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I feel like I'm in a weird limbo place....

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My Everything!

Member since 11/05

35670 total posts


I feel like I'm in a weird limbo place....

I am at 14 weeks... the nausea is finally subsiding, and so is the breast tenderness... the thing is - those things at least reminded me that I was PG, no matter how much i complained about them....

So, I'm not showing really, I'm not that nauseous, besides being tired, I have nothing telling me I'm PG anymore... its too soon for baby movement.... and I'm feeling a little nervous.... How do I assure myself that I am indeed still PG and everything is healthy if I don't really feel PG anymore????

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Posted 10/6/06 3:07 PM
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Re: I feel like I'm in a weird limbo place....

Posted by lipglossjunky73

I am at 14 weeks... the nausea is finally subsiding, and so is the breast tenderness... the thing is - those things at least reminded me that I was PG, no matter how much i complained about them....

So, I'm not showing really, I'm not that nauseous, besides being tired, I have nothing telling me I'm PG anymore... its too soon for baby movement.... and I'm feeling a little nervous.... How do I assure myself that I am indeed still PG and everything is healthy if I don't really feel PG anymore????

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You'll be okay sweetie. Soon enough you'll feel your little peanut pulling and tugging in there. You'll get this incredible burst of energy that will make you feel like Superwoman. Don't rush it all me, you'll be sitting at week 40 going "Wow, it all happened soo fast".Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/6/06 3:09 PM

Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 12/05

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Re: I feel like I'm in a weird limbo place....

Didnt I tell you MS would end around 14-16 weeks... WOO HOO! Chat Icon
As far as not feeling pg...just wait til the baby starts rolling and will know again!

Posted 10/6/06 3:26 PM

My miracles!

Member since 12/05

23902 total posts


Re: I feel like I'm in a weird limbo place....

Posted by lipglossjunky73
How do I assure myself that I am indeed still PG and everything is healthy if I don't really feel PG anymore????

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Liza, this may be all too easy of an answer, but would taking another pregnancy test help you feel better that you are still pregnant? As far as the healthy part goes, I wouldnt know what to tell you.

Posted 10/6/06 5:12 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: I feel like I'm in a weird limbo place....

around 14 wks is when I finally started feeling better too.. so I know what you are going through, and it IS a weird place to be in.. I was a very very nervous preggo for a loong time (mostly becase of my history and having miscarried previously). It's hard when the initial symptoms fade and you aren't yet at the point of feeling the baby kick yet. Many days I would say I did not feel pregnant at all

But please, try to be happy you are feeling well - finally! You are hitting the best weeks of your pregancy, enjoy it because it WILL be over so quickly. I wish I could go back a bit and enjoy more and stress less..

The only thing I can suggest that may help to reassure you is maybe renting a doppler, so that you can listen for the baby's heartbeat whenever you get worried. I know for me it was a LIFESAVER in between my appointments. I rented my doppler and many other ladies here did the same. Now that you are 14 wks you should have no problem finding the heartbeat, and it might give you the peace of mind you need Chat Icon I can give you the info if you are at all interested in this


Posted 10/6/06 5:22 PM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

35670 total posts


Re: I feel like I'm in a weird limbo place....

I think my stepdaughters bought me a doppler - they keep forgetting it at their house though - i should remind them to take it with them!!!

Posted 10/6/06 5:25 PM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

35670 total posts


Re: I feel like I'm in a weird limbo place....

Posted by FeliciaDP

around 14 wks is when I finally started feeling better too.. so I know what you are going through, and it IS a weird place to be in.. I was a very very nervous preggo for a loong time (mostly becase of my history and having miscarried previously). It's hard when the initial symptoms fade and you aren't yet at the point of feeling the baby kick yet. Many days I would say I did not feel pregnant at all

But please, try to be happy you are feeling well - finally! You are hitting the best weeks of your pregancy, enjoy it because it WILL be over so quickly. I wish I could go back a bit and enjoy more and stress less..

The only thing I can suggest that may help to reassure you is maybe renting a doppler, so that you can listen for the baby's heartbeat whenever you get worried. I know for me it was a LIFESAVER in between my appointments. I rented my doppler and many other ladies here did the same. Now that you are 14 wks you should have no problem finding the heartbeat, and it might give you the peace of mind you need Chat Icon I can give you the info if you are at all interested in this


i know - i keep telling myself I'm feeling better, enjoy it, but in a way, the nausea and vomiting reassured me everything in my pregnancy was "healthy"

I know I'm fine, and the baby is fine though - like I said - it just feels like.... limbo....

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Posted 10/6/06 5:28 PM

Joining Team Blue with Baby #2

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Re: I feel like I'm in a weird limbo place....

I was starting to feel the same way...and then I got this pain that won't subside...just a reminder--"Mommy, I'm in here!" Chat Icon

I was just thinking this the other day, that it feels like I am not pregnant anymore!

Posted 10/6/06 5:36 PM

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Re: I feel like I'm in a weird limbo place....

Liza, I sympathize. If it weren't for my slightly swollen breasts that are mildly sore, I wouldn't believe it [that and the 4 tests I've taken] either! Granted you're further along...but I'm at a loss for new symptoms and feelings because nothing else "feels" pregnant! I had EVERY symptom right away with my daughter...this rather calm beginning is mind boggling! [however, i'm not complaining!]

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Posted 10/8/06 12:42 AM

Mama to 3!?!?!?

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Re: I feel like I'm in a weird limbo place....

I can completely relate. I have felt so good the entire time and it made me wonder if everything was ok. I drove DH nuts! Try not to worry. Enjoy the feeling good part. Soon enough you will be feeling your baby moving and that will reassure you.

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Posted 10/8/06 3:36 AM

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Re: I feel like I'm in a weird limbo place....

Join the club! I think we all go through this around your time. I wasn't convinced that I was "okay" until I really started to feel her kick around. Have no fear, I am sure everything is fine - but I totally understand how you want that clarity.

Posted 10/8/06 7:16 PM

They get so big, so fast :(

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Re: I feel like I'm in a weird limbo place....

My doc calls this the worst time in your pregnancy- in-between visits, no visable signs that you are pregnant yet and so many worries.

You will get through it and trust me it goes quickly- it will be over before you know itChat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/8/06 10:57 PM

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