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My dear friend has a "things to do before turning 30" list

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Member since 11/05

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My dear friend has a "things to do before turning 30" list

Last year, she attempted to try out for the Knicks City Dancers...this coming year, the big 30, she is going to run the New York City Marathon on November 5th on the "Team Against Childhood Obesity"....her goal for herself is to beat Oprah's time.

I'm 28...I think I should make a list! Nah...I'll live vicariously through her. LOL.

Posted 7/20/06 9:54 AM
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Re: My dear friend has a "things to do before turning 30" list

My list was to get married & graduate from school. I made both before my 30th b-day.

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Posted 7/20/06 10:04 AM


Member since 11/05

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Re: My dear friend has a "things to do before turning 30" list

Posted by MsMBV

My list was to get married & graduate from school. I made both before my 30th b-day.

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yeah...mine was secretly to be married by 30...and I was married at 27. Hey, it's an ambitious feat these days!

Posted 7/20/06 10:09 AM

Waste not, want not

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Re: My dear friend has a "things to do before turning 30" list

Uh-oh. I'm 31. I guess I should get started on my "things to do before I turn 40" list!!!

Posted 7/20/06 10:10 AM

Love my little man

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Re: My dear friend has a "things to do before turning 30" list

Originally my goal was to make 6 figures and be married by the time I was 30.

I am 31 now.

Not making 6 figures-- but, I am not THAT far and I am married.

There is a bunch of stuff I want to see and do-- I think it's about taking the time to live your life.

I just heard a great Abraham Lincoln quote...

"It's not the years in your life, but the life in your years."

Posted 7/20/06 10:11 AM


Member since 11/05

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Re: My dear friend has a "things to do before turning 30" list

in the next 2 or 3 years, we really want to see Europe

Posted 7/20/06 10:15 AM

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Re: My dear friend has a "things to do before turning 30" list

Posted by randella

Originally my goal was to make 6 figures and be married by the time I was 30.


that was mine also- maybe after tomorrow I will a little closer to the salary I want

Posted 7/20/06 10:16 AM


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Grammie says "Lora Gina"

Re: My dear friend has a "things to do before turning 30" list

Posted by randella

I just heard a great Abraham Lincoln quote...

"It's not the years in your life, but the life in your years."

GREAT quote!Chat Icon

Posted 7/20/06 10:18 AM

big brother <3

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Re: My dear friend has a "things to do before turning 30" list

I wanted to finish my doctorate before I turn 30, and I am on track to finish the May before I turn 30 in July! I am also going to Europe after I finish the doctorate to celebrate. I don't have much else. I am writing a book about my dissertation topic, but I doubt it will be published before I am 30....

I turn 28 next week. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/20/06 10:44 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

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Re: My dear friend has a "things to do before turning 30" list

My roommate from college had the million dollars in the bank by 35. I am so proud to say she succeeded. Ambition really does pay off!

Posted 7/20/06 11:08 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: My dear friend has a "things to do before turning 30" list

I had a Before I Get Married list - glad I did! Chat Icon

Posted 7/20/06 11:09 AM

Twin mommy

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Re: My dear friend has a "things to do before turning 30" list

WOW I dont have a list and time is a ticking away - I only have about 16 months to go!

Posted 7/20/06 11:26 AM


Member since 3/06

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Re: My dear friend has a "things to do before turning 30" list

Hey Lana - doing Yoga at 6:30 am on a Saturday should be on the list Chat Icon

Posted 7/20/06 11:27 AM

The Key to your new home....

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Re: My dear friend has a "things to do before turning 30" list

Posted by nrthshgrl

My roommate from college had the million dollars in the bank by 35. I am so proud to say she succeeded. Ambition really does pay off!

wow- that's amazing- what does she do for a living?

Posted 7/20/06 11:27 AM


Member since 11/05

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Re: My dear friend has a "things to do before turning 30" list

Posted by johnsae

Hey Lana - doing Yoga at 6:30 am on a Saturday should be on the list Chat Icon

Chat Icon

hey, that was damn fun!

Posted 7/20/06 11:28 AM

Plan B is Now Plan A

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Re: My dear friend has a "things to do before turning 30" list

I am 39 I don't have a list.

I have accomplished a great deal in my life though.

I think you have to keep making lists in your life..real or imagined to keep you going and stop you from being complacent.

Posted 7/20/06 11:33 AM


Member since 11/05

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Re: My dear friend has a "things to do before turning 30" list

Posted by Blu-ize

I am 39 I don't have a list.

I have accomplished a great deal in my life though.

I think you have to keep making lists in your life..real or imagined to keep you going and stop you from being complacent.

great point!!! i think my main "wish for life" is to remainy happy and healthy....and get a little wealthy!
But seriously speaking, having a sister with a disability and now seeing my dad thankfully recover from prostate cancer has taught me what is truly important, and not to get caught up in the silliness of life.

Posted 7/20/06 11:36 AM

Kasey & Me! Lurves it!

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Re: My dear friend has a "things to do before turning 30" list

I have 2 years and less than a month...I need a copy of that list stat! Chat Icon

Posted 7/20/06 12:44 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: My dear friend has a "things to do before turning 30" list

i wanted to make 6 figs, have a home and be married by 25

i did all but get married by 25- but got engaged by 25!

by 30 im hoping to-

-get preganant, have been to france, spain and prague with DH and make double today's salary

i hope i do it all

Posted 7/20/06 12:53 PM

They get so big, so fast :(

Member since 5/05

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Re: My dear friend has a "things to do before turning 30" list

Posted by FireIslandLove

I had a Before I Get Married list - glad I did! Chat Icon

Me too! Luckily I had til 35 to accomplish it allChat Icon

Posted 7/20/06 12:55 PM

The Perfect Pair

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Re: My dear friend has a "things to do before turning 30" list

Well, I am 30. I own a home, have a flourishing career which comes with great salary and perks, I travel alot, I am married, all of this I achieved before turning 30.

Next year DH and I will start trying for a little bambino. I also hope to become a consultant as of next year. Working only 3 days per week.

Message edited 7/20/2006 12:59:25 PM.

Posted 7/20/06 12:57 PM

Mommy of 2

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Re: My dear friend has a "things to do before turning 30" list

I wanted to pay down credit card debt and buy a house before 30...still a good chance of both!
Also wanted to have first baby at 30...Um we'll see about that one! Chat Icon

Posted 7/20/06 1:27 PM

My Babies

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Re: My dear friend has a "things to do before turning 30" list

I wanted to finished grad school, have a new car, a home and my first child by the time I am 30. I have the car, I will be done with school in December and I will be a home owner in February. That just leaves TTC but I am only 26 so I have plenty of time.

Posted 7/20/06 1:29 PM


Member since 2/06

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Re: My dear friend has a "things to do before turning 30" list

I have a list. I started it 2 years ago. It's funny because not one thing on that list pertains to how much money I want to be making. Anyway, every so often I take out the list and see what I have accomplished. Some of the things on there are far out and crazy, silly and stupid, not major life altering things, but things that sometimes you miss in life because you often get to busy to stop and smell the roses.

Posted 7/20/06 4:36 PM

You Live, You Learn

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Re: My dear friend has a "things to do before turning 30" list

i think having a list is awesome!

Posted 7/20/06 4:37 PM

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