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does anyone know of at home jobs?

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Member since 12/05

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does anyone know of at home jobs?

Hi all.
I was wondering if anyone knows of where I can look for work at home jobs???

Posted 1/14/06 10:46 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

20223 total posts


Re: does anyone know of at home jobs?

I think scott(danielleandscott) posted this a couple of weeks ago on NFR

Posted 1/15/06 1:44 AM

Feel better my little guy!

Member since 5/05

4476 total posts


Re: does anyone know of at home jobs?

Yeah - search for Scott's posting - they were legit.

Posted 1/15/06 9:15 AM


Member since 5/05

19403 total posts


Re: does anyone know of at home jobs?

Just be aware that most work from home jobs are sales jobs that are commission based, so they usually require more hours dedicated to them than a 9-5 office job. I had looked into some and decided that it just wasn't realistic for us since I didn't have anyone that could watch the baby for me while I was out selling. JMO.

Posted 1/15/06 12:12 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3372 total posts


Re: does anyone know of at home jobs?

It also really depends on what career you are in and what kind of salary you are looking for. Medical and Legal transcriptionist often work from home- but that is a skill that requires schooling. CPA's work from home at times doing tax stuff. Women do Pampered Chef, Tastefully Simple type jobs from home all the time.
Also, do you want a work from home job that requires you to work during normal business hours or only dring off hours?
There are a TON of scams out there so you need to be very careful.

I work from home full-time as a director of public relations. It is not a job that is really a 'work from home" type job but I have an amazing boss and a 2-hour commute each way into NYC so he would rather me work from home than never see Molly, get in at 9:30am and run the heck out by 4:30 and be miserable and exhustated all week. By my working from home I am much happier, see my daughter more than I would if I worked in the office, call in sick less often, never need to find emergency childcare for her being sick etc...He gets 110% of loyalty from me too.
There are cons to working at home though- Molly is still in daycare. True she was only in 2x a week till 5 months old, 3x a week till 2 years old and now at 2 she is in daycare 4x a week- but it is not like I take care of her all day and work 2 hours at night. Far from it. There are days I barely leave my house or see an adult, especially if DH is traveling on business. The walls can begin to really close in on you. I don't have friends going out to lunch in the office like I used to.
I work ALL the time. There is no real seperation of home and home is my office, my office is my home. I work at 10pm sometimes to make up for stopping at 4pm to pick Molly up at daycare or if she is sick that day I could be up at midnight working. I rarely get a real day off. Since I work from home people call all the time and figure I can do work from bed anyway.

So working for home is great for me, but it is not the same as being a SAHM. I never go to playdates, Gymboree or anything like that. I am working mom.

Posted 1/15/06 7:56 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

4189 total posts


Re: does anyone know of at home jobs?

I think I fall into the category of SAH working mom. I work 20 hours a week as an marketing account manager, my account is Nokia. It is hard. Especially now that Jack is 15 months old and I see that morning nap becoming a thing of the passed very soon. I try to work 2 hours during his morning nap and 2 hours in the afternoon and jump on the computer throughout the day to check emails. Then I somehow have to figure out what is for dinner and try to keep the house somewhat neat.

I'm very lucky to have an opportunity to do boss never bothers me...I pretty much do my own thing. But now that Jack is older and needs to be entertained I do feel bad sometimes that I have to pop in a movie so I can make a call.

So to answer your question, work at home jobs do exist and I think the first place to start is with your current job to see if that is a possiblity. I know some professions make it impossible, but many all you need is a computer and DSL and you've got a home office.

Good luck!

Posted 1/15/06 10:49 PM

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