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Are you loving all the attention of being "pregnant"

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2 Girls For Me!

Member since 5/05

4377 total posts


Are you loving all the attention of being "pregnant"

Now that I announced my pregnancy to my family, friends and coworkers - seems like mostly everyone has a question or something to say and frankly i haven't got an answer for every single question they have and some are just plain none of their business.....just examples:

1) Are you planning to return to work?
When are you going back to work? Why?
(2) Do you plan on breastfeeding?
(3) How long did it take you to get pregnant?
(4) You should be eating more than that for breakfast? That's all your eating for lunch?....

Sometimes the questions really make me crazy and are personal ones, ones I don't want to share - or just don't know how to answer until the baby arrives......

I guess its the hormones going crazy - but while im loving the fact of being pregnant - sometimes the questions "From certain people" just really bother the heck out of me.

Does anyone else feel this way? What do you say?

Message edited 8/12/2005 10:18:44 AM.

Posted 8/12/05 10:17 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Are you loving all the attention of being "pregnant"

I don't know what it is about being pg that people feel that they can ask such personal questions.

My MIL used to ask me how much I gained after every appt. When I got fed up, I started to reply 'not enough for the doctor to be concerned'. She got the hint that God.

Posted 8/12/05 10:24 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Are you loving all the attention of being "pregnant"

It's truly bizarre how people say and do things to you when you're pregnant that they would never DREAM of saying or doing if you weren't... yes, to be honest, I got sick of it pretty quick. I'm also sick of the catty women in my office who are more thrilled than anything to see that I'm now the same size as they, and have to comment on it all the time. Two people, yes TWO, came up to me yesterday and told me I was getting "wide". Now, think for a minute - do you REALLY think that's something appropriate to say to a woman who has gained 33lbs and isn't feeling so hot to begin with? I've been pretty good this whole pregnancy with not letting it get to me, but yesterday I came home so down and DH had to spend the whole night cheering me up Chat Icon

Posted 8/12/05 10:47 AM


Member since 5/05

3416 total posts


Re: Are you loving all the attention of being "pregnant"

while i do love some of the attention that being pregnant brings, I get more aggravated at some people at my job too. I hate when people put their hands on my stomach and rub, and i hate when i am in the middle of a case with a patient, and someone will walk up to me and say "lift your shirt, WOW YOU REALLY POPPED THIS WEEKEND"...And every two seconds someone is asking, "how do u feel?" I know they are just being polite but i work in a hospital so no matter where i go, theres always someone asking. And my response is always, "fine". Do they really wanna hear, "Well, I get up to pee about 10 times a night, so i dont sleep much, My tailbone feels like it is snapping in two, i'm getting spider veins that are starting to look like roadmaps, my breasts are getting so big and heavy that I need a crane to hold them up, oh and its getting more and more difficult to trim up that "private" area in the shower!!! But other than that JUST FINE!!!!!!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

But what can ya do right???? So worth it in the end!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/12/05 11:11 AM

I'm Gonna be a Big Brother

Member since 5/05

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Re: Are you loving all the attention of being "pregnant"

Posted by CheeChee

while i do love some of the attention that being pregnant brings, I get more aggravated at some people at my job too. I hate when people put their hands on my stomach and rub, and i hate when i am in the middle of a case with a patient, and someone will walk up to me and say "lift your shirt, WOW YOU REALLY POPPED THIS WEEKEND"...And every two seconds someone is asking, "how do u feel?" I know they are just being polite but i work in a hospital so no matter where i go, theres always someone asking. And my response is always, "fine". Do they really wanna hear, "Well, I get up to pee about 10 times a night, so i dont sleep much, My tailbone feels like it is snapping in two, i'm getting spider veins that are starting to look like roadmaps, my breasts are getting so big and heavy that I need a crane to hold them up, oh and its getting more and more difficult to trim up that "private" area in the shower!!! But other than that JUST FINE!!!!!!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

But what can ya do right???? So worth it in the end!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
I couldn't have said it better myselfChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/12/05 11:55 AM

2 Girls For Me!

Member since 5/05

4377 total posts


Re: Are you loving all the attention of being "pregnant"

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
I couldn't have said it better myselfChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

EXACTLY!!! That's hilariousChat Icon

Posted 8/12/05 1:41 PM


Member since 5/05

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Tracey - brideinapril

Re: Are you loving all the attention of being "pregnant"

Posted by AnnBrunoXO

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
I couldn't have said it better myselfChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

EXACTLY!!! That's hilariousChat Icon

OMG!! I wish I could give some of those responses!!!!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/12/05 2:02 PM

Family of 5!

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<3 Mommy <3

Re: Are you loving all the attention of being "pregnant"

Everyone touching my belly drives me insane... I have one girl at work.. whose kids go to camp there, and after seeing their mothers hands all over my belly they feel they can do the same...

GET OFF OF ME!!!!!!!!

Or the best is when Im having my soda or a piece of candy...everyones comment... oh thats caffefine...oo thats sugar...should you really be having that???

Actually my DR said my can of coke a day is just fine... in actuality I would have to be drinking a 2 liter bottle a day for it to be harmful..and to add I took my glucose test..and when the results came my dr. said I could keep on eating that candy cuz me levels are just FINE!!!!!!Chat Icon

Im just curious when all these people got there MD's???

Posted 8/12/05 8:46 PM

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