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How soon are you setting up the crib? bassinet? playpen?

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2 Girls For Me!

Member since 5/05

4377 total posts


How soon are you setting up the crib? bassinet? playpen?

Im 36 weeks tomorrow - and although i have the baby furniture, I haven't set up the comforter set, washed anything, put together my bag for the hosiptal, bassinet.......

talk about procastinating!

How soon did you prepare these items for the baby? Im guessing i should get a move on it this coming week...but curious to hear about you....

Posted 1/20/06 6:15 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 8/05

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Re: How soon are you setting up the crib? bassinet? playpen?

I'm 32 weeks. My bag is half packed and bassinet is put together. All newborn 0-3 mos outfits are ready to be washed. I still don't have furniture(being delivered Feb) so the nursery is a bit of a mess.

Posted 1/20/06 7:22 PM


Member since 5/05

8261 total posts


Re: How soon are you setting up the crib? bassinet? playpen?

We just moved into our house this past weekend and JUST set up the babys room. I probably would have done it a little earlier but it didn't make sense to set it all up to move it later. I also just washed some clothes for him on Sunday. So we are all ready for him now.. he just needs to get here!!!!!!

Posted 1/20/06 7:31 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: How soon are you setting up the crib? bassinet? playpen?

We did it around 36 weeks but honestly didn't use half of the stuff I washed or put together.

Posted 1/20/06 7:54 PM


Member since 5/05

4729 total posts


Re: How soon are you setting up the crib? bassinet? playpen?

my husband is still working on the baby's and has to fix the changing table so nothing is done. I have been asking him to dig out my suitcase for about 2 weeks now it is in a closet and he still hasnt done it. My close friend had a baby girl in July so all of my 0-3 clothes are clkean in a box just have to put it away. So the answer nope I have done nothing

Posted 1/20/06 8:12 PM

Family of 5!

Member since 5/05

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<3 Mommy <3

Re: How soon are you setting up the crib? bassinet? playpen?

I think we started around 32-34 weeks...

Posted 1/20/06 8:41 PM


Member since 5/05

4317 total posts


Re: How soon are you setting up the crib? bassinet? playpen?

Since I delivered at 35 weeks (the day after my shower) we were totally unprepared, DH put together the pack n play and swing while I was in the hospital. My SIL washed some clothes for me and set up the bassinet.

My bag was not packed either.

Message edited 1/20/2006 10:23:59 PM.

Posted 1/20/06 10:23 PM


Member since 1/06

4593 total posts


Re: How soon are you setting up the crib? bassinet? playpen?

Her nursery is all done, new paint, carpeting, molding etc, crib and bedding set up, window treatments, furniture and closets all full of clothes and necessities. We are setting up her cradle and cradle bedding today and our hospital bags are already started.

Oh and DH was too excited not to wait so her swing, stroller and carriage are all ready to go as well Chat Icon

Posted 1/21/06 9:19 AM

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