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BF Moms..Can you please help me make a list of all the BF Essentials I'll be Needing???

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Member since 5/05

6856 total posts


BF Moms..Can you please help me make a list of all the BF Essentials I'll be Needing???

Besides pumps and nursing pads, what are the little things I will need to get?
(Best storage containers, anything else you'd recommend)?
I'd really appreciate your help.Chat Icon
Thanks so much!

Posted 11/8/05 9:28 PM
Long Island Weddings
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My girls

Member since 7/05

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Re: BF Moms..Can you please help me make a list of all the BF Essentials I'll be Needing???

Boppy with extra cover
Nursing Stool
Lansinoh Cream
Glamourmom tank tops (my favorite for nursing in public)
An eye mask to help you nap during the day after all night feed-a-thons!

Posted 11/8/05 9:33 PM

My love.

Member since 5/05

6247 total posts


Re: BF Moms..Can you please help me make a list of all the BF Essentials I'll be Needing???

I prefer the Johnson and Johnson breast pads
The gerber storage bags for freezing
The Medela Pump in Style pump
Must get the lansinoh cream - it will be your best friend for the first few weeks.
I also found it was really helpful to have a pad and pen with me at all times to write down how long they feed for, which breast you started with - what time they ate, etc...after a few weeks you'll get the hang of it but in the beggining I would have a hard time keeping track.
I also bought the avent newborn starter kit to store milk in the fridge and to let my husband feed her when I needed rest.

Posted 11/9/05 8:52 AM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: BF Moms..Can you please help me make a list of all the BF Essentials I'll be Needing???

Lansinoh cream - A MUST!
Boppy is REALLY helpful too
Also, I use the Lansinoh storage bags and love them. If you pump, make sure you get a set of bottles. We use the playtex nursers - they seem to be shaped most like the breast. We tried a few and that's the only one that Alex would take to.

Also, get PLENTY of nursing bras... you'll be amazed at how icky they get by the end of the day. I change bras at least twice a day!

Posted 11/9/05 10:36 AM

My boys

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Re: BF Moms..Can you please help me make a list of all the BF Essentials I'll be Needing???

Depending on the pump you get, storage containers may come in it (I have the Medula Pump in Style and it came with 4 storage containers and that's all I needed).

I love ther Gerber ultra thin nursing pads....other ones I've tried felt like I was wearing a diaper on my boobsChat Icon . These don't even feel like you have anything on!

I also have the Gerber Seal and Go freezer bags.....they zip instead of tie so I like them.

I find nursing bras to be a pain in the a$$ but I wear them on occasion. I like wearing sports bras MUCH better.

I have a bobby pillow but I rarely use it to breastfeed, I can get him on just as easily without it......I was goad I had it to sit on though for the first 5 weeks when my tailbone was killing meChat Icon Chat Icon .

ETA...the Lansinoh cream was definately a must at the beginning.

Message edited 11/9/2005 10:39:14 AM.

Posted 11/9/05 10:37 AM

Someday, Somehow

Member since 6/05

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Re: BF Moms..Can you please help me make a list of all the BF Essentials I'll be Needing???

Message edited 11/11/2005 8:30:26 PM.

Posted 11/11/05 8:30 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 7/05

272 total posts


Re: BF Moms..Can you please help me make a list of all the BF Essentials I'll be Needing???

definetly lansinoh cream, you can even start putting it on a few weeks before deliver and it will help when the time comes
I had trouble with the boppy at first, I didn't know that was the trouble and went to a LC who had me try her "Breast Friend" pillow (they have them at Buy Buy Baby) it made all the difference in the world
as far as storage bags....i truly believe they are a rip off. I bought ziploc freezer bags, measured out the milk (2 ounce portions at first, then 4 and finally 6) and put them in the bags. I would lie the bags flat in the freezer and fold them over once so all the milk was on one size and they would freeze flat to make more storage room. Maybe 1/10 leaked a little when heating them in hot water, but it was no big deal.

Posted 11/11/05 9:15 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3372 total posts


Re: BF Moms..Can you please help me make a list of all the BF Essentials I'll be Needing???

I used the Gerber ziplock type bm bags. I had a PISA but rented a hospital grade pump for the first 12 weeks since I had supply problems. When pumping a dab of olive oil on my nipples made life MUCH betterChat Icon Also, my hands free bra was a MUST have IMO. I could pump and not hold the horns to my breasts. It was great.
I had 5 nursing bras. I never leaked so I never needed nursing pads. The hospital has them so you can use theirs and see if you need them when you get home.
A good LC's number is important too. If you run into ANY trouble, get help asap. Oh, and a Nursing Mother's Companion Guide. That was a life saver for me. When the morons at the hospital told me I didn't need to pump I re-read my book and KNEW I did.

And the most important of all....TRUST AND BELIEF IN YOURSELF. Doubt is the worst for BFing.

Posted 11/11/05 9:26 PM


Member since 5/05

3116 total posts


Re: BF Moms..Can you please help me make a list of all the BF Essentials I'll be Needing???

Posted by jpsgirl

definetly lansinoh cream, you can even start putting it on a few weeks before deliver and it will help when the time comes
I had trouble with the boppy at first, I didn't know that was the trouble and went to a LC who had me try her "Breast Friend" pillow (they have them at Buy Buy Baby) it made all the difference in the world
as far as storage bags....i truly believe they are a rip off. I bought ziploc freezer bags, measured out the milk (2 ounce portions at first, then 4 and finally 6) and put them in the bags. I would lie the bags flat in the freezer and fold them over once so all the milk was on one size and they would freeze flat to make more storage room. Maybe 1/10 leaked a little when heating them in hot water, but it was no big deal.

I agree with the "breast friend" pillow. It has been the best for me!

Posted 11/12/05 12:04 PM


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: BF Moms..Can you please help me make a list of all the BF Essentials I'll be Needing???

I was one to never feel comfy in a nursing bra. I bought a few tank-tops that had the built in shelf-type bra and they were great!

WE used Dr. Brown's bottles when I didn't nurse him.

I used the Gerber BM ziploc storage bags, so much easier to use and store.

Posted 11/12/05 3:34 PM

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