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OK_Ryan is giving me a real hard time (re: sleeping Calla- MrsR I need you)

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Family of 5!

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OK_Ryan is giving me a real hard time (re: sleeping Calla- MrsR I need you)

So for the past 3-4 weeks- Ryan has not be sleeping good at all...
I would say 5 out of 7 night a week he wakes at least once...

Ive tried adding a bottle, taking away a bottle, Ive tried going to bed earlier/ laterer...

Some nights he CIO until he falls back asleep- others I do take him into bed w/ me.

I know im not being consistent- but some nights his cry- is not the kind where I could let him CIO-

Some nights he wakes up just to walk/crawl around his crib Chat Icon

I cant figure out what makes him sleep when he does sleep-
(however one night his teeth were obviously bothering him- so I gave him tylenol... and that helped- but thats def. not a solution)
Ive tried adjusting the temp in his room, different blankets, sheets, music...etc...

I also wanna add that- as soon as him and I make contact he is back to sleep- (I mean as soon as I pick him up)

Posted 7/7/06 9:06 PM
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Re: OK_Ryan is giving me a real hard time (re: sleeping Calla- MrsR I need you)

My guess is that his sleep is disturbed now that he's started to walk. It happened to both my kids right afterwards.

Posted 7/7/06 9:16 PM

Family of 5!

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<3 Mommy <3

Re: OK_Ryan is giving me a real hard time (re: sleeping Calla- MrsR I need you)

I did just read something like this in a baby cener web article...

Something about getting up to "practice" all their new found discovery's...

How do you make this stop??? Im so tired... I go to bed so late- and I feel like I sleep for 2 hours and then he wakes- and Im either awake listening to him cry, im sleeping with him on the couch, getting kicked in my bed, or rocking him back to sleepChat Icon - then I go back to sleep for another 2 hrs. and get up for work....

Im also concerned that HE'S not getting enough sleep (since his sleep is disturbed) for the most part his napping is still ok- but as soon as he hears our alarm go off.... or us up and moving in the house- he gets up (so like 5:30/6 o'clock) on the weekends its not so bad- because he goes back to bed after a bottle... but during the week- its a whole other ball game!

Message edited 7/7/2006 9:21:31 PM.

Posted 7/7/06 9:20 PM

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Re: OK_Ryan is giving me a real hard time (re: sleeping Calla- MrsR I need you)

I wouldn't pick him up. I know this one is going to be tough to do but get ear plugs. Wear them for a week if you can't let him CIO. You have a smart kid. He's already figured out that his crying will get you to rock him to sleep.

Posted 7/7/06 9:23 PM

My love.

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Re: OK_Ryan is giving me a real hard time (re: sleeping Calla- MrsR I need you)

Marissa hang in there...Talia's sleep has been disturbed since she started standing/cruising and her teeth are coming in. sometimes you have to go with the flow and wait it out a little.
Even though I believe in CIO - I also believe kids are entitled to have a sleepless few nights without explaination. I think maybe their minds are racing at night with excitement about their new discoveries during the day. Try to be consistant though - that always helps.

Posted 7/7/06 9:25 PM

Family of 5!

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<3 Mommy <3

Re: OK_Ryan is giving me a real hard time (re: sleeping Calla- MrsR I need you)

Posted by nrthshgrl

I wouldn't pick him up. I know this one is going to be tough to do but get ear plugs. Wear them for a week if you can't let him CIO. You have a smart kid. He's already figured out that his crying will get you to rock him to sleep.

Oh no- I let him CIO- but hmmm... how could I explain it...

There are certain cries that I call CIO cries- then there are these other cries... that are really scary- not pain or hunger- but TRUE SADNESS... Not the type of cry where I could let him CIO....(Ive tried he's gone on for 2 hrs once...)

Posted 7/7/06 9:26 PM

Family of 5!

Member since 5/05

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<3 Mommy <3

Re: OK_Ryan is giving me a real hard time (re: sleeping Calla- MrsR I need you)

Posted by MrsR

Marissa hang in there...Talia's sleep has been disturbed since she started standing/cruising and her teeth are coming in. sometimes you have to go with the flow and wait it out a little.
Even though I believe in CIO - I also believe kids are entitled to have a sleepless few nights without explaination. I think maybe their minds are racing at night with excitement about their new discoveries during the day. Try to be consistant though - that always helps.

I agree- but this has been a few nights

This has been 4/5 nights per week for the past month!

