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what do you do with your baby all day?

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My Loves

Member since 5/05

4852 total posts


what do you do with your baby all day?

Jake is now 7 months and its so hard to find things to do with him all day long. He still is not very good at sitting up on his own so he gets fustrated playing with his toys on his belly. He just likes to be in his mommies arms all day long, and it is starting to drive me crazy. I put him in the excasaucer, on his mat, in his swing, but as soon as I walk away or he sees me, he will just cry until I go get him. HELP!!!!

Posted 6/22/05 8:13 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

528 total posts


Re: what do you do with your baby all day?

BABY EINSTEIN VIDEOS :) or NEMO movie in her bouncy seat occupies her

Posted 6/22/05 10:26 PM

We made it to 8 years

Member since 5/05

1134 total posts


Re: what do you do with your baby all day?

Jillian plays by herself when we are home.. I go to the Gym everyday so she plays at he nusery there.. other than that she watches Sesame street that I have Tivo'd and She also LOVES NEMO....My den has all her toys so she plays with them but she really just loves the paper the computer.. the remote and the phone.. why do i have toys????

Posted 6/22/05 10:45 PM

My Loves

Member since 5/05

4852 total posts


Re: what do you do with your baby all day?

Thanks. Do'nt get me wrong, we go for alot of walks, go to the playground everyday and he always helps mommy water the flowers. Its when we are inside that he will not leave me for 1 second. We loved the Wiggles and Sesame Street.

I just wanted to see what everyone else did all day and when your child really started to play on their own.


Posted 6/23/05 8:20 AM


Member since 5/05

3753 total posts


Re: what do you do with your baby all day?

Hey Dee -

For us it depends on the day. This morning she has no desire to play with any of her toys, is practically jumping out of my arms and is definitely in one of her "moods". I just put her in the jumparoo and threw on a Baby Einstein video to help calm her down. After this she'll watch Dora and go down for a nap. This afternoon we'll go out and do some errands and then another nap. We always go for a little walk after dinner. I'd love to take her to the park but I don't really have any "infant friendly" ones by me.

Posted 6/23/05 8:40 AM

My Loves

Member since 5/05

4852 total posts


Re: what do you do with your baby all day?

thanks Lori - How are you feeling? Did your husband love his fathers day pictures? They really came out beautiful. Where do you live? Maybe we can get together with the kiddies one day.

Posted 6/23/05 9:37 AM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

2642 total posts


Re: what do you do with your baby all day?

When marissa wasn't able to sit up by herself yet I would put a boppy pillow behind her and let her sit up that wayand play with some things that would light up and make music

well marissa gets in her moods I put her in the jump-a-roo and will put on barney or baby einstien or even elmo she will sit there and watch them and she will have a ball just jumping in that. Also I have an exasaucer that she will go in here and there but not really liking that too much. I have a vibrating rocking chair that she loves to watch tv as well and often falls alsepp in it. She has toys that she likes to play with but her favorite things are the phone and the remotes also pulling herself up and trying to grab things she shouldn't. Also take her to the park and go for walks.

Posted 6/23/05 12:17 PM

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