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Suggestion for Food for 12 month-old

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LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

393 total posts


Suggestion for Food for 12 month-old

Can anyone give me some suggestions as to what I can feed my 12 month-old? The past week he has refused to be fed his baby food by me with a spoon - he wants to eat by himself. I am having a hard time finding things that I can cut up an give to him that he likes. So far he likes pancakes, bread, cheese, ham, turkey, chicken, gerber puffs....that is about it! I can't even get him to eat his cereal for breakfast anymore because he can't pick it up! I am paranoid of choking, so this whole transition is difficult...Thanks for your help!

Posted 9/28/05 3:20 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

1063 total posts


Re: Suggestion for Food for 12 month-old

How many teeth does he have?

Posted 9/28/05 3:28 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

393 total posts


Re: Suggestion for Food for 12 month-old

He only has his 2 bottom teeth

Posted 9/28/05 3:30 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

1063 total posts


Re: Suggestion for Food for 12 month-old

Hand him over the spoon and let him try, it may be messy but puta drop cloth over ur floor-- Look at whats in the gerber meals... carrots, peas, corn,applesauce.. Thats fun! I would give him a bagel to gnaw on..of course I would watch him...

Message edited 9/28/2005 3:31:01 PM.

Posted 9/28/05 3:30 PM

Becoming a different woman

Member since 5/05

24460 total posts


Re: Suggestion for Food for 12 month-old

check the gerber website, it's very informative.

Posted 9/28/05 3:32 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

1063 total posts


Re: Suggestion for Food for 12 month-old

You could also put the meat pieces in the netted bags.. this was MUCH easier during transition, especially for fruits and meats... BRU & wal mart has them for like $3!! ITs the best!!!! I cant find a pic online but its a ring that baby can hold and like a mesh sock, that you can put the food into babys little teeth and saliva break it down and mush it up and then gets TEEENY pieces through the litle holes!! .. a great investment!!

I found a pic.. We had the green one.. it screws on and off.. The blue one is another company, and the lid looks like it snaps on and off.. Again, this was very useful.. especially since ur baby only has two teeth- I am sure it will make you feel more comfy!! GL!

Image Attachment(s):

Message edited 9/28/2005 4:46:47 PM.

Posted 9/28/05 3:35 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

4189 total posts


Re: Suggestion for Food for 12 month-old

I make Jack little jelly roll type sandwiches. I take a tortilla and spread some peaches or other baby food, roll it up, cut it in little pieces and he seems to like that. What about very soft cooked carrots? Jack eats a ton of banaas, catelope, grapes, mango, pinapple, all cut up into little pieces. He has 8 teeth already at 11 months so I think that makes a difference.

Posted 9/28/05 4:26 PM

Mom of Three

Member since 9/05

7900 total posts


Re: Suggestion for Food for 12 month-old

Grilled cheese, avocado, cream cheese & jelly sandwich (I make it with a thin layer of each then push it down so its flatter and cut it into small cubes), soft cooked carrots, sweet potato, scrambled eggs...I can probably think of a bunch more things but thats right off the top of my head. Just make sure everything is small and soft enough. The jaws do the mashing so even if he only has 2 teeth, unless its something hard that would hurt his gums, he should be fine.

Posted 9/28/05 10:31 PM


Member since 5/05

1889 total posts


Re: Suggestion for Food for 12 month-old

Posted by Elizabeth

Grilled cheese, avocado, cream cheese & jelly sandwich (I make it with a thin layer of each then push it down so its flatter and cut it into small cubes), soft cooked carrots, sweet potato, scrambled eggs...I can probably think of a bunch more things but thats right off the top of my head. Just make sure everything is small and soft enough. The jaws do the mashing so even if he only has 2 teeth, unless its something hard that would hurt his gums, he should be fine.

Yup-I agree with all these! Jenna is almost 13 months old (she has 4 teeth) and can eat just about anything we do cut up small.

Posted 9/29/05 10:16 AM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

2642 total posts


Re: Suggestion for Food for 12 month-old

I give marissa everything that we eat well almost everything I mash up the veggies that we eat and I have a splat mat under her and she feeds herself she doesn't want us to help her. I cut up all her meats really tiny so she can chew them also before I started wit hthe regualr table food I gave her the gerber graduate dinners she liked some of them.

Also she loves pastina with butter
mac & cheese
Also grill cheese I cut off the crust and cut it up into tiny peices and she eats that

Posted 9/29/05 10:59 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

393 total posts


Re: Suggestion for Food for 12 month-old

Thanks everyone. The things like mac and cheese, pastina, etc., how do they eat it? Can they pick that up?

Posted 9/29/05 11:02 AM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

2642 total posts


Re: Suggestion for Food for 12 month-old

with the pastina and mac and cheese I sit marissa on my lap and as she is holding the spoon or fork I take her hand and help her get it on the spoon or fork and then help her get it into her mouth

The mac and cheese she can pic up on her own if I put a splat mat down pastina is very small but you can take other pasta instead and mix it with the butter as well

Posted 9/29/05 11:21 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

107 total posts


Re: Suggestion for Food for 12 month-old

i usualy just let anthony go to town with any kind of pasta. he sits in his high chair and i put it all infront of him. he loves him. i also cut up grilled cheese (very small), chicken stripes & scrambeled eggs are a big hit that way also. my son is 12 months but he has 8 teeth.

Posted 9/30/05 10:07 PM

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