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For those 30+ weeks (Warning- TMI)...

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Grace is growing up too fast!

Member since 10/05

11561 total posts


For those 30+ weeks (Warning- TMI)...

Last week the doctor said that the pain I am feeling is ligament pain. It feels like someone is taking a knife and jabbing it in my privates (sorry TMI). So last night, I get this pain again only this time more intense, in the same place and on the sides of my abdomen. It lasted a few minutes then came back an hour later. So being that I was in pain and exhusted I go to bed at 10ish and slept on and off all night because of the ligament pain. Is this normal? Is anyone else getting this? I am such a baby and was almost crying because it was so painful. DH thinks I should have called the doctor last night but I don't want to call over every little thing. I feel like such a wimp if these are normal pains.
How am I going to make it through L & D? Even with an epidural, you still feel pain until they can giive it to you.

What are your thoughts/suggestions? Thanks ladies! Chat Icon

UPDATED: I called the doctor and he said that if this happens more than four times in a hour after I lay down, to come in.
Apparently this is the baby's head pressing on my cervix this happens when I am sitting and then I stand, at night when I move around in my sleep, or when I walk sometimes and these are normal pains. Basically any movement can trigger it. So they want DH to "time" them tonight after I am laying down. The doctor also said that these pains can sometimes be worse than labor pains and I am not a whimp. Chat Icon

I feel a lot better now. I just wanted to post an update for everyone else who might be feeling these pains as well.

Message edited 3/27/2006 3:54:38 PM.

Posted 3/27/06 10:55 AM
Long Island Weddings
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I love my DS!!!

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Re: For those 30+ weeks (Warning- TMI)...

I haven't had these symptoms but I wanted to send you some Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon I hope you feel better soon.

I know how you feel about coping with pain. I am the same way when it comes to pain, a big baby! That's why the thought of L & D is really starting to scare me, especially with me getting so close to my due date.

Posted 3/27/06 10:58 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: For those 30+ weeks (Warning- TMI)...

I have been getting that for the past 2 weeks or so, plus I have a constant burning sensation in my left upper thigh, all of which the doctor said is normal and I can't do anything for.

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Posted 3/27/06 11:12 AM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

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Re: For those 30+ weeks (Warning- TMI)...

Yes Im having this happen too - but I thought it was the baby - she is in position and head down and moving a lot - feels like she is head butting me down there and it hurts - but it feels like little electric shocks that make me bend over and literally yelp "Ouch!" sometimes. Maybe it was ligament pains Ive been feeling - but yeah feels like someone is sticking me with a knife or something.

Posted 3/27/06 11:15 AM

I'm two!

Member since 5/05

4320 total posts


Re: For those 30+ weeks (Warning- TMI)...

I don't have the same type of pain; mine is more like I've been riding a horse for hours. Things get so stiff and sore up in there that I have a lot of trouble walking, and rolling over in my sleep is VERY painful. It's not every day though thank goodness.

Posted 3/27/06 11:20 AM

Grace is growing up too fast!

Member since 10/05

11561 total posts


Re: For those 30+ weeks (Warning- TMI)...

Thank you ladies! Chat Icon Chat Icon
Knowing some of you are feeling the same things, sets my mind at ease somewhat.

Posted 3/27/06 11:34 AM

I ♥ my boys!

Member since 5/05

4461 total posts


Re: For those 30+ weeks (Warning- TMI)...

I have been feeling like this for the past 2 days. I have so much pain down there. I am trying to deal with it. I know it's because my baby is lower and putting a lot of pressure down there. I am trying to rest as much as I can to relieve the pain.

Don't worry you are not alone Chat Icon

Posted 3/27/06 11:39 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: For those 30+ weeks (Warning- TMI)...

Posted by dandr10199
I feel like such a wimp if these are normal pains.
How am I going to make it through L & D? Even with an epidural, you still feel pain until they can giive it to you.

What are your thoughts/suggestions? Thanks ladies! Chat Icon

While they're "normal" pains, it doesn't mean they hurt less. If you break an arm, the pain is normal for a broken arm too but still hurts a lot. It's a completely different type of pain. For me stabbing pains were a lot more painful & sharper than actually labor pains. Mainly because I wasn't prepared for them, they would just hit me. With labor pains, you can actually just breathe through them because it comes in peaks & valleys. In fact DH would tell me when I reached the peak so I knew it would be over in a minute and I would have a minute to rest before the next one.

I can't speak to feeling pain with an epidural since I never had one, but from what I've heard you don't feel anything but pressure & need to be told when to push.

Hope this helps.

Posted 3/27/06 11:41 AM


Member since 9/05

8660 total posts


Re: For those 30+ weeks (Warning- TMI)...

Posted by dld4e

I have been feeling like this for the past 2 days. I have so much pain down there. I am trying to deal with it. I know it's because my baby is lower and putting a lot of pressure down there. I am trying to rest as much as I can to relieve the pain.

Don't worry you are not alone Chat Icon

same here

Posted 3/27/06 12:00 PM

He's here!!

Member since 5/05

1372 total posts


Re: For those 30+ weeks (Warning- TMI)...

I am 28 weeks and have been feeling alot of presure ... sometimes i get stabbing pain, sharp enough to take notice but only lasts for a few seconds.

the pressure doesn't feel like i wanna push but it feels like he's gonna srop out! it's so weird to describe, my dr said it was normal, but its a very odd sensation.

i thought the sharp pain was from not having enough fluids, but it probably is just stretching

hope you feel betterChat Icon

Posted 3/27/06 1:20 PM

Grace is growing up too fast!

Member since 10/05

11561 total posts


Re: For those 30+ weeks (Warning- TMI)...

updated on first post

Posted 3/27/06 3:47 PM

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