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Hospital Vent

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My Precious Angel

Member since 9/05

1093 total posts


Hospital Vent

The hospital told us our DD was 6 lbs 5 oz. and 20 inches long when we took her home, she had lost 6oz since birth, but when we went to the pediatrician for her 2 week old appt, the doc measured her at 19 inches and 7 lbs 8 oz. She said it was possible for her to gain over a lb in 2 weeks, but she said she definately couldn't shrink in length so it had to be a mistake. So we are not really sure if we had the correct weight since they gave us the wrong length but we let it go, we were just so happy that shes healthy.

Then today i was going through all DD hospital release papers in the file cabinet since i never read them at the hospital, So DH and I are reading and come across all these things the hospital never told us after the birth. We were so ****** OFF!! No one at the hospital told us that she had meconium in her lungs. They didnt tell us that her temperature wasnt regulating and kept dropping and they had to keep putting her back in the warmer.
They also didn't tell us that she had to be recessitated. I am assuming thats why they took her away and didnt put her on my chest until 20 minutes later and then i couldnt see her for 5 hours.

I know they gave us the papers when i was released and we should have read them at that time, but no one explained or went over them with us, so we just assumed everything was normal and never thought about it
I know that she is healthy and doing great which I thank God for, but it would have been nice if they could have shared this information with us.

Are we acting crazy for getting upset?

Posted 7/20/06 2:19 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

6530 total posts


Re: Hospital Vent

Ella measured 18.5 at birth, 20 inches 5 minutes later when they bathed her upstairs, and 19.5 at the pediatricians the next day. The way they measure is pretty inaccurate, so I wouldn't worry about that (we're using the 19.5 as her official measurement since they did it in a more accurate fashion at the peds).

The scale is harder to get wrong. She was 6'7 at birth, dropped down to 6'1 and weighed 7'5 two weeks later - similar weight gain to your daughter.

I'd be annoyed that I wasn't told about what was happening with her at birth. I think you definitely should have been better informed.

Posted 7/20/06 3:46 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 7/06

121 total posts


Re: Hospital Vent

Those are pretty serious things that they didn't tell you. I would be very upset -especially about the recessitation part.

Posted 7/20/06 4:42 AM

my 4 boys!

Member since 6/06

7396 total posts


Re: Hospital Vent

wow i would be ******!!! i am a nicu nurse so we do alot of that resusitation and when we discharge we carefully go over the paperwork and actually read it to the parents!

Posted 7/20/06 5:58 AM

My girls

Member since 7/05

4303 total posts


Re: Hospital Vent

The height thing doesn't matter that much -- have you seen how they do it? Its always imprecise.

I would be VERY upset about not knowing she had meconium, and that was recessitated. I wouldn't use the same hospital again for another birth -- my confidence would be too shaken.


Posted 7/20/06 7:56 AM


Member since 1/06

4593 total posts


Re: Hospital Vent

You have EVERY reason to be upset! Those things ought to have been gone over and explained to you and or your DH by your DR or a nurse.

Posted 7/20/06 8:00 AM

Mom of 2 + 1

Member since 10/05

7395 total posts


Re: Hospital Vent

I agree with the other posters, that you have every right to be upset about not telling you about the medical issues that came up when DD was born. The length thing is not a big deal as far as I'm concerned.

You should get a survey in the mail from a company named Press Ganey. These people do nationwide surveys of hospitals and then report the findings to the hospital administrators. Be sure to fill out that survey and put that information in there.

Posted 7/20/06 9:36 AM

My Precious Angel

Member since 9/05

1093 total posts


Re: Hospital Vent

Thanks girls, im glad to know that we are not crazy for being upset. We just thought that it was something they should have been telling us as it was happening or least read the disharge papers with us.

Posted 7/20/06 10:20 AM

My Precious Angel

Member since 9/05

1093 total posts


Re: Hospital Vent

Posted by pharmcat2000

I agree with the other posters, that you have every right to be upset about not telling you about the medical issues that came up when DD was born. The length thing is not a big deal as far as I'm concerned.

You should get a survey in the mail from a company named Press Ganey. These people do nationwide surveys of hospitals and then report the findings to the hospital administrators. Be sure to fill out that survey and put that information in there.

I just received this the other day and was so busy that i completely forgot about it. Thank you for reminding me, Im so glad i was too busy to get to it and didnt send it back already.

Posted 7/20/06 10:22 AM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: Hospital Vent

OMG That's awful they should have told you all of that AT the hospital!!!!!! That is really REALLY bad that they didn't tell you.

They said Katie was 21" at birth...4 1/2 weeks later my ped told me she was 21 5/8" long. I think the hospital messed up because Im SURE she grew more than that in over 4 wks.

Posted 7/20/06 12:24 PM

Growing up soo fast..

Member since 1/06

14917 total posts


Re: Hospital Vent

Posted by 3sisters

Those are pretty serious things that they didn't tell you. I would be very upset -especially about the recessitation part.

me tooChat Icon

Posted 7/20/06 10:33 PM


Member since 5/05

2730 total posts


Re: Hospital Vent

They didn't tell us a few things either at the hospital.....if it wasn't for my ped's office mentioning it to me...I would have never known. What hospital was this? I wonder if it was the same as mine.

Posted 7/21/06 1:26 AM

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