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I know a lot of people have problems with thier MILS....

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I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

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I know a lot of people have problems with thier MILS....

But lately I've been missing mine. I only knew her for about 2 years...but she was SUCH a sweetheart...we got along so well.

She passed away from Cancer 2 years ago.

I think what I miss the most is that Emily didn't get to know her. Emily would have loved her and she would have loved Emily too...

I'm sorry -- just has been on my mind a lot. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/1/06 10:24 AM
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Re: I know a lot of people have problems with thier MILS....

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Posted 8/1/06 10:30 AM

Say Cheese!

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A (formerly WhatNow?)

Re: I know a lot of people have problems with thier MILS....

I know what you mean and I am sorry for you family's lose!Chat Icon

My MIL passed away from cancer 3 years ago, when we were only married for 4 months. I have been thinking about her a lot, especially after Benjamin was born. He will never know his fathers mother, which I think is so important...

I didn't get a chance to know her very well because Dh and I were only together for less than 2 years before we got married. My MIL was a very interesting person and even though we didn;t always see eye to eye I tried to show her respect and appreciate the fact that she gave life to my husband and without her there never would have been this wonderful man in my life, my best friend and the father of my son. I know she would have really loved Benjamin and would have been a wonderful influence in his life...

I am always so sad to read posts about girls not getting along with their MILs. I wish I could spend more time with mine and get to know her betterChat Icon No matter what, she is DH MOTHER... Let's all remember that and try to get close to her rather than push her away... Let's show her a little kindness and chances are she will be gratefull and only eager to show it rigth back!

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Posted 8/1/06 10:43 AM


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Re: I know a lot of people have problems with thier MILS....

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Posted 8/1/06 10:46 AM

Fall Is Here

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Re: I know a lot of people have problems with thier MILS....

Keep her memory alive for your daughter & tell her what a great woman she was. I do wish my relationship w/ my MIL was better.

Posted 8/1/06 10:49 AM


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Re: I know a lot of people have problems with thier MILS....

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Posted 8/1/06 10:55 AM

R.I.P. Sweet Mia ♥

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Re: I know a lot of people have problems with thier MILS....

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Posted 8/1/06 10:59 AM


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Valerie...aka...Do Me A Favor?

Re: I know a lot of people have problems with thier MILS....

I know EXACTLY how you feel. My DH and I are together for over 14 years (6 yrs dating + 8.5 years married). My MIL passed away Oct.1, 2004 from lung cancer. I had just found out 5 days before her passing that I was pregnant with my second child- her 4th grandchild. DH and I were so happy that we were able to tell her before she passed away. I had a rough pregnancy, and I felt that she was my baby's guardian angel (as well as my grandpa [my best friend] that also passed away during the same pregnancy).
My MIL always treated me like the daughter she never had (she had 2 boys). We were very close. I love and miss her. I feel sorry for my sons that they won't know their Grandma K. I wish she had gotten to see the baby. It's so sad. Chat Icon

Posted 8/1/06 11:23 AM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: I know a lot of people have problems with thier MILS....

For my MIL it would have been her first granddaughter....My husband was always the type that people said would never marry --- he barely dated --- so I know from other family members that she was elated that we were together and going strong....I know it was hard for my DH to get married last summer and give birth to our first child in the Fall without his mother there.

This is cheezy and corny but after she died I saw a lot of butterflies ... and someone told me that it was my MIL ....and so now whenever we see them we think of her.

She would have been an amazing grandmother to my daughter. I hope I can carry her on through pictures and stories. I just hope that somehow she knows my daughter and is watching over her and that somehow my daughter will come to know that in time also.

Posted 8/1/06 11:32 AM


Member since 6/06

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Valerie...aka...Do Me A Favor?

Re: I know a lot of people have problems with thier MILS....

Posted by Melbernai

For my MIL it would have been her first granddaughter....My husband was always the type that people said would never marry --- he barely dated --- so I know from other family members that she was elated that we were together and going strong....I know it was hard for my DH to get married last summer and give birth to our first child in the Fall without his mother there.

This is cheezy and corny but after she died I saw a lot of butterflies ... and someone told me that it was my MIL ....and so now whenever we see them we think of her.

