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Would you switch doctors? (Really long)

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Member since 5/05

19403 total posts


Would you switch doctors? (Really long)

I'm 14 weeks along now and totally frustrated and not sure what to do.

Overall I have mixed feelings about my OB. He doesn't have the best bedside manner, but he was really great during Sarah's delivery. I have chronic back issues and was having really bad back spasms early into my labor. I was unable to lay in one position for more than like 30 seconds and the nurses were unable to get a good read on how the baby was doing. He put me on the epidural early (about 2cm) and it made a world of difference, I was able to lay still and they could monitor the baby closely. He also let me push with the epidural on, and it only took me about 45 mins of pushing to get her out.

My main issue is that his billing person has added a great deal of unnecessary stress to me since Sarah was born. First they billed the wrong insurance (we got added to DHs insurnace when Sarah was born but the delivery was to be billed to my old insurance). Once they finally listened to me and billed my old insurnance, my old employers had switched insurance companies so the old one refused to pay and now I'm responsible for $4,000 of my doctors bill from Sarah's delivery. Now he sent all of my lab work and office visits from this pregnancy into the new insurance company coded as "Disorder of menstruation" rather than pregnancy, so they've denied the claim since that's a chronic pre-existing condition. I'm getting it cleared up but I've spent WAY too much time this year on the phone with insurance companies trying to clean up his incompetence.

Part of me feels like just stick it out, it's getting cleared up and he was good to me when I was in A LOT of pain from my back issues and I'm not sure another doctor would be so understanding. At the same time, I've been so stressed the whole time I'm pregnant this time, I can barely sleep and I'm anxious and naseous all the time. I feel like maybe it's time to cut my losses and try to find a new doctor who can at least bill correctly so that's one layer of stress off.

Any input? DH thinks I should just stay, he's worried about switching at this point, but I think it's still early enough not to be a problem. Thanks so much. My head is spinning.

Posted 12/29/05 9:44 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: Would you switch doctors? (Really long)

Honestly, I would start looking around for another doctor. You don't need the added stress, especially from your doctor. That's how I feel.Chat Icon Hang in there.Chat Icon

Posted 12/29/05 11:05 PM


Member since 5/05

2423 total posts


Re: Would you switch doctors? (Really long)

you should, without a doubt, be telling this to your doctor. he needs to know how his office is making you feel and how it could be affecting your pregnancy. if incompetant people have made mistakes with your acct, then i am sure they have done the same with others.

Posted 12/29/05 11:16 PM

Best Friends

Member since 6/05

10228 total posts


Re: Would you switch doctors? (Really long)

I agree that you shoudl talk to him. IMP I wouldnt switch because the care you get is really the most important part. But I would be on the billing persons Azz after evey appointment.

Posted 12/30/05 12:43 AM

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