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Losties- Come On In! Something Weird in People Magazine

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I hope you stay beautiful baby

Member since 5/05

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Losties- Come On In! Something Weird in People Magazine

So I was reading People magazine today (the one with Britney Spears on the cover), and I stumbled upon something interesting. Its on pg 32 (the same page with Samuel L. Jackson on it)- And what caught my eye was the big print on top- it says "Are the Producers of Lost Pulling The Wool Over Our Eyes?"

Has anyone else seen this?

It clearly says "advertisement" on top. But there is a little article that goes with it. The article goes like this:

"Are The Producers of Lost pulling the wool over our eyes?

If you believe computer hacker Rachel "Persephone" Blake they just might be. She exposed The Hanso Foundation's crimes on their own website. Unearthed a plot involved Sri Lanka- a plot The Hanso Foundation would kill to protect. And, at the popular entertainment expo, San Diego Comic-Con, she screamed at LOST's executive producers, accusing them of being in The Hanso Foundation's pockets. After all, THF has paid for commercial spots on ABC during LOST.

The producers, of course, denied any connection to the REAL Foundation. LOST is just a television show, they said. Alvar Hanso is fictional - he's not real. And, with that, security escorted Rachel out.

But not before she yelled "Alvar Hanso IS real...! And if you want the truth you will go to HANSOEXPOSED.COM!.

I wanted the truth. So, I went.

I discovered that images with strange hieroglyphs and codes are being leaked on the web and in the real world. Each code unlocking a portion of a video beggin intriguing questions:

Why was Foundation president Dr. Thomas Werner Mittlewerk on the island of Sri Lanka?

Who is the bearded narrator of the "DHARMA Initiative" film?

What information could this video hold that it's worth killing over?

Can it be? If this is all REAL, will the secret of the LOST "number" finally be revealed?

Afraid we're ALL in the dark on that one

Find the glyphs and see the video for yourself at HANSOEXPOSED.COM.

help solve the puzzle with me, Speak, at"

That was the article- its a little weird, right? I went to, and am trying to figure it out right now. But, I also went to, and its got the ABC logo on it- so I guess its an ad for Lost? But is it all part of the trying to figure out what really is going on during this show? I dont know, but I am super excited about Lost- and cannot wait for this season!

Posted 8/23/06 8:00 PM
Long Island Weddings
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I hope you stay beautiful baby

Member since 5/05

8356 total posts


Re: Losties- Come On In! Something Weird in People Magazine

And then I stumbled upon this at

Posted 8/23/06 9:27 PM

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