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Change in sleep habits @ 9 it developmental or is she getting sick?

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me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Change in sleep habits @ 9 it developmental or is she getting sick?

For the last few days DD has been fighting going down for naps and bedtime (but will still sleep a 2 hr nap and 12-13 hrs although restlessly). A few hrs after going to bed, she'll wake up hysterical and needs to be rocked back to sleep. Normally, it's just because she lost her paci.

While she takes her bottle she plays with her one ear and pulls her hair.

Yesterday for her afternoon nap, she took an 8 oz bottle and proceeded to scream. I gave her ANOTHER bottle of which she took 5 13 oz!!!

Last night I gave her saline drops up her nose and she slept ALL night without a SINGLE outburst.....coincidence? BUT she was up at 5:45am and took 6 oz and at 6:30 fell asleep in my arms in our bed.

should I call the Dr and take her today or see how she does? Her 9 month well check is next week.

Posted 9/27/06 10:10 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

178 total posts


Re: Change in sleep habits @ 9 it developmental or is she getting sick?

My almost nine month old has been doing the same thing the last week. I thought she may be teething!

Posted 9/27/06 1:15 PM


Member since 5/05

6856 total posts


Re: Change in sleep habits @ 9 it developmental or is she getting sick?

Alex hasn't been sleeping well the past 2-3 weeks either!
Her naps stink (what else is new), but she is fighting them SO bad, & usually winds up missing 1 of them (unless I drive around in the carChat Icon ).
She has been waking anywhere from 12am-4am, not screaming, but just ready to party. I try to get her back down, even taking her in bed w/ me (DH goes on the couchChat Icon ), but I wind up giving in & feeding her a bottle. She drinks the bottle like she is starving to death!!!
She has been eating a bit more too (like she needs itChat Icon ), so I'm thinking maybe a growth spurt for my DD, but it could be teething too. Who knows?
I hope you & Ali get back to normal soon!!!Chat Icon

Posted 9/27/06 6:05 PM

My Loves

Member since 5/05

4852 total posts


Re: Change in sleep habits @ 9 it developmental or is she getting sick?

when this happends to Jake, it usuallly means a tooth is starting to cut through.

Posted 9/27/06 6:21 PM


Member since 5/05

5025 total posts


Re: Change in sleep habits @ 9 it developmental or is she getting sick?

When DD's sleep pattern changes - she is sick.

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Posted 9/27/06 6:37 PM

boy mamma

Member since 5/05

2975 total posts


Re: Change in sleep habits @ 9 it developmental or is she getting sick?

sounds like teething to me. Bryan wakes because of that and pulls on his ear too.

Posted 9/27/06 7:36 PM

The Boys!

Member since 5/05

2065 total posts


Re: Change in sleep habits @ 9 it developmental or is she getting sick?

Logan's been doing the same. Waking 2-4 times a night (worse than when he was a newborn) for about the last 3 weeks. This week was better, he made it through the night. He naps twice a day for an hour each time. And he only sleeps 9 hours a night. Also=your congestion thread...I have taken logan to the doctor twice in the last month runny nose, stuffy nose, congestion, pulling ears, hair, rubbing nose, sticking fingers in ears...dr. said all teething. Its good to check their ears for ear infections though. My dr. said it gets worse when they get their molars because the pain radiates up through their jaws to their ears.

Posted 9/27/06 10:04 PM

April already?

Member since 3/06

5297 total posts


Re: Change in sleep habits @ 9 it developmental or is she getting sick?

Sydney has also been waking up at least once in the night. Usually we can get her back to sleep quickly. She is also usually up at 5, has her bottle, plays a little and then takes a nap.

Posted 9/28/06 8:55 AM

it's me

Member since 5/05

11234 total posts


Re: Change in sleep habits @ 9 it developmental or is she getting sick?

It's hard to say. Roman just turned 8 months and his sleeping has been very wacky too. I'd wait until her checkup if she isn't showing any other "sick" signs.

Posted 9/28/06 9:20 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/05

2509 total posts


Re: Change in sleep habits @ 9 it developmental or is she getting sick?

could be shes teething...or if shes tugging at her ear,perhaps its an ear infection?(thats what always gets me nervous)
Last week my son was doing the same thing-usually he's a pretty good sleeper, but started giving me a hard time when it was time to go to sleep and then waking up in the middle of the night crying. When I would pick him up&rock him he's fall back to sleep so I figured it wasnt anything to really be concerned about, but took him to the DR anyway just to be sure &sure enough it was an ear infection.

Posted 9/28/06 10:11 AM


Member since 5/05

3416 total posts


Re: Change in sleep habits @ 9 it developmental or is she getting sick?

Jacob's been sleeping like crap too lately. He is waking a lot more at night and staying awake for long periods.. like 2-3 hrs.. i cant even console him sometimes. He wants to be rocked back to sleep and when i do, he wakes when i put him down. Like a newborn!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Its so frustrating.. i am assuming it is teething. I dont know. I just know it toally sux!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/28/06 10:11 AM

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