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june moms to be.... sorry about being a copy cat

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LIF Adult

Member since 6/05

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june moms to be.... sorry about being a copy cat

How is everyone doing?

10 more weeks for me.. can't wait. The baby is moving all of the time. My back is hurting alot, i understand that comes with pregnancy. My birthing class is a whole sat. in May. We haven't chosen a ped. yet. How is everyone? have you done your class? have you chosen a doctor?

Posted 4/5/06 2:52 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Horray for 3 boys!!

Member since 5/05

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Mikey, Greg & TJ's Mommy

Re: june moms to be.... sorry about being a copy cat

Hello! I start my 32nd week tomorrow Chat Icon
Things are going well. The baby is measuring nicely and I just found out I get another sono at 36 weeks Chat Icon
I have really really bad back pain, so that is annoying and frustrating.

We started our 5 week Child/birthing class on Monday night. It's wonderful! It's given by 2 L&D nurses and they are covering all the bases (breathing, relaxation, c-sections, child care, breast feeding and more....) and one of the weeks is a complete hospital tour.

I haven't started looking for a ped. yet. But I totally need to get on the ball! I'm just nervous about interviewing doctors... it just seems weird to me.

I'm also patiently waiting for our furniture to come in!!! It's due in either this week or next. So hopefully soon... I want to get our nursery together!

Hope everyone else is doing well!

Posted 4/5/06 3:45 PM


Member since 5/05

19403 total posts


Re: june moms to be.... sorry about being a copy cat

I'm 28 weeks today. I'm exhausted all the time, but I think a lot of that is chasing Sarah around. My back hurts too. Not unbearable, but still uncomfortable. I go for my 1 hour diabetes test on Saturday.

We got Sarah's new furniture a few weeks ago. I'm still working on her new room, hope to have her moved in there this month so she doesn't feel like she's being kicked out of the nursery for the new baby.

Good luck with your childbirth classes and picking a doctor!

Posted 4/5/06 3:55 PM

He's here!!

Member since 5/05

1372 total posts


Re: june moms to be.... sorry about being a copy cat

Posted by Dee

How is everyone doing?

10 more weeks for me.. can't wait. The baby is moving all of the time. My back is hurting alot, i understand that comes with pregnancy. My birthing class is a whole sat. in May. We haven't chosen a ped. yet. How is everyone? have you done your class? have you chosen a doctor?

i've got about 9 weeks to go, can't believe how soon it came!! Chat Icon slowed down a little, but in the past 2 days has made up for his 'quietness'! my ankles have started to swell and my back aches all the time, it's very hard for me to sleep, too. but i shouldn't complain, i haven't felt any symptoms, really, until about 27 - 28 weeks, and it still isn't that bad, just uncomfortable.
we aren't doing a birthing class, and i haven't decided on a ped. yet .. guess i should get going! my shower is may 6, so we are waiting til after then to see if there is any 'big stuff' (furniture, etc) we still need. the nursery is painted and his clothes are washed and put away so that's good! glad to see everyone is doing well ! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/5/06 4:18 PM

Horray for 3 boys!!

Member since 5/05

2354 total posts

Mikey, Greg & TJ's Mommy

Re: june moms to be.... sorry about being a copy cat

Posted by jersee3380

my shower is may 6,

My shower is May 6th too! Chat Icon
(oh and I'm a horrible registry peeker Chat Icon)

Posted 4/5/06 4:40 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 10/05

882 total posts


Re: june moms to be.... sorry about being a copy cat

Posted by Dee

How is everyone doing?

10 more weeks for me.. can't wait. The baby is moving all of the time. My back is hurting alot, i understand that comes with pregnancy. My birthing class is a whole sat. in May. We haven't chosen a ped. yet. How is everyone? have you done your class? have you chosen a doctor?

9 weeks to go for me... The back pain is there but bearable for now... I just started getting all the third trimester symptoms. My ankles are slowly making there way into cankles and I notice I get winded ALOT easier than before. But otherwise I am fine. I find out how Chat Icon is measuring tomorrow. There's a pool in my office that he is over 4 lbs already... I HIGHLY doubt that! LOL!!!

We decided against the taking the classes. And our doctor search began Monday...

