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do we have a right to be mad? and what do we d0???

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LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

179 total posts


do we have a right to be mad? and what do we d0???

first off...hi guys, i dont know if any of you remember me at all from LIW, or a bit from here, but i wanted to come back on and say hi...

anyway sorry this is fam related...

DH's parents came down for thanksgiving (we just bought a townhouse in MD, they live in VT) they invited themselves (when DH and i were on the way to NY for my grandpas funeral, but that is a story for another day) and they invited DH's sister, husband and 6 month old son but then told us they werent coming, no reason as to why.

when they got here on thurs (they were leaving on sat) they told us that SIL and fam really wantedt o come, but were sorry they couldnt. they then said that BIL's fam was going up there and doing thanksgiving on friday and then they were baptizing the baby on sunday (yesterday) and that was that...we were NEVER INVITED TO OUR NEPHEW'S BAPTISM! DH is really bummed about it, you could tell all day yesterday he was thinking about it...what do we do???

Posted 11/28/05 6:06 PM
Long Island Weddings
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True love

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12653 total posts


Re: do we have a right to be mad? and what do we d0???

I can totally understand why you guys would be hurt and offended. I think DH should call his sister and without being nasty, ask why you weren't invited. That makes no sense.

I'm sorryChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/28/05 6:07 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

179 total posts


Re: do we have a right to be mad? and what do we d0???

thank you...yeah, i think he is going to call her. he didnt want to do it yesterday as that was the day it was you know?

ETA: it is just that his fam has never been 100% accepting of me and i feel like it is my fault. this is the same girl that when i asked her to be a bridesmaid said ummm...sure (because i think at the time she knwe she was TTC) and when she did get pg couldnt tell ME that she didnt want to be in the wedding anymore

Message edited 11/28/2005 6:11:05 PM.

Posted 11/28/05 6:10 PM

Pick a cause & stand up for it

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The cure IS worse!

Re: do we have a right to be mad? and what do we d0???

Posted by DMcK

I can totally understand why you guys would be hurt and offended. I think DH should call his sister and without being nasty, ask why you weren't invited. That makes no sense.

I'm sorryChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I agree. How crappy though. I am sorry you guys have to go through this Chat Icon

Posted 11/28/05 6:10 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: do we have a right to be mad? and what do we d0???

Um...I'd ASK as to why you did not receive an invitation!

Posted 11/28/05 6:11 PM

True love

Member since 6/05

12653 total posts


Re: do we have a right to be mad? and what do we d0???

Posted by BethGail

thank you...yeah, i think he is going to call her. he didnt want to do it yesterday as that was the day it was you know?

ETA: it is just that his fam has never been 100% accepting of me and i feel like it is my fault. this is the same girl that when i asked her to be a bridesmaid said ummm...sure (because i think at the time she knwe she was TTC) and when she did get pg couldnt tell ME that she didnt want to be in the wedding anymore

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/28/05 6:17 PM

You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05

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Re: do we have a right to be mad? and what do we d0???

Posted by DMcK

I can totally understand why you guys would be hurt and offended. I think DH should call his sister and without being nasty, ask why you weren't invited. That makes no sense.

I'm sorryChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I agree! Chat Icon

Posted 11/28/05 6:31 PM

hello baby Albert

Member since 9/05

7750 total posts


Re: do we have a right to be mad? and what do we d0???

I dont really have any suggestions, I just wanted to say HIIIIIIIIII, I missed you Chat Icon hope to see more of you on the boards!

Posted 11/28/05 6:35 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

179 total posts


Re: do we have a right to be mad? and what do we d0???

hiiiiiii aga!! how are you??

Posted 11/28/05 10:34 PM

2nd verse same as the 1st

Member since 5/05

15287 total posts


Re: do we have a right to be mad? and what do we d0???

I would be soooooo hurt if I were in your shoes. Chat Icon I am so sorry you are in this situation.

Posted 11/28/05 11:02 PM

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