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Professional Picture question

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LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

921 total posts


Professional Picture question

Hi Ladies,

I want to take Justin for professional pictures. I have seen ads for kiddie kandids, picture people, jcpennys, sears, etc.

Can you let me know which one is a good place to take my little guy.

Also, what are the prices at these places?

Posted 12/4/05 12:51 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Professional Picture question

Almost all of them have specials to get you in the door but trust me you walk out spending way more than you had planned.

Posted 12/4/05 12:55 PM

Love my Family!

Member since 7/05

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Re: Professional Picture question

I took Julia to Kiddie Kandids, DH and I loved it there, they are so friendly and the pics came out great too! Here is the website were u can find all the prices. Chat Icon Kiddie Kandids

Posted 12/4/05 12:56 PM

Where does time go?

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Re: Professional Picture question

Message edited 12/16/2011 1:58:55 PM.

Posted 12/4/05 1:01 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: Professional Picture question

In my opinion - Kiddie Kandids is the best place. They're willing to spend a lot of time to get the right shot. I've gone to professional photography studios & still think Kiddie Kandids is better.

Posted 12/4/05 2:50 PM


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: Professional Picture question

I'm probably the only person who hates Kiddie Kandids. They have never gotten a good shot of Andrew, they are inexperienced young people (as are most places though), and only take 4 poses. I know that they process the pics right then and there, whcih is a plus, but they are super expensive Chat Icon I've been there 3x thinking it'll get better, and I leave more dissappointed each time.

I have used JCPenney's 2x now and have gotten really great pictures. They take up to about 12 shots to chose from, and if you print a coupon from their website, you get a free 8x10, no sitting fee, and #3.99 portrait sheets. That's an excellent deal.

The only downside is that you have to go back to pick up your pictures, they take about 7-10 days. Small price to pay for me, I really like them!

Posted 12/4/05 3:19 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

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Re: Professional Picture question

I went to target and for 9.99 got a LOT of pics. I did end up spending more though -- $43 overall, but I got a TON of pics for that. It was just that I wanted some extra 8X10s and 5X7s and stuff because I'm planning on giving framed photos of Emily for Christmas gifts.

Here are my 2 favorite shots from her pics at target. We only took 7 shots in all because she woke up and went balistic and while they were willing to continue I felt bad for all the people waiting so I said we could stop.

just FYI - If you are planning on having them for CHristmas pics call and make an appt soon!!! I know most places are very busy this time of year.

Image Attachment(s):
Posted 12/4/05 5:50 PM

Family of 5!

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Re: Professional Picture question

Posted by mommy2bellabean

When they are really young you need to take them to people that really knows how to work with kids. I took Bella to JCPenney at 2 months and it was just OK...the girl was nice, but really didn't know how to work with a kid that young.

Good Luck

I took Ryan to sears and felt the same way.....i felt that I do a better job!

Posted 12/5/05 8:20 AM

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