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They scheduled my C-section ALREADY...

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Making big changes

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They scheduled my C-section ALREADY...

I'm kind of surprised they scheduled it so far ahead of time. Looks like our little girl will be arriving on October 6th. I guess the VBAC is totally out of the question now, so I'm really disappointed about that. Unless, I go into labor before then. Doubtful, but I can sure hope. So, I'm sad that I won't have the VBAC, but thrilled that we're going to meet our girl earlier than expected.

Posted 6/1/06 9:59 PM
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Re: They scheduled my C-section ALREADY...

Aww Kristin, hey you never know.Chat Icon

Posted 6/1/06 10:01 PM

Family of 5!

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Re: They scheduled my C-section ALREADY...

Just curious.... why are they not letting you VBAC....????

Im not sure my plans for baby number 2 (whether Ill try and VBAC or not.... leaning more towards not...) and am interested on different Dr.s views...

Posted 6/1/06 10:02 PM

Making big changes

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Re: They scheduled my C-section ALREADY...

Posted by Princessmaris

Just curious.... why are they not letting you VBAC....????

Im not sure my plans for baby number 2 (whether Ill try and VBAC or not.... leaning more towards not...) and am interested on different Dr.s views...

Unfortunately, because I got stuck with the Doctor that got into a lawsuit with a woman over complications with her VBAC. He insists that the risk for uterine rupture is "too high", meanwhile I've heard nothing but the opposite from people. Honestly, I think he's just scared ****less of getting another lawsuit.
He told me the only way I'd be able to try VBAC is if I go into labor naturally BEFORE my scheduled C-section and everything is moving along smoothly. Naturally, they scheduled my C-section fairly early, so I don't think my chances are that great of labor starting naturally.

Posted 6/1/06 10:06 PM

Family of 5!

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Re: They scheduled my C-section ALREADY...

Posted by SoinLove

Posted by Princessmaris

Just curious.... why are they not letting you VBAC....????

Im not sure my plans for baby number 2 (whether Ill try and VBAC or not.... leaning more towards not...) and am interested on different Dr.s views...

Unfortunately, because I got stuck with the Doctor that got into a lawsuit with a woman over complications with her VBAC. He insists that the risk for uterine rupture is "too high", meanwhile I've heard nothing but the opposite from people. Honestly, I think he's just scared ****less of getting another lawsuit.
He told me the only way I'd be able to try VBAC is if I go into labor naturally BEFORE my scheduled C-section and everything is moving along smoothly. Naturally, they scheduled my C-section fairly early, so I don't think my chances are that great of labor starting naturally.

A friend and I were just discussing this the other day... She had a c-sect with her 1st and was thinking about VBACing with her 2nd...

Her DR. told her the risks, and told her it was her choice.... but it was better to sched. the c-sect. and take no risks.... Apparently his wife was in the same boat.... and he pushed the c-sect again, he didnt wanna take any chances...

Hence- making her feel like it was pretty risky, and so she sched. another c-sect.

I thought the risks were pretty low... but I guess it depends on who you talk to.... I do see my friends Dr.'s pov... on why take any risk at all... I guess....

I had a great exp. w/ my c-sect. and will prob go that way again....

But Im truthfully dying to figure out, how risky it is.... (again... I guess its all who you talk to)

Posted 6/1/06 10:19 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

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Re: They scheduled my C-section ALREADY...

I am sorry that they aren't even considering a vbac but I wanted to let you know that October 6th is my daughter's birthday so it's a good day!!

Posted 6/1/06 10:34 PM

Making big changes

Member since 5/05

16541 total posts


Re: They scheduled my C-section ALREADY...

Posted by Princessmaris
A friend and I were just discussing this the other day... She had a c-sect with her 1st and was thinking about VBACing with her 2nd...

Her DR. told her the risks, and told her it was her choice.... but it was better to sched. the c-sect. and take no risks.... Apparently his wife was in the same boat.... and he pushed the c-sect again, he didnt wanna take any chances...

Hence- making her feel like it was pretty risky, and so she sched. another c-sect.

I thought the risks were pretty low... but I guess it depends on who you talk to.... I do see my friends Dr.'s pov... on why take any risk at all... I guess....

I had a great exp. w/ my c-sect. and will prob go that way again....

But Im truthfully dying to figure out, how risky it is.... (again... I guess its all who you talk to)

This is exactly what happened with me. I told my doctor that I really wanted to do it and he said that I could if I really wanted to, BUT I'd be "risking my baby's life and even my own life." Just how much of a risk, he didn't say, but honestly, after hearing a doctor say something like that, not many people are going to be like "Risking our lives? Let's do it!"

I had no problems with the recovery of my C-section or anything and don't mind doing it again. I just really wanted a chance at a natural labor.

Like you said, I would love to know the ACTUAL risk of the VBAC. It's hard to get a straight answer on it.

