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Photoshop/Photo/Design question (again)

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Member since 5/05

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Photoshop/Photo/Design question (again)

I have the program...haven't installed it yet and have nooooo clue how to use it.

Can someone tell me -
is it POSSIBLE to use a 4x6 photo as a background, lighten it (less saturated), create a border for it, then layer a calendar and some text boxes over it - all in photoshop?

I've decided against save the date magnets, b/c the size that I want is just too expensive. It'd be about $4-5 EACH. That's absurd.

I think I'm going to do the photoshop thing, then have them printed as regular 4x6 photos from Winkflash or something.

Do you think this would work?

Side note: Where can I find a calendar (online, or in another program?) that I can layer on to the picture?


Posted 6/8/06 10:17 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: Photoshop/Photo/Design question (again)

lol - Barbara must be actually WORKING today Chat Icon

Posted 6/8/06 11:06 AM


Member since 5/05

12119 total posts


Re: Photoshop/Photo/Design question (again)

If I'm following correctly I think you can just outline a rectangle - the size you want and fill it with white, or another color, then put your text on there. Is that what you mean? Can you use a calendar from one of the other STD websites? Chat Icon

Posted 6/8/06 11:08 AM


Member since 5/05

30390 total posts


Re: Photoshop/Photo/Design question (again)

lol - Laura - I already tried to check out other STD sites for a calendar....haven't found anything yet! But thanks

Posted 6/8/06 11:13 AM


Member since 5/05

12119 total posts


Re: Photoshop/Photo/Design question (again)

You can take a screenshot of the Outlook calendar. Then paste it into Photoshop - not sure if that is too small or large. Or just make your own using text. Let me know if you can't find one I can help you make it.

Posted 6/8/06 11:25 AM


Member since 5/05

30390 total posts


Re: Photoshop/Photo/Design question (again)

thank you so much - I don't have outlook! I work on a Mac. Maybe I'll use Entourage Chat Icon

Posted 6/8/06 11:36 AM

Happy New Year

Member since 5/05

17334 total posts


Re: Photoshop/Photo/Design question (again)

You're going to want the calendar to be transparent in order to be able to see the picture in the background, right?

Then I would draw my own over the picture by using the rectangle tool to create the boxes.

ETA: Btw, you don't want to desaturate the photo (unless you want it b/w) you want to use the blending options on it's layer to lessen the opacity.

Message edited 6/8/2006 11:43:08 AM.

Posted 6/8/06 11:42 AM


Member since 5/05

30390 total posts


Re: Photoshop/Photo/Design question (again)

Posted by BabyAvocado

You're going to want the calendar to be transparent in order to be able to see the picture in the background, right?

Then I would draw my own over the picture by using the rectangle tool to create the boxes.

you're i'd have to create individual boxes for the dates, right?

I think I'm going to try to put together the calendar and text FIRST, then add the pic next week, when I get it.

Posted 6/8/06 11:44 AM


Member since 5/05

30390 total posts


Re: Photoshop/Photo/Design question (again)

Posted by BabyAvocado

ETA: Btw, you don't want to desaturate the photo (unless you want it b/w) you want to use the blending options on it's layer to lessen the opacity.

thanks - like I said, I've never used the program before Chat Icon I'm giving myself the entire summer to get this together!!! Chat Icon

Posted 6/8/06 11:46 AM

Happy New Year

Member since 5/05

17334 total posts


Re: Photoshop/Photo/Design question (again)

Posted by Shorty

you're i'd have to create individual boxes for the dates, right?

I think I'm going to try to put together the calendar and text FIRST, then add the pic next week, when I get it.

Yep. I think that's the best way to do it - to create the calendar first since that will be the most time consuming part. Then you can just drop it on the picture as it's own layer - much easier to work with.

Posted 6/8/06 11:48 AM


Member since 5/05

30390 total posts


Re: Photoshop/Photo/Design question (again)

Thanks Sandra!!!

lol - Rich says to me last night, "Aren't there professionals that can do this? No offense, of course, but do you have any clue what the f you're doing?"
me: "hahahhahaahha- NOPE!!!"