I'm kicking myslef as we speak because I STILL havent ordered his furniture but SWORE, I would go do it on Saturday. Nursery still isnt painted and haven't picked out carpeting yet... I'm just starting to realize how fast 9 weeks will go! I guess I better get started! YIKES!!!

My shower is in 3 weeks and I can't wait! Things are flying off the registry.... This is soo exciting!!!


Posted 4/5/06 4:43 PM


Member since 5/05

7557 total posts


Re: june moms to be.... sorry about being a copy cat

I'm 29 weeks and still feeling pretty good. The nursery furniture arrived today; I can't wait to go home and see it! We haven't started any classes yet. I lost the phone numbers my doc gave me, so I'll have to get them at my next appt. Chat Icon I'll ask my doc for ped. recommendations then, too.

Posted 4/5/06 5:04 PM


Member since 5/05

6530 total posts


Re: june moms to be.... sorry about being a copy cat

I'm 30 weeks tomorrow - 10 more weeks to go! I can't believe it!

I'm generally feeling pretty good. Definitely slowing down a little bit. Passed my glucose test last week - yay!

We have our pediatrician picked out (he's a good friend of ours). The nursery is underway. Furniture is in, but we still have to paint/decorate.

We're registering for hypnobirthing classes starting at the end of the month. Not sure if I also want to do an orientation at the hospital and/or a breastfeeding class.

My shower/party is May 13th! (we're not having a traditional shower)

Posted 4/5/06 5:15 PM

I love the summer

Member since 1/06

2063 total posts


Re: june moms to be.... sorry about being a copy cat

I'm 31 weeks now. I feel pretty good. Just some minor back pain and heartburn. The baby moves all of the time. It's getting really strong too.
We ordered the nursery furniture on Sunday. It should be in soon. I'm not sure when my shower, but I think soon. I admit that I am a registry peeker.
We haven't enrolled in any classes and I have picked a pediatrician yet. I guess I should get on that.

Posted 4/5/06 5:54 PM

He's here!!

Member since 5/05

1372 total posts


Re: june moms to be.... sorry about being a copy cat

Posted by Cheryl

Posted by jersee3380

my shower is may 6,

My shower is May 6th too! Chat Icon
(oh and I'm a horrible registry peeker Chat Icon)

yay!! Chat Icon Chat Icon it's ok .. i peek too Chat Icon

Posted 4/5/06 7:38 PM

Mom of Three

Member since 9/05

7900 total posts


Re: june moms to be.... sorry about being a copy cat

I'm almost 31 weeks and feeling the strain physically. I already have 2 little ones so I'm exhausted by the end of the day - but I'm so afraid of how fast the next 2 months will go. We're done after this one and I'm already mourning the idea of never being PG again, even with all its aches & pains. Although 3 kids is plenty and I know I am already more than blessed, I still feel sad about it at times. The baby was head up on Monday but he's still moving around alot - I know he just happened to be in that position at my visit, the day before I was breathing easier so I'm sure the head wasn't up. I'm still hoping for a VBAC but coming to terms with a possible repeat c/s. My DH is under alot of pressure, hes studying for a big test that is given every 4 years - and its the day after my EDD so we have no idea what the timing will be like with that. Like I said, I just know these next 2 months are going to fly by and I hope to make them last longer.

A few ailments but nothing horrid to report. Having been through 2 other pregnancies where I was pretty big in the summer, I am looking forward to being un-preggo before it gets very hot.

Posted 4/5/06 9:45 PM

Love my boys...

Member since 5/05

2412 total posts


Re: june moms to be.... sorry about being a copy cat

I'm 31 weeks today, it's going by so fast! Getting more tired, but that's expected. We haven't picked a pediatrician yet, I know I have to get on that. We have Lamaze/Childbirth classes at NSUH 5/6 and 5/13. Hopefully my furniture will be in soon so I can start setting up my Chat Icon room. I can't wait, I'm getting really excited Chat Icon My shower is the 22nd.

The only craziness right now is we're having our entire 1st floor of the house redone right nowChat Icon It's a nightmare, but I just hope they're done before I have the baby.

Posted 4/6/06 8:30 AM

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