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How many tiimes a night does your baby get up a night for other reasons besides...

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I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

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How many tiimes a night does your baby get up a night for other reasons besides...

the usual like a wet diaper, hunger, sickness...etc...

DS gets up in the middle of the night and coos and babbles. Doesmanyone else's baby do that?

Posted 9/13/06 5:33 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: How many tiimes a night does your baby get up a night for other reasons besides...

DS only woke up to eat ( and then we changed his diaper ) never woke up for any other reason unless he was sick and not feeling well.

Posted 9/13/06 5:40 PM

I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

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Re: How many tiimes a night does your baby get up a night for other reasons besides...

I feel stupid asking this but how can you tell if your baby is waking up during the night to eat? Mind just sits there and coos, it's not like he cries or anything.

Posted 9/13/06 5:46 PM

Complete Happiness :)

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Re: How many tiimes a night does your baby get up a night for other reasons besides...

Posted by MABLE03

DS only woke up to eat ( and then we changed his diaper ) never woke up for any other reason unless he was sick and not feeling well.

Here too.
Just because he doesn't cry - doesn't mean that he is not hungry.

How often is he waking?

Posted 9/13/06 5:47 PM

I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

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Re: How many tiimes a night does your baby get up a night for other reasons besides...

Posted by Marcie

Posted by MABLE03

DS only woke up to eat ( and then we changed his diaper ) never woke up for any other reason unless he was sick and not feeling well.

Here too.
Just because he doesn't cry - doesn't mean that he is not hungry.

How often is he waking?

I gotta keep track of it but I think like 2-3 times...Sometimes he squirms alot and moves around and then sleeps quitely for 5 minutes and then moves again and will repeat it for like an hour or so. If he sucks the paci loudly does that mean hunger?

Posted 9/13/06 5:51 PM

boy mamma

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Re: How many tiimes a night does your baby get up a night for other reasons besides...

Bryan is a restless sleeper so he will wake for a few min and go back wake, go back and so on. He stopped eating in the mid o f the night though at around 4-5 months.

Posted 9/13/06 5:53 PM

Chase is one!

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Re: How many tiimes a night does your baby get up a night for other reasons besides...

She doesn't get up at all during the night.

Posted 9/13/06 6:00 PM

Complete Happiness :)

Member since 5/05

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LOVE being a Mommy!

Re: How many tiimes a night does your baby get up a night for other reasons besides...

Posted by bedda26

Posted by Marcie

Posted by MABLE03

DS only woke up to eat ( and then we changed his diaper ) never woke up for any other reason unless he was sick and not feeling well.

Here too.
Just because he doesn't cry - doesn't mean that he is not hungry.

How often is he waking?

I gotta keep track of it but I think like 2-3 times...Sometimes he squirms alot and moves around and then sleeps quitely for 5 minutes and then moves again and will repeat it for like an hour or so. If he sucks the paci loudly does that mean hunger?

I am not sure about the pacifier - Ali doesn't use it too much.

Don't take this the wrong way - but I think you need to get him in his crib. I think you are watching too much. Ali is a restless sleeper - but not as much as waking up - she moves around alot in her crib - she is always in a different position. She doesn't wake up and move around she does it in her sleep.
I think if he is in his crib, you will sleep alot better and he will find is routine.

Posted 9/13/06 6:09 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: How many tiimes a night does your baby get up a night for other reasons besides...

At your sons age my son was not getting up anymore. But I did find that he was a noisy sleeper (as are most babies). He might wake up in the middle of the night, babble a minute and fall back to sleep, or toss and turn etc.

Are you running in at the first peep? I would wait a few minutes and see if he goes back to sleep. Chat Icon
If he is happily amusing himself he will learn to put himself back to sleep which is so important.

Posted 9/13/06 6:09 PM


Member since 6/05

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Re: How many tiimes a night does your baby get up a night for other reasons besides...

