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BTDT Moms.....Contractions and Baby Kicking Question

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Member since 8/05

3116 total posts


BTDT Moms.....Contractions and Baby Kicking Question

Okay i am so utterly my appt my doctor told me to start doing the kicking test. To make sure that your feel each baby an hour and a half and if you don't to lay down for two hours and count how many kicks. I would totally worry if i didn't feel them for an hour or more now, but how do i know that i am feeling them both?? I don't know who is who?

Also, the woman asked me if i had any contractions when i came in and i said no, but then the NST showed i was having contractions...not regularly so they are not now worried. She tried to show me how my belly got hard at times, but i always think that is the baby moving a foot or something. How could you tell??

Posted 7/31/06 12:37 PM
Long Island Weddings
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My Little Yankee Fans

Member since 1/06

4018 total posts


Re: BTDT Moms.....Contractions and Baby Kicking Question

How are they laying, I could tell who was who becuase I would feel the kicks in totally different spots.

I don't know that I ever had a contraction, so not were how at this point you can tell them apart. I did have braxton hicks, is that what she means?

Posted 7/31/06 12:50 PM


Member since 8/05

3116 total posts


Re: BTDT Moms.....Contractions and Baby Kicking Question

I thought i was telling them apart too, but the doctor told me today that they are actually both kicking around the same area. So now i don't know who's who.

I am having Braxton Hicks but also other minor contractions. She said it wa the uterus getting prepared, but that the fact they were so far and in between it made them not worried about it. Most people i have talked to told me their entire belly gets hard with Braxton Hicks, but i feel more certain areas get hard for a minute and i think its hte baby moving around.

Posted 7/31/06 12:58 PM


Member since 5/05

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Tracey - brideinapril

Re: BTDT Moms.....Contractions and Baby Kicking Question

I could never tell who was who. I felt movement in different areas so I assumed it was one or the other.
When I was going for my NST they always told me I was having contractions, which I never felt at the time. Braxton Hicks and contractions (these kind) are the same thing.

Posted 7/31/06 1:51 PM

My Little Yankee Fans

Member since 1/06

4018 total posts


Re: BTDT Moms.....Contractions and Baby Kicking Question

The Braxton Hicks made my whole stomach hard.

Posted 7/31/06 3:21 PM

Never Forget

Member since 2/06

2735 total posts


Re: BTDT Moms.....Contractions and Baby Kicking Question

The way contractions were explained to me is that the whole belly tightens and almost lifts up a bit. I feel hard areas every so often but because they are in random areas, I know that it is movement. It's tricky trying to interpret everything!

Posted 7/31/06 4:06 PM

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