Posted 6/8/06 11:50 AM

My two miracles!

Member since 5/06

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Re: Photoshop/Photo/Design question (again)

Which Photoshop do you have??? I want to get one & play with but not sure which version!!!

Posted 6/8/06 11:56 AM


Member since 5/05

30390 total posts


Re: Photoshop/Photo/Design question (again)

i probably shouldn't be admitting this in a public forum, but its a full version of photoshop that my hack-happy friend "gave" to me.

I have a Mac, so its a mac version.

Posted 6/8/06 11:58 AM

Happy New Year

Member since 5/05

17334 total posts


Re: Photoshop/Photo/Design question (again)

Posted by Shorty

Thanks Sandra!!!

lol - Rich says to me last night, "Aren't there professionals that can do this? No offense, of course, but do you have any clue what the f you're doing?"
me: "hahahhahaahha- NOPE!!!"

Chat Icon Chat Icon

you're welcome shorty-sweets Chat Icon

Posted 6/8/06 12:51 PM


Member since 8/05

8377 total posts


Re: Photoshop/Photo/Design question (again)

Hi Nic,

Did you think about doing an image search on google for a calendar and modifying that to look the way you want it to?

I'm pretty good with photoshop, if you need any help feel free to FM

google image search


I used vistaprint to order the magnets from and it came out relatively cheap! if you type (actually if you type in any month it is it works) you can see how cheap it is

we ordered business card magnets and they came out great!

Image Attachment(s):

Message edited 6/8/2006 1:54:50 PM.

Posted 6/8/06 1:52 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: Photoshop/Photo/Design question (again)

Sorry just got finished with a project. If you didn't get it done & want me to work on it, FM me :)

Posted 6/8/06 2:12 PM


Member since 5/05

30390 total posts


Re: Photoshop/Photo/Design question (again)

Thanks so much for all the help!!!!

I spent an hour this morning creating the calendar myself. It was relatively easy, just time-consuming. I created it in powerpoint, grouped all the individual boxes, and saved it as a jpeg image. when i drag it on top of something else, its transparent! woohoo - that worked.

Now I just need the picture so I can layer everything, dress it up a bit, and get them printed! woohoo

Chat Icon Thanks again

Posted 6/9/06 11:51 AM

where's winter?

Member since 11/05

2209 total posts


Re: Photoshop/Photo/Design question (again)

Posted by Shorty

Thanks so much for all the help!!!!

I spent an hour this morning creating the calendar myself. It was relatively easy, just time-consuming. I created it in powerpoint, grouped all the individual boxes, and saved it as a jpeg image. when i drag it on top of something else, its transparent! woohoo - that worked.

Now I just need the picture so I can layer everything, dress it up a bit, and get them printed! woohoo

Chat Icon Thanks again

yay! i'm happy to hear you figured it out Chat Icon

Posted 6/9/06 11:56 AM


Member since 5/05

30390 total posts


Re: Photoshop/Photo/Design question (again)

Anon, thanks sooo much for your help and suggestions!!!

I was so close to just paying someone to do it, but I want that sense of accomplishment from doing it myself Chat Icon (ok....myself....with some major help Chat Icon)

Posted 6/9/06 11:59 AM

Becoming a different woman

Member since 5/05

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Re: Photoshop/Photo/Design question (again)

Woo Hoo Nic, I can't wait to see.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/9/06 12:03 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Photoshop/Photo/Design question (again)

it'll be done 1 week from today Chat Icon

ok, who am I kidding....I'll probably stay up all night on Wednesday (the day we're doing pics) just to get it done Chat Icon

Posted 6/9/06 12:08 PM

Becoming a different woman

Member since 5/05

24460 total posts


Re: Photoshop/Photo/Design question (again)

I love diy stuff, it really shows all the hard work and details that were put into a wedding.Chat Icon

Posted 6/9/06 12:12 PM

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