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big brother <3

Member since 5/05 14672 total posts
Name: Me
How to keep the glass shower doors streak-free?
I HATE with a passion our glass shower doors. They show every water spot. We wipe down the doors after showers, and I use the Mr Clean eraser to clean them. Does anyone have any tips to keep them looking streak-free?
Posted 1/10/06 10:53 AM |
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Member since 5/05 31871 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: How to keep the glass shower doors streak-free?
There are these wipers that we use that works fabulous... kinda look like a windshield wiper
Message edited 1/10/2006 10:56:48 AM.
Posted 1/10/06 10:56 AM |
big brother <3

Member since 5/05 14672 total posts
Name: Me
Re: How to keep the glass shower doors streak-free?
Posted by Redhead
There are these wipers that we use that works fabulous... kinda look like a windshield wiper
Thanks, we wipe down after each shower, but it still looks like there are spots all over! Maybe we need a new wiper.
Posted 1/10/06 10:59 AM |
Re: How to keep the glass shower doors streak-free?
Like a sqeegee? When I lived home my mother would go nuts if we didn't do that after each shower. I swear, it's why I moved out! But I do remember that it worked well.
Posted 1/10/06 11:11 AM |
is Skylar Elizabeth

Member since 5/05 4189 total posts
Name: Tom
Re: How to keep the glass shower doors streak-free?
Posted by MrsProfessor
Like a sqeegee?
however you spell it...yes..this works great. i just learned this trick the other day.
Posted 1/10/06 11:18 AM |
Member since 5/05 26975 total posts
Re: How to keep the glass shower doors streak-free?
Take them down and put up a curtain like we did!
I had clear glass shower doors and hated them, especially the water spots. Since we give our son a bath in that tub, it was easier to remove them than clean them all the time!
Posted 1/10/06 11:18 AM |
is Skylar Elizabeth

Member since 5/05 4189 total posts
Name: Tom
Re: How to keep the glass shower doors streak-free?
do you have space to hang something also?
We took an extension rod and hung two shower curtains over the door so we can close it say we had guest over ... but also look nice to see if draped open.
Posted 1/10/06 11:22 AM |
I'm a PANK!!!

Member since 5/05 22334 total posts
Name: Professional Aunts No Kids
Re: How to keep the glass shower doors streak-free?
Posted by MrsProfessor
Like a sqeegee? When I lived home my mother would go nuts if we didn't do that after each shower. I swear, it's why I moved out! But I do remember that it worked well. mom was the SAME way!! I think thats why to this day I HATE shower doors and I will only have a shower curtain!! and when they get crappy...,I take it down and throw it away!! easy enough!!
Posted 1/10/06 11:40 AM |
Praying for Everyone.

Member since 5/05 26170 total posts
Name: MrsERod™®
Re: How to keep the glass shower doors streak-free?
someone posted a tip a while back on how to keep them streak free! can't remember what it was though...some home remedy thing..
sorry, i'm obviously no help!!
Message edited 1/10/2006 1:31:07 PM.
Posted 1/10/06 11:45 AM |
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Member since 5/05 19460 total posts
Name: L
Re: How to keep the glass shower doors streak-free?
can you get a textured glass? if not, we use scrubbing bubbles and just spritz it on. Does not leave streaks or water marks, but we have textured glass so it might and it could just be hard to tell.
Posted 1/10/06 12:19 PM |
big brother <3

Member since 5/05 14672 total posts
Name: Me
Re: How to keep the glass shower doors streak-free?
Posted by LSP2005
can you get a textured glass? if not, we use scrubbing bubbles and just spritz it on. Does not leave streaks or water marks, but we have textured glass so it might and it could just be hard to tell.
We don't have textured glass. That wouldn't be so bad. I'd love to replace them, but we're in a condo and not staying there that long, so we're not putting too much $ into renovations.
Yeah, DH gets so ****** about having to use the sqeegee!
Posted 1/10/06 12:56 PM |
Dad of Twins

Member since 5/05 1385 total posts
Name: The 80's Man Let's Go Mets!
Re: How to keep the glass shower doors streak-free?
I use a sqeegee like device and it works great!
Posted 1/10/06 11:01 PM |
needs to update her avatar pic
Member since 6/05 10212 total posts
Name: Felice (aka LuckyBride2004)
Re: How to keep the glass shower doors streak-free?
The squeegee thing was one of the "restriction" DH had about buying a house! He wouldn't even look at houses with glass doors in the bathroom because he didn't want to use a squeegee (yes, my mom makes us use one when we stay there!!). Needless to say, our masterbath has glass doors but I don't make him use one. We have a standup shower, not a bathtub. THey make this stuff that you spray on the doors and walls after the shower that doesn't need rinsing.
Posted 1/11/06 8:34 AM |
Live in the Present

Member since 5/05 3572 total posts
Name: Dannielle
Re: How to keep the glass shower doors streak-free?
the Squeege things works great i think to keep streaks from occuring...buts to get the streaks and spots out...I us a big car that you would normally use to clean the tires...(looks like a giant tooth brush) it works great.
Posted 1/11/06 11:40 AM |