Posted 7/7/06 9:27 PM

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Re: OK_Ryan is giving me a real hard time (re: sleeping Calla- MrsR I need you)

same here Marissa...ever since Bella started standing and cruising her naps/sleep has been all over the was hellish because she was sooooooo cranky...

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I know what you mean about the cries, Bella is the same way...she used to have a cry that I knew I couldn't just let her go, but now she does that all the time. I try to gage her...this morning she slept on my chest sobbing and this afternoon I let her go and she took a nap...she is a nightmare without her naps...
last night we had to pick her up and tonight she went down without a peep like normal...

these kids CERTAINLY keep us on our toes...I am exhausted. It was the most tiring day off I ever had.

Posted 7/7/06 9:29 PM

My love.

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Re: OK_Ryan is giving me a real hard time (re: sleeping Calla- MrsR I need you)

well then, I would say be more consistant - decide what you want to do and stick with it. I can tell you talia's cry has changed over the months - its waaay more dramatic now than it ever was before - but its just because she is learning that it gets my attention.

Posted 7/7/06 9:30 PM

Family of 5!

Member since 5/05

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<3 Mommy <3

Re: OK_Ryan is giving me a real hard time (re: sleeping Calla- MrsR I need you)

Posted by mommy2bellabean

same here Marissa...ever since Bella started standing and cruising her naps/sleep has been all over the was hellish because she was sooooooo cranky...

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I know what you mean about the cries, Bella is the same way...she used to have a cry that I knew I couldn't just let her go, but now she does that all the time. I try to gage her...this morning she slept on my chest sobbing and this afternoon I let her go and she took a nap...she is a nightmare without her naps...
last night we had to pick her up and tonight she went down without a peep like normal...

these kids CERTAINLY keep us on our toes...I am exhausted. It was the most tiring day off I ever had.

Seriously- I think this is harder than when he was a newbornChat Icon

You chase them around all day- making sure they dont get hurt, pulling them off of all the furniture they climb on... and then you dont even get a good nights sleep!

Message edited 7/7/2006 9:32:03 PM.

Posted 7/7/06 9:30 PM

Family of 5!

Member since 5/05

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<3 Mommy <3

Re: OK_Ryan is giving me a real hard time (re: sleeping Calla- MrsR I need you)

Posted by MrsR
but its just because she is learning that it gets my attention.

Thats true!!!

Posted 7/7/06 9:31 PM

My girls

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Re: OK_Ryan is giving me a real hard time (re: sleeping Calla- MrsR I need you)

I'm honored by the mention in the title, but I'm not sure I'm worthy. I'm back to nursing my dd once every night. In the end, that seems to be what creates the most sleep for both of us. I tried and tried CIO consistently for months, and she was still nightwaking and/or waking up way too early in the morning. So, now I feed her once when she wakes up after 2:30 am and she sleeps from 7:30-7. Works for me.

I think that the people who have magic solutions are blessed with easygoing babies. Sounds to me like Ryan is a bit more tenacious! I don't think its the blankets, temperature, etc. I think he just loves his mommy and is strong willed enough to fight for her!

In the end I think you just have to make peace with what you want to do.

Posted 7/7/06 9:54 PM

Family of 5!

Member since 5/05

15364 total posts

<3 Mommy <3

Re: OK_Ryan is giving me a real hard time (re: sleeping Calla- MrsR I need you)


I just find alot of time you are very knowledgable on why- things happen (even if you cant fix em')

I think if I could figure out whats going on...I would accept it (and maybe be able to tackle it) but I just cant figure out the causeChat Icon

Truthfully Ryan is a pretty easy baby- started sleeping through the night @ 3 months old... then when he strayed from that CIO was a god send- and although we had some rough nights... for the most part he's always slept 10-12 hrs through (Thanks to your put him to bed earlier suggetsion, and MrsR CIO coachingChat Icon )

Its so easy to blame EVERYTHING on teething (however that may very well be the cause)

Im just really tired lately!

Ohhh... and you all wanna hear something strange...

Today I laid down with Ryan and gave him a bottle- he ended up falling asleep- so instead of risking waking him up- I let him continue his nap on the couch...

I slivered out from underneath him, baracaded him in... all while he was in a deep deep sleep..

No sooner did I take 4 steps away from the couch... and he was wide awak- trying to CLIMB OVER THE ARM>>>> It was freaking... how could he been in such a deep sleep.. then be wide awake?? It was like he faked it- just to get "free" Chat Icon

Posted 7/7/06 10:06 PM

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