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If you are opposed to the TSA's decision to put knives back on our airplanes please come in----( HELP)

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Our prayers were answered:)

Member since 6/05

4919 total posts


If you are opposed to the TSA's decision to put knives back on our airplanes please come in----( HELP)

I am a flight attendant and my union is asking for help to oppose the TSA's moronic decision permitting knives/ scissors back on aircrafts.
There is no good reason for the flying public to baord an aircraft with a knife/ screwdriver or a scissor.

Thanks for your help :)

If you can help please click this link-----

Urgent action needed to stop the TSA//leave the blades behind!

Posted 12/13/05 11:27 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: If you are opposed to the TSA's decision to put knives back on our airplanes please come in----( HELP)

All you people in Flight have my VoteChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
Good Luck with thisChat Icon
I will send this to people I know who will help w/this Issue!

Posted 12/13/05 11:35 PM

hello baby Albert

Member since 9/05

7750 total posts


Re: If you are opposed to the TSA's decision to put knives back on our airplanes please come in----( HELP)

done Chat Icon

Posted 12/13/05 11:39 PM

Check out my cool glasses

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Re: If you are opposed to the TSA's decision to put knives back on our airplanes please come in----( HELP)


Posted 12/14/05 2:43 AM

You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05

31871 total posts


Re: If you are opposed to the TSA's decision to put knives back on our airplanes please come in----( HELP)

they thin it is ok for someone to carry on knives and scissors onto a plane????????

Are they CRAZY Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/14/05 6:22 AM

Pick a cause & stand up for it

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18602 total posts

The cure IS worse!

Re: If you are opposed to the TSA's decision to put knives back on our airplanes please come in----( HELP)

also done

Posted 12/14/05 7:46 AM


Member since 5/05

14279 total posts


Re: If you are opposed to the TSA's decision to put knives back on our airplanes please come in----( HELP)

I did it too. I hope it makes a difference.

Posted 12/14/05 7:49 AM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05

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Re: If you are opposed to the TSA's decision to put knives back on our airplanes please come in----( HELP)

why now is is ok to carry a knife??
I dont get itChat Icon Are they ASKING for a disaster to happen??

Posted 12/14/05 8:08 AM

Best Friends

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Re: If you are opposed to the TSA's decision to put knives back on our airplanes please come in----( HELP)


Posted 12/14/05 8:39 AM

You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05

31871 total posts


Re: If you are opposed to the TSA's decision to put knives back on our airplanes please come in----( HELP)

Are they talking about ON BOARD or in the luggage?

Posted 12/14/05 8:41 AM


Member since 5/05

30390 total posts


Re: If you are opposed to the TSA's decision to put knives back on our airplanes please come in----( HELP)

also done! in my name and Rich's. Chat Icon

Posted 12/14/05 9:04 AM

Our prayers were answered:)

Member since 6/05

4919 total posts


Re: If you are opposed to the TSA's decision to put knives back on our airplanes please come in----( HELP)

Posted by Redhead

Are they talking about ON BOARD or in the luggage?

Onboard- they are out of thier minds!!!!!!'

Thanks everyone- I am OUTRAGED by this!

Message edited 12/14/2005 9:13:06 AM.

Posted 12/14/05 9:12 AM


Member since 5/05

4319 total posts


Re: If you are opposed to the TSA's decision to put knives back on our airplanes please come in----( HELP)

Posted by Redhead

Are they talking about ON BOARD or in the luggage?

I believe it's onboard.
I don't get it.Chat Icon
They say it's to make it take less time to get through security and so they can concentrate on looking for bombs and stuff, but it seems sooooo stupid to me!!! Chat Icon

Posted 12/14/05 9:13 AM


Member since 5/05

4898 total posts


Re: If you are opposed to the TSA's decision to put knives back on our airplanes please come in----( HELP)

I just signed it and emailed the link to about 20 people.

I'm just not sure of the reasoning behind this - why would you ever NEED to bring it on board??? I travel for business too and yes, sometimes it is easier to just bring a carry on but you know what? My "inconvenience" is most certainly worth thwarting another terrorist attack Chat Icon

Posted 12/14/05 9:19 AM

Our prayers were answered:)

Member since 6/05

4919 total posts


Re: If you are opposed to the TSA's decision to put knives back on our airplanes please come in----( HELP)

Posted by oneday

Posted by Redhead

Are they talking about ON BOARD or in the luggage?

I believe it's onboard.
I don't get it.Chat Icon
They say it's to make it take less time to get through security and so they can concentrate on looking for bombs and stuff, but it seems sooooo stupid to me!!! Chat Icon

They don't want the traveling public to have to go through such scrutiny and wait so long to go through security.
Unfortunately I think its all about $$$$ and cents.

Honestly WHY does anyone need to have a screwdriver or a scissor onboard. CHECK IT IN!
THe whole thing S U C K S !!!!!!

Posted 12/14/05 9:20 AM


Member since 5/05

4002 total posts


Re: If you are opposed to the TSA's decision to put knives back on our airplanes please come in----( HELP)


Posted 12/14/05 9:42 AM

Grace is growing up too fast!

Member since 10/05

11561 total posts


Re: If you are opposed to the TSA's decision to put knives back on our airplanes please come in----( HELP)

This is the MOST disturbing thing that I have heard! I witnessed 9/11 up close, and this makes me madChat Icon For Pete's sake...the terrorists used box cutters (AKA: KNIVES) to hijack the planes!! Chat Icon
I will send this to everyone I know so they can sign it as well.

You know, a while ago I was boarding a plane and there were people complaining about being randomly searched and the security process at airports. This person was complaining at the top of their lungs, so everyone can hear them. So I went up to them and said "how dare you complain? They have security so that what happened on 9/11 will not happen again!" Then she shut up. People like that piss me off and now the TSA is doing this! Sorry for the rant, 9/11 has effected me personally on so many levels. I find it deplorable that the TSA is even entertaining the thought of this. OK, rant over. Chat Icon

Posted 12/14/05 9:56 AM

You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05

31871 total posts


Re: If you are opposed to the TSA's decision to put knives back on our airplanes please come in----( HELP)

add me to the list!

Posted 12/14/05 10:03 AM

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