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TMI but I have to ask...

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LIF Infant

Member since 11/05

198 total posts


TMI but I have to ask...

I feel like I pulled a muscle down there and it has been bothering me for about a week. Could this be stretching or something??
Not to mention that I have to pee every hour and that is not helping either.
Is this normal or should I be concerned?
Thanks, as alwaysChat Icon

Posted 3/6/06 9:10 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

too excited for words

Member since 10/05

18538 total posts


Re: TMI but I have to ask...

How far along are you? It could be that the baby is pressing down there, and putting more pressure on your baldder.

Posted 3/6/06 9:15 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 11/05

198 total posts


Re: TMI but I have to ask...

I am at 32 weeks.
But should I feel like I pulled a muscle???

The Lamaze coach told us to start sitting on a birthing ball. This pulled muscle started shortly after I started sitting on the ball.

Posted 3/6/06 9:18 AM

I luv My Daughter

Member since 9/05

1192 total posts


Re: TMI but I have to ask...

I have it also. I have had it for a while. I have no idea what it is but it seems to bother me a lot more when I am on my feet for a long period of time.

Posted 3/6/06 9:44 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 11/05

198 total posts


Re: TMI but I have to ask...

I am also still wearing regular panties (again, TMI and I am sorry) and they feel like they are getting tighter. Perhaps its cutting into my skin?? But would this cause a feeling of a pulled muscle??

Posted 3/6/06 9:50 AM

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