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So I broke down and bought.. (UPDATED)

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My Beautiful Babies

Member since 5/05

2073 total posts


So I broke down and bought.. (UPDATED)

pregnancy tests. If some of you have read my posts on the infertility board you'll know that I see an RS and that I had an IUI almost 2 weeks ago. The RS told me not to do any home pregnancy tests and I promised DH that I wouldn't. He wanted to have the doctor tell us at my appointment on Monday if I am pregnant. Well, I just couldn't wait. So yesterday I did the test and I swear I saw a faint line. This morning I did a test and there was no line. I compared the two and there def. was a faint line there yesterday. My question is has this happened to anyone else where one test looks positive but then the next day test is negative? TIA.

UPDATE: I took another test this morning and got another faint line a tad darker than the one the other day. I told DH and asked him if he could see it and he said YES. I hope this is for real and that this one lasts. I will find out for sure on Monday. Deb, I never had to get the shot I O'd the night before the IUI.

Message edited 12/3/2005 10:25:26 AM.

Posted 12/2/05 5:49 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Complete Happiness :)

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LOVE being a Mommy!

Re: So I broke down and bought..

It didn't happen to me, but what brand tests are you using?

Posted 12/2/05 5:50 PM

My Beautiful Babies

Member since 5/05

2073 total posts


Re: So I broke down and bought..

First Response, because it says it can detect the hcg hormone 5 days earlier. I am not due for my period till Monday.

Posted 12/2/05 5:54 PM

Complete Happiness :)

Member since 5/05

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LOVE being a Mommy!

Re: So I broke down and bought..

I am not 100% sure but I think FRER can do that. I think other girls have said that.
I used to use Answer or Equate.
I hope that this is it for you Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/2/05 5:58 PM

where's winter?

Member since 11/05

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Re: So I broke down and bought..

unfortunately, yes...

with clearblue easy (regular and digital) i received a positive and then 4,5 days later a negative. i started spotting around the time i was supposed to get my period, and then it just disappeared so a few days later i tested. turns out it eventually showed up a week-week and a half late.

i refused to test early from that point on. i waited a week if i was late, tested, and then waited another week, tested - once both were positive i scheduled an appointment with my dr.

Posted 12/2/05 6:32 PM

Dad you finally did it!!!

Member since 10/05

1714 total posts


Re: So I broke down and bought..

It hasn'tt happened to me but keep us posted!!! Baby Dust to you!!!

Posted 12/3/05 6:42 AM

Pick a cause & stand up for it

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The cure IS worse!

Re: So I broke down and bought..

I remember you saying that if you did not get a surge on your own, your doctor was going to give you a shot to induce ovulation. Did you ever get the shot? If so, that could be the culprit of the disappearing line.
The shot doctors use is an HCG shot. HCG is the same hormone used in pregnancy tests to determine if a woman is pregnant. I have had hte HCG shot before and it has take about 12 days for the shot to leave my body.
If you did not get the shot, then I would suggest you test again in a day or two, perhaps the second time you tested your urine was not as concentrated.
Best of luck to you!
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Posted 12/3/05 7:32 AM

Dad you finally did it!!!

Member since 10/05

1714 total posts


Re: So I broke down and bought.. (UPDATED)

Woo Hoo on another line!!!! I hope your doc gives you the news you already suspect and seems to be!!! I want to say congrats but I don't want to jinx you!!! Let us know what they say at your docs.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/3/05 11:46 AM

Loving Mommyhood!

Member since 5/05

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Re: So I broke down and bought.. (UPDATED)


I was just about to send you an FM to ask if you had any news. Sounds promising! GL on Monday! If you recall, I had the IUI a few days after you and I've been a testing queen and have gotten only BFNs (despite my HCG shot.) Considering you didn't get the HCG shot and are further along in your cycle than I am, I would say you are pg for sure! What types of symptoms are you having? GL!


Posted 12/3/05 12:02 PM

Best Friends

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Re: So I broke down and bought.. (UPDATED)

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Posted 12/3/05 12:02 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/05

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Re: So I broke down and bought.. (UPDATED)

It may be too early to tell yet. I hope that your appt on Monday brings the good news you've been waiting to hear and makes it official!!!

Posted 12/3/05 5:06 PM

Complete Happiness :)

Member since 5/05

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LOVE being a Mommy!

Re: So I broke down and bought.. (UPDATED)


Keep us posted on Mondays appt!!

Posted 12/3/05 5:16 PM

Pick a cause & stand up for it

Member since 5/05

18602 total posts

The cure IS worse!

Re: So I broke down and bought.. (UPDATED)

If you never got the shot and the line is there again than I think congrats are def. in order!!!
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Posted 12/3/05 8:42 PM

Mommy of 2

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Re: So I broke down and bought.. (UPDATED)

Best of luck to you!

Posted 12/4/05 12:54 PM

My Beautiful Babies

Member since 5/05

2073 total posts


Re: So I broke down and bought.. (UPDATED)

Thankyou everybody. Hopefully if I am pregnant this one sticks.

Posted 12/4/05 3:14 PM

My Beautiful Babies

Member since 5/05

2073 total posts


Re: So I broke down and bought.. (UPDATED)

Posted by Susan


I was just about to send you an FM to ask if you had any news. Sounds promising! GL on Monday! If you recall, I had the IUI a few days after you and I've been a testing queen and have gotten only BFNs (despite my HCG shot.) Considering you didn't get the HCG shot and are further along in your cycle than I am, I would say you are pg for sure! What types of symptoms are you having? GL!


Susan, the symptoms I have are... sore boobs and tiredness. I had nausea all day on thursday but haven't had that since. Baby dust to you.

Posted 12/4/05 3:16 PM

Dad you finally did it!!!

Member since 10/05

1714 total posts


Re: So I broke down and bought.. (UPDATED)

Let us know about your appointment today!!!

Posted 12/5/05 8:41 AM

Loving Mommyhood!

Member since 5/05

2391 total posts


Re: So I broke down and bought.. (UPDATED)


I'll be thinking of you all day today. Let us know how it goes. I logged on here for the sole purpose of seeing your results! Inquiring minds want to know! Baby Dust!

Susan Chat Icon

Posted 12/5/05 8:50 AM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

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Re: So I broke down and bought.. (UPDATED)

Good luck today with your tests!

Posted 12/5/05 11:14 AM

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