DS also doesnt wake anymore but he does move around alot. I also think he needs to be in his own room now. I would do it before he starts to really understand where he is. Luka will bring both his legs all the way like I would raise them to clean his behind and then slam them down in his sleep durning the night it is so loud that is the only thing that he does. Maybe your son is restless because he is sleeping in your bed. I know once I went from bassinet to crib he was a more sound sleeper and in the beginning he liked his new space and was always all over the crib now he really just slide up and down. I also do not go into his room until he is crying so since you sleep with him he is waking you up and inturn you might think something is wrong so you pick him when he might actually try to put him self back to sleep. Does that make sense? It might take him a few nights to get use to the crib but I wouldn't give up on one try. You need to be patient with him because he doesnt understand. Another thing I want to add is that babies are very intouch on your feelings and if you are at all frustated he will sense that and he will be cranky. I tell my DH this all the time because he doesn't have the same amount of patience I do when it comes to putting him to bed.

Posted 9/13/06 6:17 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: How many tiimes a night does your baby get up a night for other reasons besides...

Posted by -DonnaMarie-

At your sons age my son was not getting up anymore. But I did find that he was a noisy sleeper (as are most babies). He might wake up in the middle of the night, babble a minute and fall back to sleep, or toss and turn etc.

Are you running in at the first peep? I would wait a few minutes and see if he goes back to sleep. Chat Icon
If he is happily amusing himself he will learn to put himself back to sleep which is so important.

ok I didn't realize he was in your bed. I know co-sleeping works for so many people but maybe your son needs his own bed now. Its worth a try.
If he wakes and knows you are there maybe he thinks its playtime?

What is the situation during diaper changes? I only changed DS when he leaked and that was with the lights almost off, no talking, etc. He always went back to sleep.

Posted 9/13/06 6:22 PM

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Re: How many tiimes a night does your baby get up a night for other reasons besides...

Message edited 2/8/2007 3:22:43 PM.

Posted 9/13/06 7:53 PM

Spring Baby06
My two loves

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Re: How many tiimes a night does your baby get up a night for other reasons besides...

Because she's teething she'll wake up about 2-3 times a night. But not for a reason, and she'll go immediately back to sleep after I put her binkie in.

Posted 9/13/06 8:41 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: How many tiimes a night does your baby get up a night for other reasons besides...

I dont know why Jacob gets up during the night.. teething??, reflux??, feels like playing?? dont know.. i just know it has been 9 months now, and i'm lucky if i've gotten 5 full nights sleep in that whole time frame. I suppose I may get some sleep in another 17 yrs.. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/13/06 9:55 PM

Life is good!

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Re: How many tiimes a night does your baby get up a night for other reasons besides...

Posted by CheeChee

I dont know why Jacob gets up during the night.. teething??, reflux??, feels like playing?? dont know.. i just know it has been 9 months now, and i'm lucky if i've gotten 5 full nights sleep in that whole time frame. I suppose I may get some sleep in another 17 yrs.. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I am with you!

Posted 9/14/06 12:17 AM


Member since 1/06

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Re: How many tiimes a night does your baby get up a night for other reasons besides...

Posted by sunny

Posted by CheeChee

I dont know why Jacob gets up during the night.. teething??, reflux??, feels like playing?? dont know.. i just know it has been 9 months now, and i'm lucky if i've gotten 5 full nights sleep in that whole time frame. I suppose I may get some sleep in another 17 yrs.. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I am with you!

Count me in! I have not gotten more than a 4 - 5 hour stretch of sleep since DD was born Chat Icon

Posted 9/14/06 8:10 AM

My girls

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Re: How many tiimes a night does your baby get up a night for other reasons besides...

She usually sleeps straight thru but will occassionally get up around 4AM or so and cry and either put herself back to sleep or I give her her "woobie". She stopped eating in the night around 4 41/2 months.

Posted 9/14/06 9:18 AM

I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

9340 total posts


Re: How many tiimes a night does your baby get up a night for other reasons besides...

I change his diaper in the dark and make no eye contact. He won't go back to sleep unless I put the paci in his mouth again. Otherwise he will lay there and babbe until he eventually starts crying...

Posted 9/15/06 1:02 PM

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