Posted 6/2/06 12:46 AM

Making big changes

Member since 5/05

16541 total posts


Re: They scheduled my C-section ALREADY...

Posted by Melbernai

I am sorry that they aren't even considering a vbac but I wanted to let you know that October 6th is my daughter's birthday so it's a good day!!

Well, it IS a good day then! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/2/06 12:46 AM

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Re: They scheduled my C-section ALREADY...

Krisin, Can you find a new OB who might be a little more open to a VBAC?

Posted 6/2/06 2:23 AM

Making big changes

Member since 5/05

16541 total posts


Re: They scheduled my C-section ALREADY...

Posted by DebG

Krisin, Can you find a new OB who might be a little more open to a VBAC?

While I don't like that my OB's not open to the VBAC, I'm comfortable with him in every other aspect. He did a phenominal job with my first C-section and I'd much rather have him do it if it's really necessary. I guess I could go with somebody that I'm not comfortable with, but this far in the game, I'd rather not. All I can really do is hope that I will go into labor before the scheduled C-section. Chances are slim, but you never know.

Posted 6/2/06 7:14 AM

Where it all began....

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Re: They scheduled my C-section ALREADY...

You should FM Michele31 she has tons of VBAC info and your legal rights.

Posted 6/2/06 8:42 AM

My 3 Miracles!

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Re: They scheduled my C-section ALREADY...

Wow that's early to be scheduling it? I'm having one, but my doctors schedule doesn't even come out until July, and I'm having one 2nd week in September. Well, at least you know when you'll be meeting her! Chat Icon

Posted 6/2/06 9:34 AM

I love my Katie Bug

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Re: They scheduled my C-section ALREADY...

Aww Im sorry you're disappointed Chat Icon

But from experience...I went thru 22 hrs of labor and then had to have an emergency c-section...I'd much rather just schedule it next time and avoid all the unnecessary pain.

Posted 6/2/06 9:54 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: They scheduled my C-section ALREADY...

Wow Kristin, that is early to schedule it right?

I'm sorry you are so disappointed as well Chat Icon and hope that maybe you do go into labor early and have a least a shot at trying a VBAC this time Chat Icon

Well due date twin - barring anything flukey on my end, you are definitely going to be meeting your Chat Icon before I meet my Chat Icon thenChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/2/06 9:56 AM

LIF Adult

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Re: They scheduled my C-section ALREADY...

JMO...but I would RUN to a new to a new doctor. because of a law suit you are being forced to have major surgery? That might not be in YOUR best interest or your baby's best interest.
I would not allow another women's lawsuit to control my medical situation or my pregnancy.
UR is a VERY low risk..even women who have never had a child before can have a UR. We don't even know this other women's medical history..maybe she had previous surgeries for something, not just a c/s..maybe she was high risk for other reasons.

Again, you should do what is best for you, but JMO that IF you want a VBAC find a supportive doctor. This guy might be a great OB but he is making a blanket medical decision based on a legal, NOT medical situation.

Message edited 6/2/2006 12:26:58 PM.

Posted 6/2/06 12:25 PM

boys will be boys =)

Member since 9/05

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Re: They scheduled my C-section ALREADY...

Ive never heard of being scheduled for a C without your agreeing to it, or even picking the day Chat Icon

I wanted to VBAC last time around (this is baby # 3 Im preggo with). My OB is not a VBAC cheerleader by any means, but he was open to it and supported me. They were willing to let me go up to 2wks late, into labor on my own, see how I progressed, etc.
I did go into labor 9days late. Didnt progress at all after 7-8hours. It was my call to wait it out or "just have the C"... and I guess when youre in labor and the baby is sitting around, not progressing (and they wont give certain meds with previous Cs), my mind began to go into the "what ifs" and I said why go to the OR in an emergency, when I can go in calmly and happily...
ITs really sucha tough decision. Who knows if I waited it out, pushed, etc.

Now with this one, # 3, I dont think any HOSPITAL will evenallow it after 2 Cs
Chat Icon I also called the midwives who are supposedly more openminded about these things, but was told there are no OBs that would support them.

So we're 99% scheduling it. and will pick the date around my schedule, not the Drs golf games Chat Icon

I have a friend who just had a VBAC after 3Cs. but at home, and I would never do that.

ITs really a shame how they are so quick to say what ifs about VBAC and not so quick to mention the problems women have with repeat Cs, maybe not that same day, week or year, but yes, complications may arise in the future.
and of course, if you plan to have more than 3-4kids, you never know what your Dr will tell you after each C, after they see "how things look" (some women build up lots of scar tissue, and other things can occur...)

Its really a tough situation. Its not about being superwoman and having a VBAC. To me, its about avoiding a major surgery, (esp with toddlers at home) and just not being made to feel so wrong for wanting to attempt a VBAC.

Good luck in whatever your decision is Chat Icon

Message edited 6/2/2006 12:52:12 PM.

Posted 6/2/06 12:51 PM

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