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anyone have specific landscaping plans for this spring?

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Member since 11/05

8749 total posts


anyone have specific landscaping plans for this spring?

I know there is snow on the ground right now, but I'm so ready for warm weather. Last year we moved our shed, got grass to grow, added a hammock area & gave our deck a makeover and rebuilt our fire pit. This year I want to add trees or shrubs for more privacy in the back of the yard and make it look landscaped. We are also going to build a pergola in the back of the yard as another place to hang out.
something like this
External Image

I'm also expanding my veggie garden. I'd love a new fence too, not sure if that will happen though.

Has anyone done major landscaping yet that they can share pictures of?
Did you do it yourself or hire people?
Anyone have their design planned for this year?

Posted 1/15/06 11:00 AM
Prudential Douglas Elliman Real Estate
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Member since 5/05

3127 total posts


Re: anyone have specific landscaping plans for this spring?

during the fall we ripped out an old shed behind our garage. We put up a new shed in a better location. In the spring we need to plant things around the shed and behind the garage. It will be a shade garden.

I want to paint/stain our deck.

Posted 1/15/06 12:46 PM


Member since 11/05

8749 total posts


Re: anyone have specific landscaping plans for this spring?

shameless bump for more ideas if anyone has them

Posted 1/17/06 4:56 PM


Member since 5/05

3893 total posts


Re: anyone have specific landscaping plans for this spring?

I can't wait to get started!

We closed and moved in last August. Did a ton of clean up of a VERY overgrown yard. Got about 1/3 through it before we got flooded, then I broke my ankle and then it got cold. We'll be continuing with ripping out years of vines and overgrowth any warm weekend we get.

I planted crocus bulbs throughout our side lawn and bulbs along a picket fence leading to the backyard.

I've already picked out the flowers and plants for the arbor (I hate roses so they have to come down) and I'm planning on tomatoes, cukes, and some herbs in the veggie garden (very simple this year).

We have to continue to clean out the over growth to get our fence replaced really soon (this last snowstorm blew part of it over).

We'll be adding some trees in the fall and while I am planning some really spectacular gardens, as we have a very big yard, It's going to take a long time and I'm afraid about getting in over my head too quickly.

Posted 1/17/06 5:28 PM

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