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ok coffee drinkers come in

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ok coffee drinkers come in

do yu still drink coffee now that your pregnant or do you drink tea instead(is that even ok)
I really like a hot beverage in the morning (not chocolate )
Although I am not pregnant yet I want to stop drinking coffee in the AM so I will be used to not having it when I do get preggo

Posted 3/1/06 9:04 AM
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Re: ok coffee drinkers come in

I don't drink it regularly but I do have an occasional flavored decaf from Dunkin Donuts. I avoided it in my 1st trimester though.......

Posted 3/1/06 9:06 AM

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Re: ok coffee drinkers come in

I don't drink coffee, but I was a huge Diet Dr. Pepper drinker. I switched to regular, but I have to have one a day. I'm going to give it up for Lent though, which will hopefully work out Chat Icon

Posted 3/1/06 9:11 AM

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Re: ok coffee drinkers come in

I tried giving up coffee in my first trimester and had headaches for two weeks and I was miserable. The OB told me I cold have one 8oz cup a day of regular coffee. I did this, then started to mix it with decaf 4oz./4oz. Now, most of the time I have decaf but occasionally I still do get caffeine headaches and mix reg with the decaf and I am fine.

Posted 3/1/06 9:14 AM

Cake from Outer Space!

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Re: ok coffee drinkers come in

I drink decaf at home...I usually have 1-2 cups a day and one cup at work which has caffinine. Other than that, I drink water and a diet soda once in a blue moon.

Posted 3/1/06 9:25 AM

LIF Adult

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Re: ok coffee drinkers come in

I am a total coffee addict but the thought of it now in the mornings makes me sick. That solves my problem.Chat Icon

Posted 3/1/06 9:35 AM

LIF Adult

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Re: ok coffee drinkers come in

I weaned off caffeine when I was TTC. I started mixing a little decaf into the coffee I made myself at home each morning. Then I made it half decaf, then mostly decaf. By the time I got pg I was drinking all decaf.

The irony is I totally lost my taste for coffee the whole first trimester-- even the smell was unappealing to me. I did drink my decaf during the second trimester, and now in the third it aggravates my heartburn too much.

I just can't win!

Posted 3/1/06 9:36 AM

I ♥ my boys!

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Re: ok coffee drinkers come in

I drink on cup of decaf daily. Occassionally, I will have tea but again it's decaf.

Posted 3/1/06 9:36 AM

Twin Moms Do Everything Twice

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Re: ok coffee drinkers come in

i have one cup a day.

Posted 3/1/06 9:39 AM

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Re: ok coffee drinkers come in

I used to drink one cup a day while PG.

Posted 3/1/06 10:04 AM

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Re: ok coffee drinkers come in

i drink a cup to a cup and a half every, single morning. I didn't for about 9 or 10 weeks though because I couldn't stand the smell. My dr. said this was fine.

Posted 3/1/06 10:09 AM

LIF Adolescent

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Re: ok coffee drinkers come in

I drink a cup of regular tea every morning - that I belive helped me never get m/s.
and then maybe another cup later in the tea a day is fine.
I sometimes substitute the second cup with a cup of green tea with lemon (very healthy).

Posted 3/1/06 10:11 AM

I'm two!

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Re: ok coffee drinkers come in

I've tried many times over the years to give up coffee, but I just can't do it. So I have one cup a day and that's it for my caffeine intake.

Posted 3/1/06 10:18 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: ok coffee drinkers come in

Posted by computergirl

I weaned off caffeine when I was TTC. I started mixing a little decaf into the coffee I made myself at home each morning. Then I made it half decaf, then mostly decaf. By the time I got pg I was drinking all decaf.

The irony is I totally lost my taste for coffee the whole first trimester-- even the smell was unappealing to me. I did drink my decaf during the second trimester, and now in the third it aggravates my heartburn too much.

I just can't win!

I did the same! I had some dunkin decaf the other day, felt like someone stabbed me in stomach hurt so much.. Oh well that's out for a couple monthsChat Icon

Posted 3/1/06 1:49 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: ok coffee drinkers come in

I had a medium to large size coffee from Dunkin Donuts every morning.

Posted 3/1/06 2:11 PM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

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Re: ok coffee drinkers come in

I drink regular tea every once in awhile

Posted 3/1/06 5:35 PM

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Re: ok coffee drinkers come in

i gave up coffee for now

Posted 3/1/06 5:50 PM

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Re: ok coffee drinkers come in

My dr said it is OK to have some caffine. I have 1 small cup in the morning about 5-6 days a week. I dont drink any soda, tea or iced tea and I dont eat chocolate. My dr said the 1 cup a day is fine.

Posted 3/1/06 6:01 PM

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