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Has IF changed any of your views/opinions etc?

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1 year already!!

Member since 5/05

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Has IF changed any of your views/opinions etc?

I thought I would get us all thinking -

Has dealing with IF changed you or your beliefs/politics?

Not for me, I'm still pro-choice and even though I"m Catholic I don't follow the church's thoughts on ART, IVF, etc. I really don't believe that God will love me any less for wanting children and trying to get them in this manner. But I've always been that kind of pick & choose Catholic, I take what I like from the church.

and while I always was upset/angry reading about children being murdered/beaten now I can just cry Chat Icon

anyone else care to share?

Posted 2/2/06 10:23 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Cake from Outer Space!

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Re: Has IF changed any of your views/opinions etc?

Looking back, the biggest change I noticed was how angry I always was. I was constantly sad or mad even if it didn't look that way or feel that way.

I have always been pro-choice so that didnt' really change.

I am a bit more critical of those who don't care or can't care for their children. It really upsets me to watch those shows where the woman has to test 15 different men to try and find the father. It just seems so unfair that they have babies yet women are loving and caring have trouble.

Posted 2/2/06 10:30 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Has IF changed any of your views/opinions etc?

Posted by shamrock12472

I have always been pro-choice so that didnt' really change.

I am a bit more critical of those who don't care or can't care for their children. It really upsets me to watch those shows where the woman has to test 15 different men to try and find the father. It just seems so unfair that they have babies yet women are loving and caring have trouble.

This is how I feel as well.

I will be VERY ANGRY if the "Supreme" Court overturns Roe v. Wade... I'll be the crazy woman storming the court house.

Personally, I believe it is none of my business to tell anyone what to do with their body. And, yes, it drives me crazy what people do to children.

Posted 2/2/06 10:35 AM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

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Re: Has IF changed any of your views/opinions etc?

Theresa...I agree with you.

Posted 2/2/06 10:39 AM

Delay is not denial

Member since 5/05

2220 total posts


Re: Has IF changed any of your views/opinions etc?

I believe IF has changed me tremendously. I used to avoid anything medical and now I could write books on the subject. lol I am so much more courageous than I ever thought I was.

IF also reinforced my love for my dh. He can be difficult at times but he is a man who will do whatever it takes to be a dad. It makes me so happy that I will give my future children someone so wonderful as their father.

I have always been somewhat liberal with politics and religion. I believe this is the one miracle in which we have to assist G-d with. I don't think G-d cares how we become parents, just that we are the best ones we can possibly be.

Posted 2/2/06 10:42 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/06

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Re: Has IF changed any of your views/opinions etc?

My husband is a New York City police officer in one of the worst areas in the city. He enters homes every night where children are not being taken care of examples:
children sleeping in dresser draws
children out bare foot playing in the street at 3 am
children who are beaten
children who are starving
children who are left alone with no adult for hours, days on end.
He often works with Child Protective Services helping to have children removed from homes where drugs, violence, and abuse are part of the house hold. I ask God " why are these women blessed time after time with children they can't handle and I am a good person and you deny me" I try to stay positive, but I think the job is making my husband bitter and jealous. It's hard to make sense of it all. I am pro choice and I am very politically active (having worked on the last presidential election) I try very hard to remember that choice is a woman's right. These women in my husband's precinct choose to have children, I choose to try, and others may choose not to become parents.

Posted 2/2/06 10:19 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 1/06

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Re: Has IF changed any of your views/opinions etc?

IF has changed me in so many ways. Not that I didn't love my husband before but I think there is a new found love and respect for eachother. I am very angry alot and when I hear people complaining about their children I get crazy. I can't watch the news anymore and see people killing their children and here I am struggling to give life to a child who will have the most wonderful life and be so loved, yet they get pregnant on a dime and I cant. We can ask over and over again but it doesn't change the fact that we are still in the same position that we were before.
I go to church every Sunday, but I don't always agree with the teachings. They don't believe in IVF because it is not natural. well if you think about it Mary didn't get pregnant the traditional way so I guess that wasn't natural either. I have spoken to my priest. that is a whole other story. My views on everyday life have just changed and I think we all have learned alot about ourselves,family & friends through all of this. I know I have. I am now taking my 3 month break so I hope to have some good news for you all in the coming months. Good luck to you all.

Posted 2/3/06 12:07 AM

Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Has IF changed any of your views/opinions etc?

It's way too late for me to get into this but yes, I am a very different person than I was even 1 year ago....Chat Icon

Posted 2/3/06 12:33 AM

Peace out Homies!

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Gerty ®

Re: Has IF changed any of your views/opinions etc?

There is no question that some of my views have changed.
Honestly, even though I am still pro-choice, I am also sad that people use abortion as a form of birth cnntrol and that so many of those babies probably could be adopted by infertile couples who wouldn't have to go out of the country.
My love and respect for DH has grown tremendously.
I feel a pang of jealousy when I hear of someone close to me getting pg.
I am much more educated about infertility than I ever thought I could be.
I was stronger than I thought I was in regards to making decisions that were right for "ME" and also in medicating myself.
I wish all of us nothing but babies in the future....everyone on this board deserves it so much.Chat Icon

Posted 2/3/06 8:16 AM

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