She would have been an amazing grandmother to my daughter. I hope I can carry her on through pictures and stories. I just hope that somehow she knows my daughter and is watching over her and that somehow my daughter will come to know that in time also.

OMG!!!! The butterfly thing!!!!!!!! You TOTALLY just gave me goosebumps and I am crying right now., my MIL was a very spiritual person. I don't mean really religious. Just very sensitive and believed in things. I dunno...hard to explain. Anyway, after she was diagnosed with cancer (I was pregnant with my first child), we all joined together and participated in the Relay for Life (cancer walk). The name of our group was the "Butterfly Believers" because my MIL felt that she was going to be like a butterfly. SHe felt that she would sorta morph from a cancer patient into a beautiful cancer-free butterfly. When it became evident that that wasn't to happen, she said the butterflies were going to carry her to Heaven. During the 3 years she fought cancer, EVERYONE bought her butterflies. Her name became synonymous with those insects!
At her wake, my FIL wanted me to make some butterflies to put around the room. I drew 12 on foam board, cut them out and displayed them around the funeral parlor. People that visited all knew the symbolism behind the butterflies...and we all knew in our hearts that tose butterflies carried my MIL to HEaven...just like she knew they would!
I too have seen butterflies everywhere. It helps us feel like she is always around.

Message edited 8/1/2006 11:46:56 AM.

Posted 8/1/06 11:46 AM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: I know a lot of people have problems with thier MILS....

It gives me chills too!!

After she died they were EVERYWHERE. Sometimes fancy ones, but usually just these little white flutterfy ones. We drove up to Massachusets a few weeks after she passed and there was a white butterfy fluttering all over our car when we left, when we stopped at a rest area in CT, and all the way when we got to Mass. It could have been a different one but I swear it was the same one. Even DH who isn't into that stuff agreed that it was a little weird!

I have little butterflies around my daughter's room for decoration .... just in case! MIL also knew I loved butterflies and got me tons of butterfly stuff for I swear that's how she'd let me know she's around.

We saw this one at Sesame Place last was BEAUTIFUL!

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Posted 8/1/06 12:18 PM


Member since 6/06

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Valerie...aka...Do Me A Favor?

Re: I know a lot of people have problems with thier MILS....

I think your MIL is trying to show you that she will always be with you just as I believe is the case with my MIL. I'm not into all weird paranormal stuff... it's just nice to think that death is not the absolute end.

Posted 8/1/06 12:34 PM

Mama to 3!?!?!?

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Re: I know a lot of people have problems with thier MILS....

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I'm sorry you're sad.
I never got to meet my MIL. She passed away from cancer a month before I met DH. My roommate at the time was a nurse on the floor she was on in the hospital. She always used to say that she needed to find a nice girl for her youngest son (DH) and we say that she did because we may not have met if it weren't for her. We met at a bar when he came over to say hello to my roommate. I've heard that she was an amazing woman and I really wish she were still here. It makes me sad lots of times, especially now that we're having a baby.

Sorry to hi-jack.

Keep remembering the good times you had with her. Chat Icon

Posted 8/1/06 1:12 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: I know a lot of people have problems with thier MILS....

Posted by SuzyQ

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I'm sorry you're sad.
I never got to meet my MIL. She passed away from cancer a month before I met DH. My roommate at the time was a nurse on the floor she was on in the hospital. She always used to say that she needed to find a nice girl for her youngest son (DH) and we say that she did because we may not have met if it weren't for her. We met at a bar when he came over to say hello to my roommate. I've heard that she was an amazing woman and I really wish she were still here. It makes me sad lots of times, especially now that we're having a baby.

Sorry to hi-jack.

Keep remembering the good times you had with her. Chat Icon

Don't worry about hijacking --- it's nice to know (well not nice but comforting) that other peole are going through or have gone through what I have...Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/1/06 8:58 PM

Party of 5 - 2015

Member since 4/06

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Re: I know a lot of people have problems with thier MILS....

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon i know it is so tough to have lost someone so close, there is no consolation although I have heard about the butterfly thing too--- one thing we can all learn from this is to appreciate all family while we have themChat Icon

Posted 8/1/06 9:10 PM

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