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Need advice on a sensitve issue-

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Member since 5/05

14279 total posts


Need advice on a sensitve issue-

There are two kids in my school (8th graders) who've won full scholarships to boarding school for high school. However, both kids may not be eligible because the parents have no W-2s because they are undocumented.

I teach sixth grade and have a kid in my class who is super smart and is already in a program to prepare her for these scholarships. I am concerned about her family's immigration status and I figure if I bring it up now that it can be resolved in the two years that she has left in the school but I don't know how to address it. I don't know if I should call her parents, or just mention it to her, and if I do either how do I approach it?

Message edited 5/19/2006 8:56:25 AM.

Posted 5/19/06 8:55 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

4789 total posts


Re: Need advice on a sensitve issue-

I would speak to your student first and let her inquire with her parents. You then could follow-up with the parents at a mtg in a couple of months. I don't think you are overstepping because you are looking out for the child. I think it is very proactive of you and a good idea!

Posted 5/19/06 8:57 AM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: Need advice on a sensitve issue-

I would ask the directors if it's your position to talk to the family about what may or may not happen. I say if they can fix the issue so she can get the scholarship, then do it!

Posted 5/19/06 8:58 AM


Member since 5/05

10425 total posts


Re: Need advice on a sensitve issue-

You could also gather the information about the award eligibitly & send it home with the student , with a letter expaligning that you feel their daughter wodl qualify for this in 2 years, and you wanted to let them know what a good student she, what she is being perpared for, etc, and that you wanted them to have all the details, so she woudln't miss out on the opprtunity, and if they have any questions, to call you.

Posted 5/19/06 9:45 AM


Member since 5/05

28602 total posts


Re: Need advice on a sensitve issue-

I am not sure how it works for minors, but can't they get a student get a T-125 (I think?) Visa for accredited study? Does that staus nullify their Scholarship?

I am sorry that the child is put in a position to suffer because the parents are not documented citizens. It must be very frustrating for you to see their talents and hard work sufferChat Icon

Posted 5/19/06 10:48 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: Need advice on a sensitve issue-

Since I'm not familiar with allowing someone to work here legally since all of our employees need a VISA already to work here, so I can' t help you outChat Icon

I did just want to say...kudos to you for being such a great teacher & for caring about your students.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/19/06 11:21 AM

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