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When do babies outgrow the car seats?

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what what!?

Member since 5/05

4206 total posts


When do babies outgrow the car seats?

The car seat we have supposedly ranges from 5-22 lbs, but I don't know what age would be 22 lbs? Is that soon? Much later? or what? I was just wondering how long before we'll need to replace our DS's car seat...

I don't know why, but I didn't think that we'd use that car seat for more than 9 months... just seems too snug to me for a toddler, for some reason.

Posted 7/22/06 11:12 PM
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Re: When do babies outgrow the car seats?

My daughter was out of her carrier by 4 1/2 months

Posted 7/22/06 11:14 PM


Member since 8/05

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Re: When do babies outgrow the car seats?

they also have a height restriction. i *think* most are 30 inches so they might outgrow the carseat before they reach the weight restriction. my ds is already 27 inches at 4 months, but only weighs 14 lb 12 oz as of monday.

Posted 7/22/06 11:14 PM

Growing up soo fast..

Member since 1/06

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Re: When do babies outgrow the car seats?

I have read up on this before - on some previous posts - it seems everyone had way different answers - some said within a few months, some children fit in it till 9 or 10 mths. depends on the childs growth speed and size.

Posted 7/22/06 11:16 PM

My Everything

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Re: When do babies outgrow the car seats?

We ditched the carrier at 6 months. She is no where near the weight limits or length (I think) but I was just sick of it.

Posted 7/23/06 12:17 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: When do babies outgrow the car seats?

DS was out of it by 4 months, he was 27"+ and 16.5 lbs

ETA: his Snugride recommended use was 5-22 lbs and less than 29" - but he just seemed so squished in there so we moved him into the Marathon.

I see the new Graco Infant "Safeseats" are from 5-30 lbs and 32" Chat Icon they say 97% of 1 year olds can fit in them!

MAke sure you check your manual for your car seat.

Message edited 7/23/2006 1:08:12 AM.

Posted 7/23/06 12:59 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1535 total posts


Re: When do babies outgrow the car seats?

The problem begins to be can you carry them in the seat? I just switched Brianna out of hers yesterday because I couldn't carry her anymore not sure what she weigs we go to DR on Thursday but at last visit she was 17lbs and 251/2 inches so she moved to her Decathalon car seat the seat is HUGE

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Message edited 7/23/2006 9:55:57 PM.

Posted 7/23/06 7:50 AM

My Loves

Member since 5/05

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Re: When do babies outgrow the car seats?

Jakewas about 6 months old. He looked like he was getting cramped in it so we went out and bought him the Britax carseat.

Posted 7/23/06 7:59 AM

April already?

Member since 3/06

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Re: When do babies outgrow the car seats?

We switched ours around 5 months. DD was 17 pounds so could still fit in it but she seemed so uncomfortable and she would get so sweaty in it that we switched it then.

Posted 7/23/06 8:16 AM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

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Re: When do babies outgrow the car seats?

We should have switched sooner, but we did it at 9 months. Ours was a 22 lbs limit with 30 lbs in length and she is 29.5 inches long so she was just about through on that and 21.4 it was time.

However, if we had money to buy the Britax sooner, I would have switched MUCH sooner. You get to a point where the infant seat is a PITA!

Posted 7/23/06 8:44 AM

what what!?

Member since 5/05

4206 total posts


Re: When do babies outgrow the car seats?

You guys are right... a child would probably outgrow a carseat faster than outweigh it. DH & I are tall, and I know that DS will grow out of the car seat pretty quickly. I guess now's a good time as any to start researching toddler car seats... any suggestions?

Posted 7/23/06 10:46 AM

Where it all began....

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Re: When do babies outgrow the car seats?

If his head is over the top or his feet over the bottom it is time for a new one.

Message edited 7/23/2006 11:13:56 AM.

Posted 7/23/06 11:13 AM

Mommy to 2 boys!

Member since 5/05

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Re: When do babies outgrow the car seats?

My son is 8 mos and 20.3 lbs and 28 inches long. He's still in the infant carrier. Once we return from FLA (8/11), I'm going to make the switch. I just can't imagine lugging the huge car seat with me to FLA and he still fights in the carrier fine.

Message edited 7/23/2006 11:14:48 AM.

Posted 7/23/06 11:14 AM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: When do babies outgrow the car seats?

My BIGGEST suggestion ever is the Britax car seats. I could have never imagined how easy this thing was to install ...... and it is in there SO tight. They have the best design on the latch connectors that I've seen -- they really thought it out...

Posted 7/23/06 11:19 AM

My Boys

Member since 6/05

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Re: When do babies outgrow the car seats?

My DS out grew the infant carrier car seat at 5 months. He was 18 lbs and I just couldnt carry it any heavy and it was killing my wrist. So now he is in his "big boy" car seat which he LOVES! We have the Britax Declathon..

Posted 7/23/06 1:56 PM

Life is good!

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Re: When do babies outgrow the car seats?

I want to switch to the Britax, she is 8 months and the thing is getting SO heavy.

The only problem is that she still falls asleep in the car and I don't want to have to wake her.

Posted 7/23/06 4:08 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

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Re: When do babies outgrow the car seats?

we transferred out of the infant carrier at 6 months. The limitations were 29 inches or 19 lbs. We did it for our long car ride and I just couldn't carry it anymore.... I was getting numbing and pains in my arm and shoulder

Posted 7/23/06 7:25 PM


Member since 5/05

2730 total posts


Re: When do babies outgrow the car seats?

Ava outgrew her carseat at about 4 months and I have to say i was happy....that thing was getting way to heavy for me!

Posted 7/23/06 11:30 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: When do babies outgrow the car seats?

Hayley switched to her big girl car seat at 8 momths. I was so hesitant because she falls asleep in the car and how do you put a sleeping baby in a shopping cart? If she is sleeping and I have to go into the food store, I wait until she gets up otherwise I use my stroller and she will continue to sleep in there.

I have a Graco Comfort Sport ($120 model at BRU) and she likes it and it was easy to install.

Posted 7/24/06 8:14 AM

My love.

Member since 5/05

6247 total posts


Re: When do babies outgrow the car seats?

I am embarrassed to say Talia is still in hers (she is a little peanut). She is 10 months. I am going to change her to the other car seat in the next few days anyway since she is older and I think would like to sit up more. BUT she is really no where near the restrictions and everyone told me the infant carrier is the safest so milk it as long as you can.

Posted 7/24/06 9:10 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: When do babies outgrow the car seats?

It depends on the height limit on your carrier as well. The head shouldn't be within an inch of the top. My kids both outgrew the height on mine before they weight. Although, that wasn't too far after. So we had 4 months and maybe 5 months?

Posted 7/24/06 10:28 AM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

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Re: When do babies outgrow the car seats?

Posted by MrsR

I am embarrassed to say Talia is still in hers (she is a little peanut). She is 10 months. I am going to change her to the other car seat in the next few days anyway since she is older and I think would like to sit up more. BUT she is really no where near the restrictions and everyone told me the infant carrier is the safest so milk it as long as you can.

Yeah, Katherine too Chat Icon

Well, she's in the Britax in my car...I guess I switched around 8 mos. So she's still in the Snugride in my DH's car (not for long). She's *around* 21 lbs...was 20 at 9 month visit.

Posted 7/24/06 11:25 AM

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