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What is (was) your 5 month olds feeding sched. like?

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Family of 5!

Member since 5/05

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<3 Mommy <3

What is (was) your 5 month olds feeding sched. like?

I just like to see what everyone else is doing...

Ryan sched is:

6- 6oz bottle
6:30- 2-3 tblspns of cereal mixed with formula, half a jar (stage 2) of fruit

10- 6oz bottle

12- 2-3 tblspns of cereal mixed with formula, hald a jar (stage 2) of veg.

2- 6oz bottle

6- 2-3tblspns cereal 1/2 jar of veg & 1/2 jar of fruit

6:30- 6-8oz bottle

Also- Im still using oatmeal, should I start using barley? Or if it going good w/ oatmeal- just continue w/ it?

Message edited 3/12/2006 8:40:34 PM.

Posted 3/12/06 8:40 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: What is (was) your 5 month olds feeding sched. like?

Here is about what Emily's schedule is like. Some days she doesn't finish all of her bottles, some days she doesn't finish all of her cereal/fruit.

7:30am - 6 oz bottle
8:30am (at babysitters) 3 tbsp cereal w/ whole jar (stage 1) fruit

11am - 6 oz bottle
12pm - 3 tbsp cereal w/ fruit

3:30pm - 6 oz bottle

6pm - 6 oz bottle
7pm - cereal/veggies

9pm - 6 oz bottle

ETA: We use rice and oatmeal -- alternate them with feedings -- haven't tried barley yet. THe doctor did tell us though to start meats sometime this month -- I didn't ask about stage 2 though for fruits/veggies but I'm assuming it's okay if she wants us to start meats.

Message edited 3/12/2006 8:50:50 PM.

Posted 3/12/06 8:49 PM

Life is good!

Member since 2/06

1450 total posts


Re: What is (was) your 5 month olds feeding sched. like?

When Abby was five months old my schedule was very similar to yours. She also had a 6 ounce bottle at 6am but then I waited till a little before 8am to give her breakfast. She got 2 Tbls. of oatmeal and a jar of fruit. She got another bottle at 10am and then lunch at noon. lunch was a jar of veggies. Another bottle at 3pm, dinner at 6pm another jar of Veggies and a half a jar of fruit and then a final bottle around 7:30pm.

Posted 3/12/06 9:52 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: What is (was) your 5 month olds feeding sched. like?

Schedule? What's that. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I try to get Miranda to eat as much as I can as often as I can. Sometimes she eats solids once, sometimes twice, sometimes three times in a day.
Bottles are anywhere from 2-4oz whenever I think she'll take them.
You would think she came from skinny parents that didn't like to eat. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/12/06 11:27 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

317 total posts


Re: What is (was) your 5 month olds feeding sched. like?

my daughters schedule is something like this:

7 am- 6 oz bottle
11 am- 6 ounce bottle
2 tbls. cereal (oatmeal,barley or rice)
2 tbls. fruit
2:30pm- 6 oz bottle
6 pm- 6 oz bottle
2 tbls. cereal
2 tbls. fruit
9 pm- 6oz bottle (goodnight!!)

My doctor had me start all the cereals, 3 days on each to see for allergy at 4 months, then start the fruits at 5 months and veggies we start at 6 months. It is different then most people I talk to but seems to working so far.

Posted 3/13/06 9:03 AM

I love my sister!!!!!!

Member since 3/06

2100 total posts


Re: What is (was) your 5 month olds feeding sched. like?

Well we are very behind. Steven's schedule is:

1st bottle 7 ounces

2nd bottle 7 ounces with cereal and 1/2 bottle 1st stage fruit

3rd bottle 7 ounces

4th bottle 7 ounces

Although I'm starting 8 ounces today because I think he's still hungry.

We use oatmeal or barley. Haven't tried rice yet because I was told it was constipating and my boy is not the best pooper!!Chat Icon

Posted 3/13/06 9:05 AM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: What is (was) your 5 month olds feeding sched. like?

I nurse Alex in the morning before daycare (about 6-8 ounces). While at daycare she gets about 18-20 ounces of milk and one feeding of rice cereal and veggies. When she comes home I nurse her again, about 2-4 ounces, at 5pm. Rice cereal & veggies at 6pm, last bottle of formula (6 ounces) at 7pm.

She usually wakes at least one time during the night for another bottle of formula.

Posted 3/13/06 9:06 AM

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