have never gone on the pill? I am just curious...
Posted 10/25/05 9:03 PM |

Member since 5/05 11165 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: If you knew then what you know now what would you have done differently?
Posted by christy
Can I ask why so many of you would have never gone on the pill? I am just curious...
I know for me, the pill REEKED havoc on my body and permanetely messed with my cycles. I don't know if it was just coincidence, but when I went off the pill, my cramps were much worse than they were before on it, cycles were longer-they would range from 30-37 days, PMS was much worse off the pill than before it.
When i was on the pill, they totally killed my sex drive, made me dry, irritable. Only plus's were my skin was soo clear and my pms and flow was minimal.
Posted 10/25/05 10:16 PM |

Member since 5/05 34581 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: If you knew then what you know now what would you have done differently?
I would have started earlier, and convinced DH we should have gotten married earlier. We talked about having a baby 2 and 1/2 yrs ago and changed ourt minds
Posted 10/25/05 10:33 PM |

Member since 5/05 15952 total posts
Re: If you knew then what you know now what would you have done differently?
Posted by sweetness
I would have NEVER gone on the PILL ever!
Yes, considering I might ovulate once a year... even with the co-pays I spend about a $1K on the pill over about 10 years.
Posted 10/26/05 9:05 AM |
Support Cancer Research

Member since 5/05 16353 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: If you knew then what you know now what would you have done differently?
I too feel like the pill messed up all knowledge I have of my cycles.
If I hadn't gone on it I would have realized that I have ovulation issues and known this was going to be a stuggle. I could have convince DH that we needed to start earlier.
I just feel like it caused a major obstacle, but I'm not basing that on scientific fact, just gut instinct.
And, like Theresa said - mucho dinero!!
Posted 10/26/05 9:29 AM |
Foxy Lady

Member since 6/05 1610 total posts
Name: Jaimie
Re: If you knew then what you know now what would you have done differently?
I would have started trying on our honeymoon like my DH wanted to and not waited. I have to agree I woulnt have gone on the pill either. My cycles, since I went off, are actually shorter but my cramps are awful.
Posted 10/26/05 12:30 PM |
Disney cruise bound!
Member since 5/05 8126 total posts
Name: D
Re: If you knew then what you know now what would you have done differently?
Posted by christy
Can I ask why so many of you would have never gone on the pill? I am just curious...
I am only a month off the pill and can't believe how much better I feel. My mood has been lifted my headaches are gone and my libido is back. I didn't realize how much bcp affected me until I stopped taking them. The only thing I liked about them was knowing exactly when AF was coming and how long she was staying.
Posted 10/26/05 2:20 PM |
Turning a new page

Member since 5/05 9731 total posts
Name: Dina
Re: If you knew then what you know now what would you have done differently?
I would have gone off the pill the minute I got married....
Posted 10/27/05 3:52 PM |