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Baby hates Tummy Time

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LIF Infant

Member since 7/06

121 total posts


Baby hates Tummy Time

My seven week old hates when I put him on his belly for tummy time. I want to get him used to working those muscles, but he cries every time I lay him on his stomach. I would do it when he was two weeks old and he did a great job, but now he hates it. Do I keep trying for even a couple of minutes a day?

Posted 7/20/06 10:45 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Baby hates Tummy Time

Many babies hate tummy time. My DD did. I did it for a few minutes, a few times a day, or as much as she'd take. I also would put her on the bed with the boppy under her chest and I'd sit on the floor beside her so we were at eye-level and she liked that a bit.

Posted 7/20/06 10:49 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Baby hates Tummy Time

My DD is 2.5 months old and does the same thing. She cries when she's on her tummy for more than a minute. I try to do it a couple times a day and roll her back over on her back when she starts fussing.

i have noticed though she likes tummy time better when we do it on the boppy.

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Posted 7/20/06 10:51 AM

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Re: Baby hates Tummy Time

I would lie down on the floor & talk to them during tummy time. Calmed them down. Then I would put blocks in front of them to reach them.

Posted 7/20/06 10:58 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 7/06

121 total posts


Re: Baby hates Tummy Time

Thanks! I tried the Boppy pillow and it worked! He loved it. He looked so relaxed and chilled out. Chat Icon

Posted 7/20/06 11:30 AM

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Re: Baby hates Tummy Time

Also, you may have to try increasing the amount of time little by little. If you get a minute out of him one day, try for a minute and a half the next day. They eventually get used to it gradually. We're in the process of doing this with Ava. She hates tummy time, too, even on the boppy. And by the by, they make a boppy especially for tummy time. It's little and has toys attached to it. Personally, I just use our regular one, but I thought it was a cute idea.

Posted 7/20/06 11:40 AM

2 1/2

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Re: Baby hates Tummy Time

Shannon hated it at first but now she is ok with it... they have a tummy time boppy that we bought and she likes it..

Posted 7/20/06 12:28 PM

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Re: Baby hates Tummy Time

Yuppers, mine hated it also. Now he likes it a little bit more, but its never their favorites.

Posted 7/20/06 12:31 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Baby hates Tummy Time

Most babies hate tummytime - try to do it for just a few minutes a day, increasing the time by just a tad each time. Also, I found with my daughter, she was more amenable to it in the morning after she ate and napped. Gotta catch them in a good mood Chat Icon

Posted 7/20/06 1:33 PM

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Re: Baby hates Tummy Time

Bella hated tummy time until she was 4 months. Now she loves it. My Dr. said to not push tummy time. If he seems to be frustrated or upset when on his tummy, stop and try again later. He said that a few minutes is enough. Do it when you son is ready!

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Posted 7/20/06 1:43 PM

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